4 JULY 1829, Page 15

nILIOUS AND LIVER COMPLAINTS.-As a mild and effectual remedy for

those disorders which originate in a morbid action of the Liver and Biliary Organs, namely, Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, Head Ache, Heartburn, Flatus lencies, Spasms, Costiveness, Affections of the Liver, &c. &c. DIXON'S ANTIBILIOUS Pitts (which do not contain mercury in any shape) have met with more general approval than any other Medicine whatsoever. They unite every recommendation of mild operation with successful effect; and require no restraint or confinement whatever during their use. In tropical climates, where the consequences of redundant and vitiated bile are so prevalent and alarming, they are an invaluable and efficient protection. They are likewise peculiarly calculated to correct disorders arising from excesses of the table, to restore the tone of the stomach, and to remove most complaints occasioned by irregularity of the bowels. Sold in boxes, at Is. 9d., 4s. 6d., and 225., by Messrs. BUTLER, Chemists, Cheapside, corner St. Paul's, London ; Sackville-street, Dublin; Princes-street, Edinburgh; and the principal Medicine Venders. N.B. The 6s. boxes heretofore sold are discontinued, and the 4s. 6d. substituted in their place, by which a considerable saving will arise to the consumer.