4 JULY 1908, Page 9

In the French _Chamber of Deputies on Monday the Socialists

opposed the grant of £16,000 for M. Fallieres's visit to Russia. M. Valliant, who was their spokesman, used language of the utmost violence in speaking of the Czar. M. Brisson, the President of the Chamber, threatened to take the extreme course of consulting the House as to whether he should be expelled from the tribune. M. Picbon explained, as Sir Edward Grey had to explain in the face of similar fanaticism in the House of Commons, that the Russian people would not be helped by insults to the Czar. The French Chamber had no right to dismiss the domestic affairs of other

countries. The meeting between the Czar and the President was simply a confirmation of the peaceful aims of the Alliance between their two countries, and that Alliance was the basis of their foreign policy. In the end the grant was voted by 489 votes to 62.