4 JANUARY 1963, Page 15


SIR,—While members of Delmer's team will be grateful to your reviewer (December 14, 1962), one of them would like to get the record straight, as no copies are extant of what 'Black Radio' actually put out.

(i) It was not primarily sexual. Stories of perver- sion, etc., were merely intended for listener interest. Delmer realised that no ordinary German worried about the perversions of his rulers unless their indul- gence of them connoted privileges which he could not share.

(ii) It was not primarily mendacious. Our stories had to be specific in detail: the more invented detail, the more difficult the story. Delmer's team knew all about the 'tangled web' of pure mendacity. The aim of the story writer was to find a true fact and place a plausible, though probably false, motive on it. (It was true that Gauleiters' houses were exempt from the billeting of the bombed-out, but not at all for the reasons that we said.) Straight por- nography was too easy and straight mendacity too difficult to satisfy our chief. If he leads your kindly reviewer to stress these aspects of his work, Delmer's assistants can see Delmer in a manner playing 'black' against himself and would wish in your paper to correct him.

And, oh no! The Pope was never 'viciously attacked.' We were much too subtle for that.