4 JULY 1829, Page 13


The lists of shipping brought tit the George Canning from N. S. Wiles are to the! 26th March, and furnish us with numerous arrivals at that colony. • Considerable interest has been excited this week by the non-arrival of the Marquis) Camden, Chinaman, which we mentioned in a former number, had parted from the Thomas Coutts in the straits of Sunda, with the view of touching at Raja Basta. The: latter ship reached St. Helena on the 25th April-the Marquis Camden had not arrived( on the 15th May. Speculation has in consequence commenced at Lloyds ; she is already considered a missiqg vessel, and ten guineas per cent. have been currently given; on her. We believe that no apprehensions for her safety ore entertained by the officers: of the Chinamen which have recently arrived, and that some of them, tempted by the, magnitude of the premium, have in this instance assumed the character of underwriters,, a proof at least of the sincerity of the opinion which they have expressed. Arrived.-At Gravesend, June 27th, Britannia, Blair, from New South Wales ; and 1 Sarah, King, from Van Diemen's Land ; 28th, Sophia, Dawson ; and 29th Lonach,• Noakes, 'from Bengal : 30th, Lady Blackwood, Dibbs, from New South Wales July 1st, Agnes, Millons, from Mauritius; and Hashmy, Lee, from Bombay. At Madeira, May. .28th, Isabella, Bourchier, from London for Bombay. At the Cape, April 20th,llopeful, Mallon, from London : 26th, H. M. S. Sulphur, from Plymouth : 30th, Clyde, Munro,. from London. At the Mauritius, March 223, Nimble, Broad, from London : 233, Forth, Robertson, from Plymouth. At Van Diemates Land, Jan. 9th, Lady Rovenna, from London. at New South 'Wales, Jan. 16111, Hunter, Atkins, from Clyde: Sophia, Mel', from Dublin : and Governor Ready, Young, from Cork. 17th, Diadem, Wilson,. from Hambro : apd Vittoria, Smith ; 21st, Mary Shuttleworth ; 223, Lang, Luck;. Surrey, Dacre; end Feb. 5th, Persian, Plunkett, all from London: Feb. ath, Comet,. Freyer, from Clytip; 9th, Harriett, Knaggs, from London : 16th, City of Edinburgh, Glendon, from C : 22d Jupiter, Welby; and W. Hannington, Wilcuckson from. London : 26th, Ti ss, Rodgers, from Clyde : March 14th, City of Edinburgh, M'Kellar„ front Leith : Har ny, Ireland; Caroline, Brown; and 15th, Fairfield, Booth, all from London : Mareh. lab, Mary; Luccock, front Liverpool. Sailed. From Gravesend June 27, Harriett, Curry, for New South Wales. 20th,. Lenobia, Douglas, for Bengal. July 1st, John Craig, Young, for Ceylon. 2nd, Cape. Packet, Dixon, for New South Wales. From Liverpool, June 28th, Medway, Wright,. for New South Wales.

Spoken, Friendship, White, from London to Van Diemens Land, 20th May, Inortli, 22 west.

SATURDAY Meatati dem.

Arrived. In the Downs, July 3d, John Biggar, Kent, from BengaL

Sailed. Frond Gravesend, July 3, Freeland, Jones, for Singapore.

Spoken. Othello, from Calcutta to London, 13th June, 32 north, 36t tuest.. IL Cl Marquis Wellington, from London to Bengal, 14th June, 40 north, 13. west,.