4 JULY 1840, Page 10



The operations in the English Stocks have been on a very limited scale, and the fluctuations scarcely deserving of remark ; the closing quotations of to-day being precisely the same as those of last week, while the variations in price have never exceeded A per cent. Bank Stock is an exception to this rule of steadiness, and has experienced another decline of 1/2 per cent., being quoted to-day at 173. It is stated that there has been a recent diminution of the rest or balance of 50,000/.; and the persuasion that the present rate of dividend cannot be continued seems to be gaining ground. Exchequer Bills arc quoted at a3s. to 25s. premium, our last price. Money is more abundant than it has been, and the recent pressure will be entirely relieved upon the issue of the Dividends, in the early part of next week. All the English Stocks, the divi- dends upon which are new due, and the books of which arc now closed, will be open for private transfer on Monday next. The Commercial Bank of England stopped payment at Manchester on Saturday : this was but an inevitable result attic refusal of the London agents to pay its draughts on the previous day, to which we alluded in our lust report. Its liabilities are stated at 1,200,0001.; and it is feared that the suspension will operate very prejudicially upon the smaller class of manufacturers in the immediate neighbourhood,nany of whom are reported to have relied exclu- sively upon this establishment tor advances. Its subscribed capital is 260,0001.; and from the respectability of the shareholders, there is a certainty that all its engagements will ultimately be fulfilled. In the Foreign Market, the transactions have been unimportant. Dutch Two-andsaliallper Cent. Bonds are now quoted without the dividend; and our price of to• day of 53* to I, is equal to our last week's quotation of 54; it. The other Continental Bonds arc steady in demand. The South American Stocks are without variation. Portuguese Securities have also continued steady, with little doing. Spanish Active Stock has improved nearly 1 per cent. The re- treat of BALMASEDA into France having given an impulse to speculation, the price was as high on Wednesday morning as 27, and for a moment there were buyers at that quotation : but the market afterwards gave way, and declined

in the course of yesterday to 26i, rallying. slightly in the afternoon. This morning the market was again heavy, viz. 20 a, the price from Paris being the stone as before the intelligence of BALIDASEDA'S defeat ; but has rallied to 261i, and may be quoted at the close as 29a ,i, • The opening of the Blackwall Railway, fixed for Monday next, has given an impulse to the shares in that undertaking, which have been as high as 3/. pre- mium; and though the price has since given way 10s., the market is firm at thelower quotation. The Brighton Shares were On Monday as low as 7 die., but have since stood at an improvement of IL, and have again given way, being to-day at 7 dis. The other descriptions of Shares are generally heavy, and the prices are not so well supported : the heavier variety of Shares may be quoted from 21. to 5/. below the recent high quotations.


The English Funds are higher than yesterday. Consols for Account have risen from 91i to 02a. Exchequer Bills have improved front 23s. to oSs. prem. Bunk Stock is also higher, and is quoted at 173?i. In the Foreign Market, prices are advancing ; Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents. are fifla ?„ and the other Continental Stocks are in similar demand. Spanish Stock is firm, viz. 29:127. Portuguese Bottds are in demand at yesterday's prices. The Railway Shares are also rather higher, and in request.

104 5 Itelgia 5 per Cents. 3 per Cent. Gamuts shut d elnpoian per Cents Ditto for Account 92 1 t im 6

Dimido 3 per Cents 274 ll. :1 per Cent. Reduced 921 1 Lilt Dutch ...ii per Lents...ex illy. 7:-,93,

31 per Celli. Ditto Pio, Portmmese Regency 5 per Cls. 351 il New li.. per Cents. shat Ditto 3 per Cents - 231- 4 Bank Stood: 173; 115 116 ...0 8 mu. Rossian 5 per Cents Exll eemier Bills Spanish (Active) India Stack shut 261 7

Braziliim 5 per Cents 771 8 i