4 JANUARY 1975, Page 3

Christmas thoughts

Sir: My wife and I were gratified to read your editorial for the Christmas issue with its reference to the Christian Message. We have been wondering, as the economic situation throughout the world has been gradually growing worse over the years, when someone in the business or political sphere would relate it to the general rejection of Christian principles, which is now widespread. In our view the present calamitous situation in the country is the direct result of our moral decline, and until people in influential places start to make this point, we believe there is no hope of recovery.

For that reason we are grateful for your bold effort; and hope this is not a one-off Christmas effort to cheer up the sentimentalists! We are going to need to be reminded of these things, in the ever darker days ahead.

We send our cheerful greetings to you all.

L. Reeve Kingsmead, Court Road, King's Worthy, Hampshire