4 JULY 1829, Page 14

Albemarle-street, June 26, 1821.

Mr. MURRAY has just Published the following WORKS. For Travellers on the Continent.

INFORMATION and DIRECTIONS for TRAVELLERS on 1 the CONTINENT. By BIARIANA STARKE. SiXTLI EDITION, thoroughly Revised, and with considerable Additions. Post Svo. 12.s.

II. The DIARY OF AN INVALID in pursuit of HEALTH; being the Journal of a Tour in Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, and France. By the late HENRY Masnows, A.M. Third Edition. 2 vols. Post Svo. ' 15s.

III. ANTIQUITIES, ARTS, AND LITERATURE OF ITALY. By JOSEPH Foltalsell, Esq. Third Edition. 2 vols. post Svo. I5s.

IV. ROME IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. Fourth Edition. 3 vols. See. IL Ils. 6d.

V. SWITZERLAND; or a Journal of a Tour arid Residence in that Country. Followed by a General View of its History, brought down to the present time. By S. Sim oND. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 24s.

VI. AN AUTUMN NEAR THE RHINE; or Sketches of Courts, Society, anti Scenery in Germany near the Rhine. Second Edition. Svo. 145. Works on Natural Ilistory.

I. THE JOURNAL OF A NATURALIST. Second Edition. Foolscap Svo. with Plates, 1.5s. In the Press.

II. SALMONIA ; or Days of Fly-Fishing. By an Angler. A New Edition, cmrected and enlarged, and illustrated with numerous new Engravings and Wood Cuts. Small Svo. 12s.

III. The BOTANICAL MISCELLANY, No. I. By Professor HOOKER. Royal Ova, Twenty-four Plates, 10s. 6d.

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VI. OUTLINES OF GEOLOGY; being the Substance of a Course of Lectures delivered ut the Royal Institution. By W. T. BRANDS, F.R.S. Post Svo. 7s. 6d.

• In the Press.

The NATURAL HISTORY OF SELBOURNE. By the Rev. GILBERT WRITE. A New Edition, with Notes. Illustrated by numerous Wood Cuts. is.