4 JULY 1829, Page 16

B UTLER'S VEGETABLE TOOTH-POWDER.-This Dentifrice has so long been in general

use, and an appendage to the fashionable toilet, that it is almost unnecessasy to oiler any further recommendation in favour of it. Composed of Vegetables, without the admixture of any Mineral or pernicious ingredient whatever, it is free from the usual objections so justly formed against the use of other Dentifrices. Its detersive pourer is just sufficient to remove those destructive particles which adhere to the Gums and the Interstices of the Teeth ; and if used regularly, will preserve them in a sound state even to old age. Sold in boxes, at 2s.9d. by Messrs. BUTLER, Chemists, Cheapside, corner St. Paul's, London; Sackville-street, Dublin; • and Princes-street, Edinburgh; and the principal Medicine Venders. Of whom may be had, OTTO Ross, ORANGE FLOWER, ALMOND, LAVENDER, MUSK and CAMPHOR, SOAPS, possessing the most delicate fragrance. 1,s* The above Articles when genuine, will have the name and address of" MEss as. BUTLER," attached to them. Particular attention to this caution is requested.

London : Printed by JOSEPH CLAYTON, at the Office of Mr. CLOWES, Stamford Street. Published by F. C. WESTLEY, 159, Strand, and at 4, Wellington Street, Strand ; where Advertisements and Communications to the Editor will be received. Orders received by all newsmen in Town aild CeitutrY.