4 FEBRUARY 1899, Page 24

Sell's Directory of Registered Telegraphic Addresses, by Henry Sell (167

Fleet Street, 21s.), reaches to nearly two thousand pages. The information is, it is true, given in different forms for sake of convenience of reference, and so repeated, but how vast the bulk of business that it implies !—Another annual publication is Dodd's Parliamentary Companion (Whittaker and Co., 4s. 6d. s, now in its sixty-seventh year.—)'he New Zealand Official Year-Book, prepared under instructions from the Bight Hon. R J. Seddon, Premier, by E. J. von Dadelszen (Eyre and Spottiswoode), is in its first youth, for this is but its seventh year It contains a mass of information about New Zealand production and trade. But we miss in the indeIthe word "arbitration."