4 JULY 1925, Page 9

The Riffs are reported as saying that they prefer fighting

the French to fighting the Spanish. The French officers are indeed superior; lint their Senegalese black troops break at once when their officers ,have been killed. The .Spanish officers, on the Other hand, are very poor but the European troops under them fight bravely even when their officers have been killed. The position is evidently Still one of anxiety, and we cannot help feeling that the French will be wise to come to terms with Abdel Krim, if that is possible. We suppose, however, that this would damage their prestige in North Africa. Still, unless they contemplate a real penetration into Riff country, which seems hardly possible, they will have to open negotiations sooner or later. French representatives are 'conferring with the Spanish Government in Madrid, and on June 26th notified the Powers of their agreement in regard to the naval blockade of the Riff coast. We trust that they will reject any suggestions to send troops into Tangier, and thus tempt Abdel Krim to disregard the neutrality which it desires to maintain, and must maintain if the new Constitution is to have a chance of success.

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