4 JANUARY 1919, Page 2

The President, spx+skfmg•oa-eroenie9vn •Memeheetay - shes received - the - freedom of • the • city;

addressed- hiniselfi'dhisep.to+

America's place in the coming World Conference, and to the ideal of the League of Nations. Selfish interest, he said, did not hind men together ; it was a disintegrating force ; common ideals were the motive-force in polities. His idea of Anglo-American friendship was joint service to certain international ideals of justice and right. We must have a genuine consort of mind and purpose, with an easy and constant method of conference, "so that troubles may be taken when they are little and not Wowed to grow until they are big." Mr. Wilson seems to Contemplate a Conference which will adjourn after making peace, and reassemble when needed for the revision of its work. On Monday night there was a farewell dinner for the President at Buckingham Palace, and on Tuesday he left London for Paris an his way to Rome, to be the guest of King Victor Emmanuel.