4 JANUARY 1834, Page 10

t The //oath/ cotnPlahis this morning of the conduct of

the Post-office people at Portsmouth. It appears that when the agent of that journal applied at the Portsmouth Customhouse for three packets of Ameri- can newspapers, received by a late arrival, he was informed that, in consequence of a representation from the Post-office, the papers could not be delivered as usual, but must be sent to London by post. The cost of transmitting them by coach would have been a few shillings ; the Post. office gentry made a charge of upwards of six pounds for them ; but of course this demand was not acceded ea mid the papers were rejected. With such an incapable as the Duke of Reatmosu for our Postmaster-General, this glaring abuse of power must be submitted to, till the next meeting of Parliament : then, however, we trust that some reform will be administered, and some dismissals take place.