4 JANUARY 1873, Page 9


I( I(AMEHAMEHA V.., King of the Sandwich Islands, was the last AM race. He died last week, and the throne being vacant, the islanders will have to dispose of their own destiny., it is be- lieved they would prefer annexation either to England or to America, and the British and American Pacific squadrons have gone to Honolulu to see fair play. It is supposed the American party will win, and that the surrender of the islands will be ac- cepted, President Grant thinking that a naval station hall-way between San Francisco and China would be invaluable, and that laws could be made by Congress for the islands by a little stretch of Sèctióu8 of Article I. of the Constitution. We heartily hope the,iote"Will be in favour of the United States, as we do not want either the islands or the humiliation of seeming to decline them from fear of American annoyance. There may be need for a good deal of judgment, and some forbearance, on the part of the officers commanding the two squadrons.