4 JANUARY 1890, Page 32

The Tower. Etchings by C. R. B. Barrett, M.A. (Catty

and Dobson.)—Mr. Barrett begins by giving an engraving of the Tower from a manuscript of the fifteenth century. Then follow thirteen full-page etchings, not perhaps of the first quality, but quite good enough to show artistic feeling and a very remarkable amount of industry. Thirteen etchings full of detail, as some of these are, are not done without a very considerable expenditure of time and trouble. " Traitors' Gate " and " The Gateway of the Bloody Tower," seem to us as good as any. " The Beau- champ Tower," too, may be mentioned. The letterpress is in- teresting. Interspersed among it are various vignettes and the like. Altogether, a reader may get a very good idea of the Tower from Mr. Barrett's book.