4 JANUARY 1834, Page 2


of the Bank to President Jackson, 6. Division in the House of Representa- tives on the Bank question, 26. A bill for the military organization of South Carolina passes both Houses of that State. 74. Commercial distresses, 74, 214, 334. The Senate refuses to concur in the choice of Bank Directors made by tho President, 526. Great meeting at Boston, 454, Mismanagement in the Post-office, 546. Riots on the Slave question, 742. New gold coinage, 838. Birth ing of a convent at Charlestou 867. Result of the elections. 1174. Belgium-Alarm of the Belgians at the warlike movements of the Dutch, 2e6. Seizure of H. Halms by the Prussians, 167. Riot at Brussels, 331; trial of the rioters, 790. heath of the King's son, 478. Change of the Ministry. 1742. Celebration of the Three Days, 909. Grand review at Brussels, 934. Opening of the Chambers, 1077.

Colonies-Bermudas-Immediate aboli- tion of slavery, 310. Canada-Opposi- tion of Lower Canada to the Gos ern, merit, 286. Jamaica-The Marquis of Sligo appointed Governor, 8(1; arrives . at Kingston, 526. The. Negro Emanci- pation Bill adopted, 74. Petition to the King against the Legislature of the Is- land, 310. Discontent of the Negroes, 814, 838, 846, 910. 934, 1054, 1174. limit -Defeat of Mehemet Al's troops, 1-67. Warlike imeparations against Arabia, 214. Arrival of a Russian Consul-General, 310. Defeats of the insurgents in Syria, 814. Banking of the Nile, 910. Revolt in Syria, 934. France-Speech of Baron Melton on the aggressions of Russia. Austria, and Prussia, 25; Ministerial recantation, 31. Budget of M. Ilumann, 50. Duel


between General Bugeel and M. Da- tong, 103; funeral of M. D n elo, 118. Prosecutions of the Press, 142, 166,214, 309, 814:866, 885, 1198. Law to repress associations, 286; resistance to the, 292. Meeting of agriculturists at Bour- &aux to petition for relief, 190, 233. Chamber of Deputies refuse to grout the money pledged to America for in- juries on her commerce. 309. Riot at Lyons, 333, 358; at Paris. 358. Go- verranent stock-jobbing, 430. Proposed reduction of duty on foreigu manufac• timed iron, 462. Death of Lafayette, 4714. Corruption of M. 'riders, 485. Presentation of a medal from the Aca- demy of Commerce to Dr. Roaring, 508. Marshal Soult retires from the Presidency of the Council, 694. Ex- pulsion of females from the Stock Ex- change. 775. l'ublic Works. 899. Sit- tings of the Commercial Cu oncil. 1005. Resignation of Gerard, 1029. The Mi. nistry, 1053, 1102. Opening of tho Chambers, 1149. Germany-Commercial confederation, 2, 53. Alarm of Prince Metternich on the arming of Englund and Frame, 25. Congress at Vienna, 79, 97, 331. The King of Prussia refuses to receive Ge- neral Goblet as Ambassador from Bel- gium, 406. Outrage on the liberties of Frankfort, 550. The Congress of Vienna denies the right of England and France to interfere in the affair of Frankfort, 580. Illness of the Emperor of Austria, 798.; The fortress of Montgatz de- stroyed by fire. 820. Colonel D'Este claims his right to the succession of Ilanover. 867. Dismissal of the Cham- bers of Ilesse Darmstadt, 1053. Esta- blishment of a tribunal to decide be. tween the Legislative Chambers and -.Sovereigns, 1102. Greece-Intrigues of Russia, 670, 790. revolts in Arcadia and Messina, 885. xi Anety of the King to abdicate, 934. Holland-Communication from the King to the States-General, 344. Fiurincial difficulties of the King, 718. Macon.. tent of the people, 957. Opening of the States-Geueral. 1029. Military preparations, 1150. lnilia-Failure of the firm of Cruttenden and Co., 412. Order from the Governor- General respecting the appointment of officers. 796. Subjugation of the Rajah of Coorg, 885. Natives eligible as justices, 894. Portugal - Sahlanlia takes Lcira, 97; Tones Novas, 14e. Lord Howard de Walden Ambassador to the Queen, 262. Valenga do Minh° surrenders to Admi- ral Napier, 339. The Mignelites de. forted before St. Ubes, 382. Capture of Coimbra, 478. Miguel retires on board a British ship, 526. Suppression of the Oporto Wine Company, 5,4. Alteration of the Currency, 742. Opening of the Cortes. 813. Don Pedro resigns the Re- . gency ; the Queen ilechred of age. 916. Last moments of Dou Pedro, 933. Mar- riage of the Queen, 1174. Reinses-The Grand Duke Alexander takes the oath of allegiance to his father. 478. Destruction of Tula by fire. 749; great fire at Moscow, 796. Grand ease. mons: in honour of the late Emperor, 917. Attempt to raise a loan, 1029. -


Spaiu-Martinez de la Rosa succeeds Zea Bermudez, 73. Appointment of a Com- mittee to inquire into the Public Debt, 118. Disturbances in Madrid, 238, 704, 719. Carlists enter Vittoria. 286. Con- vocation of the Cortes, 382, 526. Con- fiscation of the property of the Clergy, 430. Recal of the Prussian Minister, 478; the Pope's Nuncio, 502. Procla- mation of an amnesty for political of- fences, 523.. Defeat of the Carlists, 550. Censorship of the Press, 574. Don Carlos in London, 5e0. Opening of the Cortes, 742. New Criminel Code, 798. Financial arrangements, 775, 882, 868, 909, 934, 957, 1029, 1077. Bill of Rights, 861, 885. Burning of the convent of Aranzaza, 867. General liamagosa shot, 934. The Budget, 981. 1

Turkey-Sketch of the treaty with Russia, 98. New treaty, 175. Reply of the Sultan to Lord Ponsonby on the treaty, 286. Preparations for war. 622. Dis- satisfaction at the appearance of the British and French fleets, 718. Peace with Mehemet Ali, 1150.


The Court at Brighton, 2. The Dutchess of Kent and the Princess Victoria visit 'Covent Garden, 26; the Adelphi. 74; the IlatioNer Square Rooms, 98. His Majesty goes in state to open Parlia. ment ; receives the address from both Houses, 192, The Queen's birthalay, 194. Grand dinner at Windsor Castle, 243. Their Majesties visit Kew, 310; the Duke of Cumberland, 364. The Earl of Errol invested with the Order of the Thistle. 364. Dinner to the Knights Grand Crosses of the Bath, 361. The King holds a Chapter of the Order of the Bath, 388. Their Mein- . ties visit Drury Lane, 388; Covent Garden. 411. Grand entertainment to the Knights of the Order of the Thistle; the Dutchess of Kent entertains a party In honour of the marriage of the Princess Ilohenloe, 435. Launch of a frigate on Virginia Water, 459. Presentation of a pair of colours to the Cadets at Sand: horst, 481. Dinner to the Jockey Club; celebration of his Majesty's birth-day; 504. Speech of the King to the Bishops, 505. The King and suite visit Green- wich on the anniversary of Lord Howe's victory, 532. Anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo. 579. The Royal party attend the Musical Festival; 603. De- parture a the Queen for Germany. 631; arrival at Rotterdam, 652. Viscount Melbourne appointed First Lord of the Treasury, 674. The King holds a Chapter of the Order of the Oarter, 771. Arrival of the Queen in England. 780; congratulatory addresses, 838. Their Majesties visit the ruins of the houses of Parliament, 1006. The King re- ceives the seals of office from the re tiring Ministers, 1102. Illness of the Duke of Gloucester, 1126; Iris death, 1156; funeral, 1178. Drawiug- rooms, 26e. 364, 459, 579. Levees. 194, 218, 243, 2fie, 290, 388,438, 504, 627, 652,674, 701, 717,700. Post-office charge on American papers. 6,

53; sh p ips' arcels. 148; m m

anageent of the, 509; transmission of nee simpers, 917. Frauds in the Westminster Court of Requests, 75. Lord Durham and the Press, 75, 100. 123. Lord Auckland's salary. SO. Refusal of the 13enchers to admit Whittle Harvey, 99. St. Siino. Mans, 99, 122. Trial of the True Sun, 122. Retirement of Baron Bayley. 104. An address from the Clergy to the Arch- bishop of Canterbury. 122. flints of coal- whippers, 122. 219, 943. Bank liabilities and assets, 124, 771.846, 934. 1007,1104, 1e05. Ruinous effset of the Orders in Council on the China trade to British merchants. 124. Dicas and the Press, 149. 604. Pan nbrokcrs not liable for ac- cidents from lire, 148. Accident in St. Margaret's Church, Lotlibilry, 172. Sir Johu Campbell appointed Attorney. General,173. Opeuiug of Charing Cross Hospital, 195. Lord John Russell and Mr. Gleig, 196. Dispute between the East India Company arid the tea.dcalers, 218, 243. The Lord Mayor entertains his Majesty's Ministers, 290. Right of precedence of the Attorney-General and the Lord Advocate, 310, 750. Large steam-ship, 311, 355. Accidents on the River. 311.506, 532.772, 836, 959. Great meeting ill Copenhagen Fields. 366. Re- ward to Captain Ross and his crew, 437. Abduction of Mr. Gee, 461, 482, 653, 747. Disgraceful conduct in Tabernacle Chapel, 482.984. Changes in the Cabi- net. 501, 508. Tea-trade. 557. Mr. Grant appointed Governor of Bombay, 579. Finsbury election. 603, 627. Emigra- tion, 651, Mr. F. Lew is, appointed Chief Commissioner of the Poor-Lae a, 774. Model of a King's speech, 795. Bank- rupts in Guernsey amenable to the Eng- lish laws, 815. Dispute bele cox Mr. Dencombe and Mr. Fraser, 839. Murder at Pentonville, 862,899. Powerful stea m- vessel built for Die Pacha of Egypt, 885. The Privy Council inquires into the cause of the burning of the Houses of Parliament, 1006, 1030,1064,1104. Car- isle and the Church-rates, 1008, 1152, Liberation of Mr. Grant and Mr. Bell. 1059. Captain Marryat and Mr. Neale, 1079. Claims of Lord Brougham and Mr. Owen to the establishment of infant schools, 1082. Dismissal of the Whigs, 1083, 1101, 1125. Opening of the Re. gent's Park, 1104. Lord Brougham's last week in Chancery, 1111. Election Talk. 1111, 1133. 1157, 1178, 1203, 1227. Address from tile Metropolitan Mom- hers to their constituents, 1126. Rob- bery at the Customhouse, 1129. Appre- hension of a Policeman on suspicien of causing the fires at Rotherhithe, 1152, 1177, 1200,1224. Correspondence of Sir It. l'eel and Dr. Lushington. 1180. Lord Brougham's Letter to Mr. Bulwer, 1181. Ministerial appointments, 1197, 1205, 1221. Tory meeting at the City of Lon- don Tavern, 1222; dinner at the Man- sionhouse, 1223. The Spy System, Rich. mond rt. Tait'e Magaztne, 1224. Public Meetings-Bank, 268, 886, 958. East India Company 652, 701, 747, 749, 771. 791, 1104. Merchants connected with China, 172. Tea-brokers, 194. London Dock Company, 27. St. Ka- therine's, 75, 674. General Shipowners' Society, 27. South Australian Colony, 628. Spanish Bondholders, 791. Lon- don Uuiversity, 194. City of London Literary and Scientific Institution, 219, 850; Belgrave, 443. Artists' General Benevolent Institution. 505. Meeting for the Polish Exiles. 172. 435. Drury Lane Theatrical Fund, 269. Royal II umanc Society, 364, London Orphan Asylnm. 433. British and Foreign School Society,. 462. Roe al Society. 56. 136.160, 196, 352, 472, 533, 1112. Rail- way Companies-Southampton, 1007 ; Liverpool, 102; Loudon and Birming- ham, 195. Proposed rail-road from Scarborough to I.eeds, 4. Military outrages, 4, 507, 676, 702, 748, 816, 840, 864. Plan for reliev- ing agricultural labourers, '228. Storms, 28, 579, 726, 748. Annivenwry of the Lambton Collieries Association. 77. Murder in Greenwich Hospital, 102. Hunting a thief, 149. Leeds election, 173. Mentor of Mr. Richardson, 195, 219, 291,336. Escape of a lion and tiger, 195. Disputes betneen the English and French fishermen, 245, 289. Rubbery at the Bun,gay Bank, 269. Conviction of the Dorchester labourers. 270. Prose- cution of the Shrewsbury Chronicle, 312. Trial of an overlooker in a factory for killing a boy. 312. Church.rates, 412, 839, 984, 1037, 1080, 1158. University of Oxford petition against the admission of Dissenters. 412. Installation of the Duke of Wellington at Oxford. 551. Fall a a cliff at Ramsgate, 676. Sir John llobliouse at Nottingham, 701, 704. Trial of the validity of a will at Dor- chester, 726. Assault in St. George's Chapel, Windsor, 749. Trial of Mosley and Garside, 773; removal to London. 1105; execution, 1129. Earl Grey at Newcastle, 791; at Morpeth. 815. Lia- bility of brokers, 792. New dock at Liverpool, 840. Discovery of a band of thieves in a wood near S slisbury. 864. Dinner to Messrs. Attwood and Schole- field, 887. Earl of Durham at Newcastle, 1106; address from the Reformers of Derby, 1153. Loss of life On the Mer- sey. 1108. Reform meeting at Taunton, 1200. Sir R. Peel's Address, 202. Comte- martial, 461, 533, 820, 888, 912.937. 959. Bares-Ascot. 556; Doncaster, 087,895; Egham. 817; Epsom, 506; Goodwood, 726; Newmarket, 412. Division-Lists. 199, 221, 246, 443, 777. Revenue, 26, 29, 333,655. 961, 927.


O'Connell and Mr. Pease, 5. O'Connell's Second Letter to the Protestants of Ireland. 54; on the repeal, 365; to the Dublin Pilot, 422; to the electors of Wexford, 603; to the People of Ireland, 817.913; to Lord Duncaunon, 841, 865. 892. 1009. Sentence of Mr, Barrett, 78; letter from, 102; liberation of, 653.


New Gnd Jury Bill, 54. Court-mar. . tial on Captain A. Wathen, 123. Sup pression of the Pilot newspaper, 1;4. Outrage in the Court-house of Rath- keale, 270. Funeral of Dr. Doyle, 605. Meeting at Cavan to petition against the Coercion Bill, 703. Meeting of Con- servatives. 775, 793. 798, 818, 935. O'Connell's meeting, 794. Affray at Ballyeagh, 819. Attempt to assassinate Mr. Ryan, 894. Cobbett's entry into Dublin, 895, 937. Perrin sworn in Lord Mayor of Dublin, 937. Orange meet- ing, 1057. 1226. Dinner te O'Connell, 1109. Anti-Tory Association. 1154. Tithe slaughter at Ratheormac. 12:6.


Contest 'between the Dissenters and the Church, 103, 196, 241, 337, 493. 507, gricuttural meeting inn Perthshire. 244. Election for Perthshire. 436. Death of Mrs. Burns, 3.32. Anti-Corn- law meeting. 484. Dinner to the Et. trick Shepherd, 819. Preparations to receive Earl Grey, 842, 865; at Cold- stream, 888. Lord Brougham at layer- ness,865; at Aberdeen,888; . at Dundee, 890. Grey Dinner at Edinburgh. 890; speech of Sir J. Campbell, 914. Been hog of the Association of Sarans, 893. Earl of Durham at Dundee, 959; at Glasgow. 1032. Anti-Reform Diener at Aberdeen, 1058. Meetings on the dismissal of the Ministry, 1132, 1155, 1177. Lord St auley elected Lord Rector of Glasgow Uni- versity, 1226.


Disasters at Sea-Loss of the M inerv 462; the James. 606; running ultra mut the Cameleon. 816, 840, 898, court mar-

tial - tial on the officers the Castor, 863;

loss of the William Scott, 1032. Steam- boat disasters-Burning of the Dover Castle. 28; the Inniefail, 914; the Thetis, 959 ; loss of the Superb, 1055. Fires -In Loudon, 100, 577, 701. 959.1.176; Houses of Parliament, 982; I-bonnier- smith, 936, 1106 ; Rotherhitlw, 1055, 1080, 1129; Liverpool, 78, 793, 9s5 ; Taunton, 506; Oldham, 632 ; North Teuton, 676; Colchester, 1925; explo- sion of gunpowder at Birmingham, 436; at Dartford, 605.


Meeting of Parliament, February 4th. Agricultural Distress, 168.652. Appeals in the house of Lords, 267. Australian Colony, 602,674, 699, 723. 787, 770. Bar- rett's (Mr.) Case, 193. Beer Bill, 263, 411. 459, 577. 724, 754. 770. Bisliops, removal of the, from the L'pper [louse. 239. Breach of Privilege-Morning Post, 602. 626. Bribery at Elections. 240. 288. Budget. the, 142, 694. Cabinet Secrets, disclosure of, 651. Calumnious Statements in Parliament, 697. Camilla. Misgovernment of, 362, 745. Charge agaiust the Irish Members, 120. 143. Christchurch Rectory 1301, 459. Church -England, abolition of Charch-rates, 264, 382; reform of the, 457, 479, 603- Ireland, 410 ; Mr. Ward's motion, 502, 527, 528; debate in the Lords on the state of- the Church, 529 - Scotland, Patronage of the, 121, 193,361. Church and State, separation of, 456. Civil Pensions Bill, 459. 531. Coercion 11111, 578, 602, 624 ; Mr. Littleton and Mr. O'Connell, 624, 647; Dissolution of the Ministry, 643, 673. 697, 719; bill taken up to the Lords. 790; passed, 721. Corn- laws, 214, 265. Corrupt Boroughs - Liverpool, 193. 240, 264, 403; Canick- fergus, 218; Hertford. 240, 218; star- '- ford, 218, 264, 283; Warwick, 218, 240, 263, 283, 408, 459, 504, 700. 743. Cus- toms duties, reduction of, 626 Deo u of Raphoe and Down, 240, 289; Lord Plunkett's Defence, 434. Debts of the et% ()off tOhueilc2, 17723; , .42.4i.ssioDnisset on titmhse. Universities. 264,286, 383, 576,600.626; rejected by the Lords, 722. Distress of the hand-loon. weavers, 552. Divisions, 146, 652, 673. Dorchester Unionists, 364. Drurikenness. 530; report or the Committee, 741. Education, National, 361, 529. Election Expenses. 147. Election at Colchester, 697. Escheats to the Crown. 147. Estimates-Army. 192. 216, 241; Ordnance. 266, 289; Miscellaneous, 362, 746; Navy. 170. Exchequer, the New, 241,28S, Foreign Relations-France, 147; Russia, 553; Spain and Portugal. 434, 459, 504,746; Turkey, 266. Four per Cents., redac- tion of the, 435. 433, House-tax. 171. 480, 531. Impressment of Seamen, 217. m

Ip m

risonent for Debt, 480, 551. Inns of Court, case of Mr. Harvey, 458. II2• terruption of Members going to the House. 602. Jewish Disabilities, 384, 479, 504, 552; rejected, 600. Labour Rate bill, 530. Leopold's Annuity. 147. Libel Law, amendment of the. 170. 262. London arid Westminster Bank Charter Bill, 434, 504. 578. Malt-tax, repeal of the, 191, 266. Merchant Seamen's Widows, defeat of Ministers, 480, Mid- dlesex Sessions, 288, 363. Military Flogging, 122, 241, 698. filirrtff (tf Par- liament, 480. Musical Festival, 363.411. Ministry, the New, 670. Nevada°, battle of, 577, 700. Newspaper Tsxce, 479. New House of Commons. 745. Observance of the Sabbath-Sir Andrew Agnew's bill, for England, 240; re- jected, 408; Scotland, 409, 700; Rejec- tion of Mr. Ileskotles bill. 479; Mr. Poulter's bill, 531, 600, 627 ; rejected, 674; Lord Wynford's bill, 457. Offi- cial Seats in Parliament, 409. Parlia- ment in Ireland, 553. Parliamentary Oaths, 241. Pension List, inquiry. 167. 192; Mr. Harvey's motion. 430. Polish Exiles, 239, 531, 553. Poor-laws, amend- meat of the, 360; debate on the second reading. 432; in Committee, 455. 478, 504, 530, 550, 574, 600; ireroduced to the Lords, 626; read a second time, 695. 718; passed, 743, 769. Post-office. 147, 559; debate on Mr. Wallace's mo- tion, 601.746. Postage of Newspapers. 603. Prisoners' Counsel bill. 530, epos. 6:27, 700. Reciprocity System. 531. Reduction of the Militia, 531. Reform Act, amendment of the, 576. Registra- tion of Births. Deaths, and Marriages. 459, 578, 626; of Deeds, 411, 434: of

Voters. 553,700. Religions Assemblies Bill, 435. 459. 553. Repealof the Union. 334, 406; the King's Answer to the Address, 408. Riband Trade of Coven- try, 577. Roman Catholic Marriages in Scotland bill. 242. Scotch Entails, 459. Scotch Judges' Salaries, 435. Septennial Act. Mr. Tennysmee motion for the reyeal of the, 454. Smith, Baron, 14a, 169. Sugar-duties, 192. Tea-duties, 260, 434. Tithes-England, 218. 359; Ireland, 169 ; bill introduced. 193; debate on the second reading. 410; read a second time, 433; in Committee, 598, 622, 7'21; passed. 743; rejected by the Lords, 766. Trades Unions, 242, 410. Uniformity of Wills, 627. Proro- tattle% 771.



st;es, Proved, 537; Account of. 561. ide-Toi, 341, 363,392.

Anti Reforming Demonstrations, 1063. Army-Estimates of the, 150; Military Torture, 680, 804, 849; Demoralized State or the, 706; Necessity for Mili- tary Reform, 730 ; I I ints for a Reformed War Budget, 824; Useful Employment of the Military, 942,

Australia-The New Colony, 7• South Australian Association, 34, 610. 653; The New Province of, 631; 779; 1040. Bad Joke, 680.

flatlet, Necessity for-Leeds Election, 129. Bank Charter Bill, nes it carried by Bribery, 82.

Beware of Tory Bell-welbers and Tory Make-bates, 1209.

Blarltwobd and the Exclusives, 9. Blood-hounds-Rural Sports, 249. Bribery, Punishment of, 342.

Brougham (Lord) - N Miseries of, 223; Poor Ohl, 296; Fall on O'Connell, 415; Spectator's Treatment of, 562; Before the Libel Committee, 581, 593; Opinion of, Newspapers and the Law of Libel, 633; Practice and Professions of-Plu- ralities, 680; " Unnobling " of, 707; Laudation of the Peers, 779; in the Pro- vinces. 800; the Newspapers and, 825; Speech to be Spoken by at Edinburgh, 869; Falsehood Exposer), 897; Trickery sees 'is Truth-the Earl of Durham :nue 990; Lying on a Large Scale. 991; Tory Tactics, 1017; Central Court Bill and, 1063; Public Men : Overt Acts of Tien- son, 1064; Brougham Bubble, 1089; the Dowager Chancellor, 1114; Defence of, 1184.

Burdett, Sir Francis, 273. Beres, the Skill of, and the Skulls of Ten Dutnfries-Men, 343.

Ceylon and its Government, 732, 751. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Qualifica- tions ore, 1088.

Chi ea Trade, Jobs and Blunder in the Regulation of the New, 8.32; the New Tax on British Shipping, 123. Chinese Puffing, 109.

Church-Reform Demanded by Church- men, 10; Refractory Churchwarclens,35; Clerical Patronage of the Oligarchy, 81 ; Tricks of the High Church Party. 152 ; the Way to Choose a Dean, 394; Heresy in the. 342; Voluntary and Compulsory Support of Religion, 392; Reform of the Irish - Mr. Ward's Resolutions, 410; Progress of the Church and State Ques- tion, 463; Separation of Church and State. 497; Equitable Appropriation of the Irish Church Revenues. 487; Inter- nal Reform of the, 511; Acts and Pro- fessions, 539; a Clerical Job in Parlia- ment, 559 ; Income of the English. 729; Despairing Struggles, 919; Bishops and Vicars versus Curates - Mr. Lyons and the Beresfords, 942; Preferment of Plu- ralists in the, 1016; Retribution : State of the Irish Clergy, 1089; Wealth!, and Persecuting Church of Ireland, 1139. -City Improvements and City Churches,83.

Civic Feasting at the Public Expense, 83; Retrenchment, Counting the Cost, 368.

_ -Coercion Bill, Reasons for Renewing, 609.

Consuls and British Diplomatists Abroad, 798.

Constitution in Abeyance ; the First Bri- tish Dictator, 1113.

Corn Catechism, 153, 179, 201, 226, 249, 274, 296,318, 342,370,396, 417, 441, 465, 438, 513,538, 561, 594. 611. -Corn-Laws-Agitation of the. 35. 82, 128: Operation of the on our Foreign Com- merce, 58; of Past and Present Times. Compensation to the Monopolists, 106; Farming Capital - Agricultural Over. breeding. 296; the Oligarchy and their,

1016. - Corrupt Boroughs, Disfranchisement of. Conduct of Earl Grey, 273.

Cones Bondholders, Claims of the, 249. Courier and Spectator-Political Consis- tency, 659.

Criminal Law, Anomalies of the, 653. Croaker in the Country, from a, 535; to the, 563. 659.

Crown Prosecutions for Libel, Cost of. 248. Debtor and Creeiitur, Cruel Operation of the Law of, 634.

Deccan Prize-Money-Dividing the Spoil, 12.

Denman Peerage. 293.

-Dissenters-Petitions of, 223: Church and State-Case of the, 247; Policy of the Conformists, Gil; Admission of, to Uni- versity Degrees, aud Consermenees.752. District Surveyors, 922.

Dorchester Labourers - Cruel Punish- ments on False Pretences, 317.

Drunken Committee, Report of the, 756 Letter from Mr. Buckingham, 779. Duke of York' sColumn, 341.

Durham (Lord). Glasgow Dinner to. 984; at Glasgow; the Objects of, True Re. formers. 1014, 1039.

East India Officials, Preparatory Educe- lion of, 83.

Edinburgh, Representation of, 593, Edinburgh Dinner, 847,897. Elections-Expenses at, 341; Conserva- tive Reaction, 560; Working of the Re- form Act. 1015; Things to be Done, 1113; Cheap : " Down with the Tories!" 1159, 1103; One Word of Advice to the Electors, 1207; hints to Electors Pledges, 1230.

Excise Inquiry, 826. Fat Beauties, 343.

Fire, Superuatural Origin of the Late,1065. Free Trade, French Idea of, 249.

French Periodicals; Progress of Society in France, 920.

French Tariff-M, Duchatel-M. Thiers, 1018.

Genteel and Ungenteel Professions. 152. Grey's (Earl) Six Attempts to Resign, 729. Haivey's (Mr. D. W.) Case, Decisiou in, 756.

horse Guards, Dangerous Tory Influence at the, 778.

House and Window Tax -Aristocratical Taxation, 395.

house of Commons-Mode of Doing Busi- ness in the,127 ; Good Behaviour of the, 152: Divisions in the, 313; State of Business in the-Whig Procrastination, 340; Slovenly Legislation Business in the. 5e3; O'Connell Leader of the, 730; Leader of the, 1087; Comparative Strength of Parties in the,1137. 1160. House of Lords-Warning to the Peers and the Ministry, 106; Peers in their Judicial Capacity. 316; Obstruction to Rational Legislation, 562; the Lords and the Election Purification Bills, 607; How to Deal with the Obstructives - Ministerial Change of Policy, 706; Mar- quis of Westminster's Warning to the Peers and the Ministry, 752; Peerage, Reform of the, 777.

iluman Armadillo, 492.

Hume (Mr.) and Sir John Campbell- the Two Pharaohs, 538.

Impressment, 201. India, Who is to be Governor General of? 872. e99, 944.

Intemperance, Lordly Horror of Pauper, 369.

Irish Members, Charge against the, Lord Althorp and Mr. Shell, 127. Irish Prospects, 634.

Ireland, Earl Grey's Case against, 657; State of Parties in, 799.

Jeffrey (Francis) Farewell to, 465. Jersey men (the) and Governor Thornton, 776.

Jews, Restoration of the, 84.

Junius not Discoveted, 129.

Juries Ignorant, 317.

King Consort, the Future, 316.

Libel Law O'Connell's Amendment of the, 178. 273; Case of the Shrewsbury Chronicle, 317; Working of the; Sen- sible Manchester Juries, 1065.

Literary Pit acy, 965.

Magisterial Ignorance and Oppression,107 Nlau•Fox Chase, 155.

Mary lebone, Candidates for,179. Ministry-Actual Position of the, 464; Policy of the Grey Government, 510: Confidence in the, 537; Difficulties of the, 609; State of Parties-Formation of a New, 657; the Language of Slaves, 658; Duty or the, 824, 847; How should the next Liberal Ministry Act? 1139. Murray (Sir George), Political Treachery or, 610.

National Gallery Job, 154.

Napier (Lord) in Canton; an Unlucky Mistake, 1186.

Newspaper Stamp-tax, Consequences of the Repeal of the, 874. Newspapers, in France and England, Postage of, 634; Public Sale of Via. stamped, 920. Nonsense by a Judge, 248.

Official Show Horses, 441.

O'Connell -the Member for Ireland,1640. Parliament- Measures of the Last and Prospects of the Coming Session, 57; the Great Talking Nuisance, 129; Par- liamentary Morality, 152; State of Busi- ness in, 634; False Excuses for Whig Ministers, 679, 1016; Timely Prepera- tion for the Next Session, 800; Where shall it meet, 990,1037; Hints for a new Palace for the. 1013.

Parliaments, Short, 36; the Use of, 1208. Pease's (Mr.), Notion of Parliamentary Duty, 11. Peel (Sir Robert) at the Lord Mayor's Dinner, 1230, Pension List-Revision of the,178; Whigs and the, a Plain Statement of the Case, 439.

*People! Trust not your Bull-dog to the Tories, 1186.

Poor-Laws-Amendment of the. English and French System of, 200; Legal Pro- vision for the Poor, 224; Objections to the New. 415; Abuse versus Argument ; the Times in a Passion, 483; Opposition of the Magistrates to the, 944.

Popular Fete, 155.

Post-Office-Pay and Prosecutions of the, 36; Reform in the, 128; Duke of Rich- mond's Defence, 294; More Mystifica- tion. 369; the Public versus the - Mn. Wallace's Motion, 393; Duke of Rich- mond's Dernier Defence of the, 753; New Commission, 825; Acceleration of the Mails-a Hint to Lord Mulgrave, 8.48; French Postage on British Jour- nal5,965 ; Communication between Eng- land and France. 1064.

Press-Uoverumeut Prosecutions of the,

753; Conservative Designs on the, 848; Metropolitan, 1115.

Prize Fights- Brutes of the "Ring," Cll. Property in Land, 320. Reform Act, the Theory of the, 200. Reformers' Battle Cry, 1207.

Reformers, Views of the Practical, 560. Revenue-Deficient Control of the Public Expenditure, 392.

Robbers (the) Finger-tip, 84. Robins, the Beauties of, 49.

Robinson (Captain) and General Darling, 202, 921 ; Case of : Libel Law, 1185. Russell (Lord John) and Mr. Gleig, 248.

Reasous for Whig Un- popularity, 368.

Scotland, Progress or Luxury and Ex- pense in, 9.83; Administration ofJustice 111, 992.

Scottish Judges, Salaries and Expenditure of. 919.

Shipowners, More Complaints of the. 35. Sinecures-A Holland House Job, 124. Smithfield-Shambles Reform Bill, 394. Spanish Bondholders, Claims of, 800, 827. Spending Class, One attic', 316, Spies, Government : the Ministers of 1917 and 1834, 1231.

Stanley's (Mr.) Breach of Decorum. 441. Steamers and Wherries on the Thames, 735.

Street Reform, 511.

Sugars, Equalization of the Duties on East and West India, 153.

Summer Holydays, 512, Sweden, Statistics of, 607.

Tailors, Revolt of the, 416. Tea Riot-New Duties Examined, 222. Tea Sale, the First, 969.

Temperance Societies - Substitutes for Gin and Beer, 37.

Tithe Massacres : Down with the Tithes, 1231.

Tithes-Devonshire:Landowners' Assault on, 58; Interest of the People in the Just Settlement or, 318; The New Tithe Project, 369; Tory Tithe War in Ireland; Down with the Tithes, 1185. Tory Doctrines in Ministerial Newspapers, 537.

Trades Unions, 274; the Procession of the 392; the Other Side, 392.

Ware ick, Case against, Fairly Stated, 873. Wellington-Champions of the Church, 538; Alma Mater's Reception of her Champion, 563; Toey Tactics : How to Treat the Wellington-Peel Reformers, 1160; the Duke and the Times; Men not Measures, 1183.

Whig Unpopularity, Symptoms of, 316; Patronage of Tories : Tory Defiance of Whigs, 1088.

Williams (Dr.), Case of; Cashiering of Half-pay Officers, 848.


Adam the Gardener, 65.

African Sketches, 468.

Allan Breck, 86.

American Almanack, 1212.

Angler in Wales, 636; in Ireland, 925. Animal and Vegetable Physiology, 566. Anne Grey, 1019. Annuals, Literature of the, 1021, 1069, 1119.

Arithmetic, Lardner's Treatise on, 698. Asia Minor, 710.

Autobiography of a Dissenting Minister, 1071.

Ay esha, the Maid of Kars, 514.

Itaboo (the) and Other Tales Descriptive of Society in India, 40.

Banking, Gilbert's History of, 156. Baronet. the, 159.

Belgium and Western Germany, 649. Belgium and Holland. 948.

Bibliotheca Heberiana, 326, 518. Birmingham, the Book of, 64.

Black Book, Appendix to the, 1212. Black Watch. 14.

Book of Penalties. 470.

British Admirals, 759; Colonies, Martin's 134, 615, 733, 8211; Howison's, 733, Brydges, Sir Egerton, 590. Bubbles from the Brunnens'ofNassau,204. Iturke's Life and Works, 518.

Burns, Allan Cunningham's Life or, 16. Causes of the Corruption of Christianity, 1189.

Celebrated Women, 88, 279, 591, 1023. Cheerios Peerage Casee949, Channel Islands, 418.

Child's (the) Economic Instructor, 854. China. Gutzlaff's. 877; Voyages along the Coast or, 420.

Christian Revelation, Reese on the, 399. Church and School, 159.

Coast of Ava, Crawfurd's, '708.

Counexion of the Physical Sciences, 255. Conspiracy, the, 400.

Constitution, Theory of the, 131. Cottages and Cottage Ecouomy, 1191. Court of Sigismund Augustus, 901. Crabber' Life, 111; Posthumous Poems 800.

Curiosities -of Literature Revised, D'Is- tech's, 180, 735.

Deere, a Nove1,639.

Description of the Azores, 1164.

Destinies of Man, 351.

Domestic and Financial Condition of Great Britain, 902.

Drew (Samuel) Life of, 851.

Dryden, Scott's Life of, 401. Egypt and Mohammed Afi, 510. Encyclopsedia Britannica, 279.

England, an historical Poem, 496. Entomologia Edinensis, 183.

Evillences of Christianity, Steele'. Philo. sophy of, 831. Excursions in the Holy Land.229; in the North of Europe, 298.

Fairy Legends andTraditions order South of Ireland, 950.

Feathered Tribes of British I alands.229. Forest Scenery-Lauder's Uihpimt, 119. France, Bulwer's, 946.

Frolics of l'uck. 158.

Gait's Literary Life and Miscellanies. 879. Genera! History, Vaughau's Introductory Lecture on, 278.

Germanic Empire, Denham's, 1070. Gleanings in N Metal History, Jesse's, 229. Great Britain forth.? Last FortyYears, 180. Guide to 'the Highlands and Islands of

St:or: 35 17d. 1 , 782; Guide for the Wine Cel- laHamilton% or the New Xra, 252. Helen, 203.

Ilenri Quatre, 736.

History of Scotland, Tytler's, 494. Imaginative Biography, 230.

ludia. a Poem, 400 ; Overland Journey to, 469.

Inquiry into the Ancient Corporate Sys- tem of Ireland, 828.

Ireland in 1824, 1116,

Italy, Bell's, 757.

Italy, Spain, and Portugal. 599.

Jack Ketch. the Autobiography of, 1163. Jacob Faithful, 900.

Jacobite Memoirs of the Rebellion of 1754, 348.

Journal of a West India Proprietor, 255; of au Embassy from the Governor-Gene- ral of India to the Court of Ave, 708. King's Council, Palgrave's Essay on, 85. Last Days of Pompeii, 903. Lay Sermons, Hogg's, 421. Lays and Legends of Various Nations, 230, 326, 807.

Lectures on I utellectual Philosophy, 1191. Letter to a Late Cabinet Minister, on the Present Crisis, 1140.

Letters from India. Jacquemont's, 994. Literary Souvenir, 1235.

Logic, Essay on, 496. Lois, a Drama, 1094.

Life of a Soldier, 471, 493.

Lives of the Necromancers, 541.

Makanna, 278.

Marston, 1212. .

Martineau's (Harriet) Illustrations - The Ferrer; of Budge Row, 13; Moral of Many Fables, 206; Town. 300; The Park awl the Paddock, 3.50; Teeth Haycock, 447; Land's End. 737. Matthew (St.) Translation of the Gospel of, 761.

Miner Morals, 563.

Miriam Coffin, 850.

31 iscellauy ot Natural History-. The Feline Species, 133. Moore (Sir John), Life of, 266.

More's (Hannah), Life and Correspond- ence of, 923.

Musical Reminiscences, 1094.

Napoleon, Life or, Lee's, 1044. National Education, 373; Lyrics, 325. Natural History of Animalcules, 349; of Birds, 1213.

Naval Sketch -Book, 401.

New Monthly Magazine, 61. Neilgherries, urray's Account of the, 831. New South Nrales Magazine, 325. Northmen. the, 373.

Observations on Secondary Punishments 761.

Octavia Elphinstone, 1093. Old Maideu's Talisman, 251, Origiues Biblicse, or Researches ,iu movot History, 542. Ornithological Biography, 1234. Outlines of a System of National Educe. tion, 496.

Parisian rrsisia1 1,Prasasetrrysc l3ook2.and Confectioner, 496 P .

Philip Van Aar:wide, 567.

Philosophy of Sleep, 181- Physiology Applied to Health and Edu- cation, 805.

Pilgrims or the Rhine, 227.

Political Christianity, 851. Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural I I istory, 997.

Prussia, Public Instruct:on in, 443.

Public Expenditure Apart from Taxation. 62.

Puerto Paco, Flinter's, 970.

Recess, the, 711.

Recollections or a Naval Life, 347.

lir eks on Crirnir•al Law, 374.

Resources and Statistics of Nations, 1210 Revolutionary Epick, 299. 592. Roman Coins, Ackennau's, 183.

Romance of Ancient History, 446.

Rookwood, 414.

Round Towers of Ireland, 39.

Sacred History, Sharon Turuer's, 1233. Salt. Life of, 516.

Sayings and Doings in America, 446.

Scholars of Arneside, 783.

Scott, Allan's Life of, 1118.

Selections from the American Poets, 1234.

Seven (the) Temptations, 254. Siddone (Mrs.), Life of, 639. Simeon South's Letters to his Kinsfolk.


Sketches in Spain,229; in Portugal, 1222. Slight Reminiscences, 780. South Australia, 660.

Spain Yesterday and To-day, 878; Me- moirs of, Dunlop's, 969.

Speculation, 470. Statistical Account of Scotland, 323,517 85:i.

Stuart's Recreation, 63.

'rail's Magazine, 39. Tales, Mrs. Holland% 492; Tales and Popular Fictions, Keightley's. 87; Tales of Woraatea Trials, 1164.

Teeth-Books, 89.

Topography of Rome and its Vicinity, 1142.

Tough Yarns, 1143.

Travels into Bokhera, 637.

'Trials and Triumphs, Tutnip Ely,1300, Tolls Frutti, 661.

Two Old Men's TM... 420.

Too Years at Sea, 566.

Iney Dail, 1046. View et .the Polynesian Nation, 877. Vineyards of Frauce cud Spain, a Visit to the, 6d7.

Visiou of the Fair Spirits, 806.

Voyage Round the Wash!, Holman's, 323. W ages null Combination, 109, 130. Wanderiogs by the Seism, 1190; III New South Wales, 971, 1045.

Waileish, or the Fatal Oek, 1047, 1063.

VVItite Rose or York, 662.

Viil Watch, 1091.

Wonders of Chaos and Creation. 350.

Words of a lielieser, 880.

Writings Of SS Ashington, 157.

Yea at ilartlelsoy. 9)9. Voting Hearts. 1164. Ysting Muacovit,, the, 22g.

Zuelegists mei Zuology, 927.


Ablitie Poets, 980. Almanacks for 1831. 1165, I192. A mend Biography and obituary for 1.s34, Is. Auti.Spelling A rch tory :Ind Archness. 99s, A rellitsetinal It:rector. 256; Magazine. 231. Art of Translating French bit. English it First Sight, 1192. A alum- nal Leases. 10e6.

Demo MS of Beaumont aud Fletcher. 639. Ill? lied Keepsake. 1096. Iliographiyal 'Memoirs of E xtraordinary Painters.

7'4: or Eminent tits. 737. Book of Aphorisms, by a Modern Pythagervau,

513. Book of Fate, 11.1. Book of Science, 1166. Botany. 90. British Child's Spelling- Book, 1236. British Manly Exerci,es, 184, 832. Iltioyau's Pilgtisn's Progress Metrically Con- densed, '207.

Cabluet Cyclomedia-Historv of Borne, 18. 640 ; Progress of the Physical nod Mat Isematieal Schemes, 112; Europe during the Middle Agee, 326 ; Manullie• tures in :Metal, 421 ; Lives of British Mullins's, 736. Cage Birds, 1199. Ca- lender of Natere, or Natural History or the Year. 301. CatniSlimn. 640. Cap- live Vigils, 736. Casket of American and Entopeati Gems, 784. Caves of Balls hunian. 231. C11:108 and the Crea- tion. 1192. Classical Atlas, 184. Cleone, 256. Collected Poems of N. T. Car- rington, 1093. Comic Alnutnack.1096. Companion to the Ansel jean Almanack for 1334 ; 42. Complete System of Cum- menial Arithmetic, 663. Coustitut of Great Britain. France, and the 'Ciskei States, 231. Couutess of Essex, a Tragedy, 689. Colonel Crockett, Life of. 640. Cottage Muse, 1192. Cowper, Life of, 301. Critics Criticized, 421. Curiosities of Literature, 240, 421. Cu- vier's Animal Kingdom, 447. Day Dreamer. 1166. De • La Macy. 1044. ' lieutItion aud some Coincideut Dis- orders, 231. Dietiouary of Geography, 471. Douglas 1/Arey. 447. Disguisi- ' 11005 on the Antipepal Spirit which pros duce,' the Reformsttiou, 639. Drawing- room Scrap-book, 971. Duties of Ilea, 417.

Elementary Course of Lectures. 184. Eh). cutiouish 1192. Eucyclopredia of Geo- graphy,23 L316.543. England and the English. 794. English Scenes and Eng- lish Civilization, 639. Enthusiast, the. 89. Excitement: 1696. Excursions in the North of Europe, 280.

Flours de Psx,sie Mialerue. 1048. Frogs and their Xing, 1136. Fruit Cultivator, 1018.

Gage d'Amitie, 1120. Garden. the, 928. Geography of the British Isles, 784.

• Gleaniuga from Many Fields, 929.. G ou- verneur,the,971. C reptile awl Historic; Illustrater, 471. Guide to Chess. 543. Guiduue.134. Guy Rivers the Outlaw

• ' 1048. - Hand- Books or Botany, hardening, and Allotment Agriculfure,1192. Hints Re- lating to Etnigtnets and Emigration, 855: Hints on Emigration. 301. „His- torical Beeords of the Royal Horse Guards, 6d0. History of the British Colonies, 134; of Glove Trade. 2,35; of &inland. 471; of France, 971; of Eve. shard, 1233. ITorM Phrenologicss, 447. Hvacinthe, or the Coutrast. 1235. Idea's of my Own. or Industrious Moments 'of an Idle Mau, 90. Introduction to Greek l'rose Composition, 905. Irish Farmer and Gardeuer's Magazine, 514. Job, 42. Journal of the Royal Asiatic • Society. 640. 'Lirconies. Or the Best Words of the Best Authors. 1023, Ladies' S.ItOPIttelt

lord Mercury Al hum,206. Lament. the, 18. Lay of Life, 66. Lecture De- sigsed as an Introduction to the Study or Anatomy, 832. Lectures on the Drama. 256; at Home, 927; ou the Ordinary Agents of Life, 971; 011 the LawS of England, 1120. Lessons in Arithmetic. 917. Letters and Essay a ha Prow and Verse, 301. Letters from In- dia. 971. Little Villager's Verse-Bock, 1166. livre doi.4C1aese I 11-141430 '1" Eleven do College Royal de Leiulres 231.- Loudon awl Ediehurgh Kates°-

Journal, 544.. London Jourpal,

, /16. Lyre i1 rord• t. 4 Magazines far Aprt , 27. Magic rrp-

Agy, 1166. ofsgregilah Gnaw- • mar. 784: Manual ofthe lilstOry of tho Political System of wow and its Co- lonies, 90. 44zqU. 19. Memoir of Sir Thomas Afore, 1093. Metrical Ex- '

wises upon Scripture 'feats, 964. Me trojeditati eohi..lt3,l Direetory.998s Mirror of Time, 447. Modern Novelist,. Collieries, 18. 11.'Phtia's:41tirle them:el Glasgow, 1166. /Bombs% 1048.

Narrative of a Passage from Bombay to England. 355; of a Voyeee on the til- des and Travels into Beldam, 616; of the Rise and Progress of the 3dis- si(1n at Orissa, 1048, Natural History.

90. 956. Naturalist's Library. 640- Naval Officer's Guide, 909. Neilgherry Hills. 42 New F.) stein of liermauent Fortification, 903. New Guisle to the French lemma go. 1166. Nursery 010w- big, or Children's Gill, 1096. Nuts to Crack, 1095.

Observations on the Colonies of New Smith Wales and Vain Diemen 's Land, 421. Organization of the A rtny of Prus- sia awl her Civil Institutions, 903. Oriental Fragments, 543. Outliues of Sacred Geography. 90. Oxford Uni- versity 3Ia gaziue, 184.

Paradise Regained. 736. Parliamentary Pocket Companion, 90. Perty Politics

XINts1.11, it a Letter Addressed to the Secretars of State for the Colenies.1235 Paul's Letters to his Kinsfolk, 855. Physiosnenty founded on Physielsgy. 519. Newry of Scotland, 543. Pieter'', of Private Life, 134. Pirate's Bride ; Pleasures of Home and other Poems, 18. Posket Medical Guide, 6-10. Poems, Roscoe s, 663. Poetical Works of Scott, 13. Poor- Law Act, 933, Pup:star II is- tory of Priesteraft, 301. 663. Practical Grammar of the German Language,

Practieal Treatise on Banking. 1936; on Domestic Pooh ry. 904. Praise mid Blame, 659. Principles of Geology. 951 ; or Opthalmie Surgery. 1096. l'ri sate Soldier, 184. PlaZi1 List of the Edits/mod' Academe, 832. Progressive Exercises in English Composition, 18. Quarterly Journal of Agriculture, 231. Queen Anne Buleyn, 1166. Raileay Companion, and Liverpool and Ma net lest G uitle, 1236. headiest Beady Reckoner ever Invented, 422. Reformed Parliament. 903. ItYperters of Patent Inventions. 856. Report on the Systems of Public Instruction in Prussia, 422. Reveutte and Expenditure of Ilse United Kingdom, 616. Revoca- tion of the Edict or Nantes, 927. Rhe- torical Speaker. 66 ; (lass-Book, 1236. Rival Sisters, 447. Boman Autiostities, 135. Romance of the History of France, 112. Rostaug, 280. Royal Marine, 207.

Sacred Ilarp, 903 Cabinet, 1096 ; Classics, 135, 855. 971 Ge021•31111Y, 110. Scenes and Hymns of Life.663. Scenes and Recollections of Fly Fishing, 447. Scenes in Ireland, 471. Sea Syr • vice, the, 256. Sea Wulf, 326. Selec- tions from t ho English l'oets, from Spenser to Beattie. 1023. Short Hand Standaol, 326. Sister's Tragedy. 951. Sketches of Natural History, 616; of Coins, 1191. Social Evils and their Remedy, 42, Solitude, 661. South Africau Alumnack and Directory tlar 1834. 49. Steam Packet and Coast Compaeion. 737. Stoic. the, 41. Seg. gestiotia for the Architectural Improve- ment of the Metropolis, 471. System or Arithmetic and Mental Calculations, 301. Symptoms aud Treatment of Ma- lignant DiarrIstra, 998.

Tait's Magazine. 112. Tales about Europe, Asia. Africa, and America, 471; for the British People. 91)4; of the Eng- lish. 927; or Distant Lauds, 928. Tat leyrand, Life or, 95l. Taxation of the

Empire. 134. Thirty Letters on the Trade of Bristol. 543. Time's Te- lescope. 135. Trades Unions and Strikes, 471. Trauslatious into English Verse from the Poems of Davyth up Gwilym, 9.51. Treasures of the Earth, 099. Trea- sury of Knowledge cud Library or Re- tereoce, 5.3. Treatise ou the l'rogress of Literature, awl its Effects on Society, 421. Trout and Salutou Fishing in Wales, 736.

Universal Cambist„ 689. Universal His tory, from the Creation of the World to the Begiutring ol the Eighteenth Cen- tury, 421. Value of Time. 689. Van Diernmes Land Annual, for 1834, 904. Vigil of' a Young Soldier, 230. Visit to the Banks of the Jordan, 928. Visits and Sketches at Home and Abroad. 616.

West India Sketch Book, 640. What may be Dime in Two Menthe; or a Summer's Tour throng]. Belgium, up the Rhine, and the Lakes of Switzerland, 543. Xenophon for lb:garners. 66. Young ladies' Book of Piety, 640. Young Seer, 136.


Bunn (Mr.') and the Dramatic Authors' Society. 899. Eastei Theatricals, 297. 390.

French l'lays at the Olympic, 321. Knox lea's Farewell Benefit, 707.

Mathews, a Vision of, 344. Mathews on the home Circuit. 565. AI aeries (Miss) Tragedy, "(4a. the First," 63.5.

"National" Thentres,372. Opening of the Whiter Theatres, 945. Showman Buun cud Whitotuitide Thea- (tic-ada, 491. Sardattapalue at Drury.1440e. 343; Seen with Other Eyes. 372, Theatres and Managers, 416.

Theatr Weis, 56. 10-1; 129, 156. 175. $4. 393, 539. 614, -06, 917. 962, 9106, 1913, 1037, 1085, 113e. 1159, 1205, IUpholder of the Legituarsto Drama, -166. VandenliefIs (51r.) Curiulauus," WS. Vauxhall, 539.


Amateur Festival, 1042.

Ballet, the -Tagliani and Duvarnay. 451 : the Elders, 371, 467, 614; the Spanish Dancers, 463.

Betteet Concerts. 417. 467, 481 Birmingham Featly:0.654. 965.

British Concerts, I Is6.

British Musicians, Society of. 1049. English I tpera • house, (he New. 541. 636. 651; Dpeuing of the. 68!; Need:duel, 707; history of the Lyceum, 731 the Dead Guest. 776; the Mountain Sylph. 827; the Widow Queen, 961; Cminuud Brig. 1012; Hermann, 1041.

French Opera- Le PO, aux Clercs, 321. Gerniali Opesa, 416. 159, 513, 565.

!Whim Opera. 80. 197, 251, 314,370, 393, 463. 467, 489, 513, 535.

Lectures on English Vdsal 11 armony, 1090. Lent Oratorios, 101, 151, 180.

Madrigal Society. Anniversary of the. 60. Nlesiserandems of is Whiter's Residelice aoseig the German Ms:Asians, No. 1 I I., 2,1; No. IV., 322.

Nletrossilitan Musical Festivals, 129, 180. Moselteles' (Mr.) Concert. 412. Music, Church -1,Vho are the Church Robbers? 587.

Music fi,r the People, 12. Music Hall, New, 1418.

(Royal) Festival, 341. 397. 441, 513, 561; Commeneement of the, 535; 611; Close of the, 635; Money Results of t he,731; Corrected Amounts ur. 1018, M usical Festivals in the Country, 803. Musical Keepsake for 1531,1343. New Mush!, 91. 239, 303, 370, 401, 443, 519. 515. 661, 712, 637,1)05, 1095, 1036 1164. 1236, Peg:mini, 316.

Philartuouic Consorts. 124. 154, 925, 275 346, 3)7.449, 183, 539, 5s6.

Progress of Music in London. 1091. 11 oval Academy of flusie. 297.

Royal Society of Mt:shams, 251. Vocal Cuucerts, 59, leS, 1e2, 255, 27:;, 1158.

Vocal Primer, GG.



Aerial Ship, 843.

African Glen. 493, Anatomical Plates, 91. 935. 13 63.

Architectural Improvemeuts -The New Palace, 785.

llabbage's( Mr.) Calculating Machinc,592. Birds of Europe, 231. lionington's Works, Exhibition of, ; 60. Brit isli I sistitut ion. 135, 471 ; C 'ohms and Beautiful Sight, 496, 839, 1167.

Brute of a Husband, 497.

Bust of Marvel, 423 Ityrun's lie:Mies, 1144.

Carvings, Pictures, VaSeS, Ftaiiied (11.1.35.

Fresco, aud other Room Decorations, 327.

Chemical Exhibition, 136.

Christ cud the Woman taken in Adultery 569.

Citation of Wickliffe, 42.

Civil Engineer and NI aelsinist, 617.

Cluck of All Work, 207.

Coleridge's Study. 1121.

t'olosseum. 423.

Corre„eio, two Pictures by. purchased of Lola Londonderry, 376. 544. ('ruikshank and his Imitators, 351.

Cruikshaek's Sketch Book. 351.737, 1163.

Cymon and Iphigcuia, 327. Early Piety, '207. Exhibition at Exeter Hall, 303.

Exhibition of Pictures. New and Old, 519 , 569.

Flower-pots, Vase-shaped, 881. Gallery of the Graces, 19,• of Por- traits, 19, 231, 32'. 856, 1072, 1163.

Gentle Student, 497'.

Harding on Elementary Art, 327, 352. Ilassiou's Reform liouquet,309 ; Lazarus, 407; Jtulgraetst of Solomon, 569.

II. B.'s Political Caricatures, 42. 91, 256, 423, 545, 594 651, 959, 1096, 11-14, 1168.

IlltiStratioas of the Amu:its. 919. 999, 1924, 1072 1120, 1143; of Byron, 19. 20; of the Bible, 303, 544. 856:'of Bulwer's Pilgrims of the Rhine, '232; of Gray's Elegy, 1144; of the Poetical Works of Scott, 19, '303; of the Standard Novelists, 472.

Lady Rachel Russell. Parting from her Illishand, 496.

Landscape Illustrations [of the Bible, 136, 443. 514. 737, 856,952, 1072.

Library of Fine Arts, 19, 231, 514. • Lithography, 472. Lodge's Portraits of Illustrious Person- ages of British History. 91. Major's Cabinet Gallery, 194231, 80). Modern Sculpture,1331. Musical Bore, 617. Napiees Victory over Miguel's Fleet,1144- New Prints, 207, 809,932. 1072.

Numismatic Engraviog, 569.

Piulorama, 479. Panorama of the Polar Regions, GO ; of New York. 558.

Pantheon, 497. 952.

relish Beadle, 616. Parody on Retzsch's "Faust," 1121. 'Pedlar, Wilkie's. 207.

Pictoria1. 1103Periodicals, 160, 317, 541. 737. 856.

Pictures at Christ Church, Oxford, 808. Poetical Tree, 809. Portraits -Tom Campbell; Stanfield; the - Duke Of Rutland, 207; Princess Vide- xis, 447,1072; la i,ls lima. 544; Wil- barfisee. 4317; the Ilenoarable 511s. Pelham, 856.

Retzsels's Fancies, 795.

li Asaderey. Exhibition of. 447, 471. Sculptures on the Nutlet-al Galhay, 1079, 1056.

Soliciting a Vote. 737.

Speeimees of Aucient Furniture, 91. Specisnens of the Details or Elizabethan Architecture, 352. 737, Stebbiug's Dlamond bible, 136.

Stotharul. Death of, 429.

St isslies from Nature, 327. 544. 737. 1072. Sittl'otk St reef Gallery. 302, 995,1024, Thsan's Statues of Old Mortality' and his Pony, 951.

Tour in Se it zerlausl, 11-14.

Turner's; Animal Tour, 1167.

Watot Colour Pa intent' Society-Election ei Three Members, 166; Exhibitiou of the, 492.

Water Colours, New Society of Painters in, 317.351.

Wood Statues of Church Reformers, 9513. Woke). Receivitig thee:nails:Ws Ilat.207.

LETTERS TO T IIE Abuses in Comtry Pest-offices, by a Sufferer, 156.

Admiralty Itet.erms, by a Clerk, 633, ltenthani(Mr.) and the Westniiust se .Re_

view, by i Benthamite, 1038, 1067. British Colonies, by a Nova Scotian, 33. SI, 176.

Church and State A buse-Supportine Meeting at Bristol, by a Bristol Sub- scriber, 1163.

Church awl State. by T. R. T., 467. Collaum's Modern .Novelists, by II. Col- burn. 33.

Cruikshank (Robert). Correspondeuce betweeu Mr. Kidd and, 376, 39), 422. Customs Benevelent Feud, by a Custom- house Clerk, 439.

Customs, Board of, by a Poor Clerk, 1061. Detotioual Siughtg. Effect of, in a Case of Mania, by .Jolun Epps, MD, 338. Down with the Tories, 1135.

Intrliam, to the Earl of, by A, II. C.. 759. Ediuburgli Review -Prospects of British Art, by B. R. Ilayslon, 493, Factory Surgeons, by C. II Miley, 1019.

Soil- Sure, Deathbed Deeds, a Soil- Government Patronage of the Church in 3.cot la usl, by Scums, 109,

"Great Crisis." lsy 0 Durhamite, 1115. Grey's (Lord) Poor Relations, by Plain Truth, 659.

Hints to Lord Althorn, by F.. 195. Horatio (Mr.) Ross and Isis Constituents, by Janne,: Anderson, 176.

Impositions at the Tuner, by a Coustuat It caller, 780.

Lessons for Senators. by T. F., 33. Nutalyel'ass.ni 2l

ge the e Kiug's Speech,

by. K. T

0. P. Q.; Letters from, No. I.. What is tu

become of Spain ? 79. II., Where are we in Frame, in January 1834? 105. III., Political Duelling, 126. IV., Attempts of the Holy Alliance to make an Insur- rection in Savoy, 151. V., 1•11e Strike of the Lyons Wei-Milieu, 177. VI.. Notisisig Cats gave France from Revolution, 197. VII. and Vt hi.. Projected Law against Associations, 221, 271. X., There is an End of the Alliance between the Govern- ments of France anal Great Britain, 293. X I., The Way to Save France,314. XII., The New French Ministry,339.

Repnlffican Resistance at Lyons. St. Etienne, and l'ariS, to the Law of Asso- ciations,367. XIV., Frame-What shall, and what cm we do to he saved? 390. XV. and XVI.. Apology for the French Republicans. 553, ;182. .XV IL, 'f he Mo- nopolist Eleetious,6e3. XVIII., Shouldt a. War with Russia be averted ? 655. XIX and .XX., The Gachis, 678, 705. XXI., The Fourth Anniversary of the Days or July. 729. XXII., Affairs of Spain, 751, XXIII-The Session 011834, 822. XXIV. and XXV., The Spanish Finances and the Approaching -Bank- ruptcy, 896, 913. XXVI., Spain Cannot Pay the Foreign Claims made upon rher, 962. XXVII., Spaiu Cannot Pay even her Reduced Debt, 963. XXVIII., The Disposable Property of Spain is not ecped to Pay her Debts, 938. XXIX., What have we Gained, and what have. we Lost, by the Changes in the French CabinOt? 1086. XXX., We have neither Lost nor Gained, fur the Doctrinaires have Come Back Again. 1112. XXXI,. Ills on Late. 1136. XXXI L, The French Stair Chamber, atml the Monstrous Con- demnation attar Natirmal.1206. Letter to Lord Palmerston, 413. Lafayette. 495, Address to the Dissenters of Great Brirtaiim. 06 nanir11ri.elaull, 535. Letter to Lord Duh

Paisley Election, by G., 271,1193. Part ore Letter on Responsible anal Irre- sponsible Power, by J. It. T., 751. Peculiarity in the Recent Exercise of the Royal Preregative.by Scipio:1.182.121)6. Presentation of a Sword to Colonel Wile hums Icy British Officers in Puatugal, by a Traveller, 940.

Progress of Music in Sootluud, by Veec14 9s7,

Reciprocal Circulation of French and Euglish Newspapers, by P. R..632. • Reckoning with the Tories, 1161. , Royal Musical Festival, 371. Spanish Bowls, by one of the .Unfeztu- nates..177. State of Portugal, by J. F. B. C. de U.. 199.

Toleration, by • Farmer's Daughter, 514: