4 JANUARY 1840, Page 13


At a meeting held in Glasgow on Saturday, from which non-electors were excluded, resolutions in favour of a repeal of the Corn-laws were carried by a large majority; though not without noisy opposition from some "reghta Chartists," as they are called by a Glasgow correspondent

of the whose letter is conspicuously printed in that Mieisterial Journal.

Sir Andrew Leith Hay has published an address to the electors of the Elgin Burghs, offering himself as a candidate when a dissolution shall take place.

The friends of the Liberal cause will learn with regret that General Sir II. C. Ferguson, M.P., is at present in delicate health), and may not, for a (flue, be able to resume his seat in Parliament.—Perth Advertiser. A summons has been served at the instance of the Earl of Kinnoull and the Reverend Mr. Young, on the Reverend Mr. Ferguson and others, members of the Presbytery of' Auchterarder, " for 5,0001. ia name of damages, and in reparation of the wrong done to, and injury and damage sustained by, the Earl of Kinnoull, in respect of the illegal refusal of' the defenders to take trial of the qualifications of the Reve- rend Robert Young, as presentee! to the church and parish of Auch- terarder fir" ;aim/, in name of damages to Mr. Yontitr, in consequence )1 his havine been illegally, :Ind through the wronged refesal of the defender6 hi discharge their duty by taking trial of' Ins qinliiications, ill terms of tin: judgments of the Court of Session and the house of Lords, kept out of pi,sse.ssion of the stipend, manse, and glebe of the parish of A uchterarder ;" fitr " 2,0i10/. Hh rehuiration of the injur:, done to his character and touch': It and to his afittas in the Church of Scotland, as a soh/than for the injury dime to his feelings hy and thrinigh the illegal refusaI of' the defenders to implement the judgments :" and for " 1,000/., more or less, as the expenses of process to t' ttllyx hercon."— Edinhury/i ( t,tiotwa.

A public meeting was held at Aberdeen on Sat .,,. Hy, and attende& by the niest respeetahle and influential citizens, :, tttatt a series of resolutions were pas:sed strongly condemnatory or i!„. ..!.Itiet of the

General Assembly :Ind the Commission in resolei t• tat to the Veil" Act after it had been declared ith•atil by the ft: itI. 'marts

in the country. The speakers, thountli djfl'eriIu: n t.. ill theie poli-

tied sentimelos, unanimously coneurred in the ,•• l■i" the meeting. :Meetings of an opposite character, and proposiatt. ills a pp! iso bun to the Leaislat lire for an alteration of the law, have ti7lecii place at Greenock. and Pert II.— 1::4 hi/erre/I Arta 1`..0 aro happy to utelerstand that the gentlemen of Glasgow and the neighbourhood intend, in a few days, to call a public meeting to con- sider the propriety of erecting a pillar in this city etnatitemorative of the military virtues of his Grave the Dulee of' Welliligtton.-01,/sgoie Guiltier.

Air. Phillips. of the Home Office, has written a letter to .\ hr. A. Ma- chin:1i, Dean of Feiiiilty of the Procurators of Ayr. statinn that the in- crease ofthe salaries of SherilkSubstitutes iii Scotland will be takea into consideration."

A meeting of the Palsley New Zealand Emigratitio Stfeiely was held on the evening or Saturday wcek, when it vats rasolviel to memorialize her 'Majesty's Government, and the Directors of the Now Zealand Laud Company, on belialfof the Society, for free pas.eitt••- ner the! mem-

bers, their wives and chilfhatn, to the new colotly Naiv Zealand, foundeul under the auspices dale. New Zatilmul !avid C eint ey. A cora- mine, eva.; appoiatisi to frame the memorials, atet tit71,.. e. promote

the °ejects or lice iii ety. Single i»ell and WO! Ile' I fifteen and under thirty years of age, of good character, and goitig out in charge of parents or s'el:ilioius, si ill be enrolled as adults.—Iihmeest