4 JANUARY 1834, Page 9

In the early part of the present week, the Committee

appointed l.y the holders of Spanish Cartes Bonds addressed, by their Chairman, a letter to M. Vial., the Spanish Charge d'Affaires, stating their anxiety to be allowed to communicate with him upon the subject of their claim:: upon the Spanish Government. To this letter M. VIAL imme- diately replied, that although without any instructions from his Go- vernment, he was ready and willing to receive and forward any communication the Bondholders might wish to make ; and appointed air early day on which he would receive a deputation of the Committee. From the general tone of the correspondence, and the readiness with which the request of the Committee has been complied with, hopes are entertained by some of the more sanguine Bondholders, that their claims may at last meet witb some attention. We, however, only regard the conduct of M. Vial. as an act of diplomatic courtesy, and cannot congratulate the Bondholders on any improvement in their prospects.