4 JANUARY 1957, Page 43


more ruthless with eight. This coming year I think I'll be (

I shall spend all the money I possibly can With self-restraint admire tIER hats

I shall smile at the man with : 'You're joking.' When others rave about their Telly.

mode in a personal hexalogue beginning


Fail to stop talking of sunshine and rain. . . . or departmental policy); 5 loony logic : precedent); ,

2(1) I resolve to make no further resolutions. But

i; that itself is a resolution. So I must (2) resolve not to resolve, etc. and (3) resolve not to resolve i; that itself is a resolution. So I must (2) resolve not to resolve, etc. and (3) resolve not to resolve i. The failings irresolved against were strikingly L. S. C's verses quoted below. ) Now for the inconclusions. So many excellent never to tell my family home truths save for their (J. ii. PRYNNE)

Until the coming year is out! Earth canal systems,

(L. s. c.) Cricket.

Shall sum my rugged character). I will not smoke or drink.

\, Section 3—A nide XIV


I Determined and meticulous, my increments shall be I'll never be persuaded to devaluate the truth. (a. P. BATTON) Tranquillity shall overcome the hostile and uncouth; There. Drink, tobacco, temper, lies, taxation—all in I'd determine, Mr. Hewison, 1 wit 1, (perhaps)L. B..

Try not a pun, or verbal slide,


Help with each horrid household chore eschew parochialism (but resist colleagues' January 15. Results on January 25.

save the taxpayer money (while nevertheless, press-

Won't let me, Mr. Hewison. But my irresolewison