4 JANUARY 1913, Page 35

. - Our Atty. By M. E. Francis (Mrs. Francis

Blundell). (John Long. 6s.)-Mrs. Francis Blundell always writes delightfully of country life, and, though her scene is usually laid in the West Country, she imparts the same idyllic charm to this story of rural Lancashire. Alty, her heroine, is a delightful creation, and quite one of the most favourable examples of modern feminism which has' appeared in. the pages of contemporary fiction. "Mester Fazackerly " also, the farmer, will enrich the circle of acquaint- ance of the reader; but he is not quite so original a figure as Any herself. The book is charmingly written, midis as refreshing to those wearied with modern Society novels as a breath of country air troidd beat a-hot London party.