4 JANUARY 1845, Page 11

A report gains 'ground that there will speedily be a brevet promotion Ia. the Army and Navy.

It is contemplated by Government to send out another expedition to the Arctic regions, with the view of discovering the North-west passage between the Atlantis and Pacific; and the Council of the Royal Society, having been solicited to give their opinion as to the desirableness of such an expedition, have stated that hide-. pendent of the great object to be attained, the benefits that would accrue to the sciences of geography and terrestrial magnetism render such an expedition peculiarly desirable. The command of the expedition, we understand, lis.s been offered to Sir James Ross; should that officer decline it, it will fall upon Sir John. Franklin.—Hampshire Telegraph.

A pension of 846/. a year reverts to the country by the death of the Earl of Limerick. He had enjoyed it since the office of Clerk of the Crown and lianaper in Ireland was abohsfied.

The Lords of the Treasury have granted 7504 part of the Parliamentary grant for public walks, &c., to the Corponition of Sunderland, in aid of a plan for providing a place of recreation for the inhabitants; the only condition of the grant being, that the ground, when purchased, shall be legally and permanently secured as a dace of recreation for the people. It is intended to purchase and lay ont Bull. • Hill. The estimated cost is about 3,0001.; the remainder of which will

be • by public subscription.

Mr. Milnes of Philadelphia, a native of Fochabers, has bequeathed 20,0001. for founding a school for children of all Christian denominations in the town of Fochabers and parish of Belie.

The Kentish, Independent mentions that the Mechanics Institution of Darwen, a small manufacturing-village between Bolton and Blackburn in Lancashire, an institution supported by working men, has engaged Mr. Charles Kemble to read a play of Shakspere on each of two nights; paying him twenty guineas for each reading.

The deaths in the Metropolitan district last week were 1,249; the weekly eve= rage for the past year having been 946.