4 JULY 1908, Page 25


(To THE EDITOR OF TUE " SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—The comments of the Protectionist Press upon the official statements of the Board of Trade as to the comparative position of the employed in Germany and England remind me of a story that was current at the time of Garibaldi's visit to this country. The ladies of England vied with each other in doing him honour, and first and foremost of these was a widow lady of high rank. Some one suggested that it would be a fitting tribute to the gallantry and patriotism of the old hero that Lady — should bestow her hand and wealth upon him and share his laurels, but it was represented that the General unfortunately had a wife living. 'Oh," said a noble Lord of very high position in political life, "that's easily settled. Send for Mr. —; he'll explain her away." Is not this exactly what is being attempted by the papers in