4 JULY 1835, Page 9


noelimaion of candidates for Ayrshire took place our Saturday. The Torivs put forward Sir John Cathcart in opposition to Caption Dunlop ; ia wittlse favour t hr. Eihicatjanior, who Was; SOOSt re:pc:10,1y

supported, retired, rather than divide the Liberal interest. The show

of bands was in Dunlop's favour, and a poll was demanded for Sir J01111 a:attic:art : it cominetwed on Tuesday last ; and at the close of that day, itt spite of the active interference of the Tory landlords, the numbers were—for Dunlop, 1271; Cathcart, 736.

The Scotch Reformers are very much dissatisfied, or rather exeeed- ingly provoked, as well they may be, by the appointinem of Colonel Lindesay to the conunstml of the Eifeshire militia. The Fife Herald lays- " Inf keel these Whirls do draw lar.ryr l, ?gum the public Arheatance ! Thur.. is possibilitg, orricaliahaiv ow lite tin y id. 1011 ft j/1 eery plain By 114191', 31; 11;Ni, is iii,, ni in bItel as m +11:11. The present

appointment is intolerable, and it niii•t not la• submitted to. 'flm Tories, by themselves, we can beat easily and tImiolighly ; but it is too munch that, in

in fighting them, we have to./iy/it oar otren frictuls al.w). The pi■opie oVer the comity otTlit to petition en II1115.51. ag 1111st till, itapointittent. 'f hey should do 10 MM. , 41111 With011t losing a moment, labia wise it w ill he rivettell. They must send up tir0 petitinns --One 1111.0' Ilinit4 Ministers tint this :111}10111tillent Most I murnreflell andii thimig'ing. till' 100t 111 0111 111.1VIT. 110WeVel CIIII/11/141 Ittvernment may he, Earl Ito,* is the first and eltief delinquent. The iniblitt most strike at hi lty the present irtilversttiou lie has openly manifested himself. Ile has committed an art which must show to all men how lie will Ilse his power.--that he will list, it it ith the vindictive feelings of a gray-liaired apostate - with the gloomy out revengeful bigotry' it a luau who cannot walk do ough the streets a village under the wing of his two mansion, without ji ding w kit is justly thought of him by the persons who, in a happier period of his lift., rejoiced to cheer and welcome him."

We learn from the Glasgow ilrpus, that in a matter of less conse- quence, but still worth notice, Lord John Russell has given (alcove by the indiscreet bestowal of patronage. 'nut following. 1,41tr Let refils to the presentation of a minister to the parish of East Kt& tire- " (in the 11th of May 18:1a, a meeting of the lieritors, &ie. of i st Kilbride resolved unanimously to petition ( iiiverriment to allow a trial of candidates. A Committee was appointed to draw up the petition and fin ward it to the proper (platter. 1)11 the lath of :11,1y, 1.1,1,1 John litissell, while aeknowledg- trig the ['eyelid of a Si hillr Iletit11111 fr11111 -1/11111 1011111' pal ties, promised tint he would consult the wishes of the het-not- and parishimins, and give their unani- 111011ti rel.111111111`111hltiell his 1110,4 serious outsider ation. On the 2Ist, in an- ISIVCI' to the jt-tition from the general meeting, he repeated tLis declaration. On the lith (if ittritt. a meeting of the her it.,?- of East kiliti hie was converwri to receive lord Joh ti's answer, :mil to resolve upon further .1t this meeting, six gentlemen were played mi the list of catiilidatt,, a committee ap- pointed to communicate with the Presbytery of I lamilton, and a letter dilected to be addressed to 1.0141.1°11u Russell, intimating that six weeks would be neces- sary to enable the 11411.11 to COIlle hi mm deter1111113t1011, and praying for a em le- 1111)011,11114' &idly. On the Kith of June t no intimation of a change of opinion

tieing previously given) the Reverend tin Hannah, one of the six monli-

dates, was gazetted as minister of the parish el East Kilbride ; ;tad the itppoilit- meta was previously known in Glasgow. It must he apparent to the tillist obtuse intellect. tint there must have been some underhand solieit aim' here; otherwise laird John Russell would never, after his sok•nin promise to consult the wishes of his parishioners, have proceeded to the iippoitdatient, without waiting to know what they were. Dilliment individuals have been blamed fiir the share they have laid in these transactions. As the ,iceitsations itie but " ear - kissing " ones, we it, I not take upon us to decide. Ilut we haVe ant a moment's hesitation in saying that the friends and patrons of Mr. liannah lie under strong suspicion, and are called upon to clear themselves from participation in an

underhand intrigue. Nay more, unless they succeed in this—and even if they

do succeed, unless the parish declare for Mr. liatinalt—we do not see how he as a Cluistian minister can undertake the office conferred upon him. Lord John, like most Englishmen, is ignorant of the peculiar position of the Saiotti-11 Church, and the feelings of Scotchnien towards it. circunistance, while it in some measure palliates his extraordinary conduct, adds to the suspicion that he has had a prompter."