4 JULY 1931, Page 1



AMERICA, the Situation in .. 409 America, has she Touched Bottom ? 842 Angell, Sir N., on Tariffs and the

Money Danger .. 632 Anglia : an International English (A. Lloyd James) .. 207 Art, Some Reflections on Progress in 78 Autumn Meditation (Bose Macaulay) 700

BARRY, Miss Iris, Articles by 45-876 Battlefield Memories .. 45 B.B.C., are they Too Cautious ? .. 670 — Cup, the Storm in the .. 839 Berlin and London .. 204 Bernal, Mr. J. a, on Science and

Society 43 Bird Migrants at Rossitten (D. Yorke) .. .. 210 Britain,Why Come to? ("Scadavay") 237 — an Answer to " Scadavay " 286 British Association Centenary .. 379 Brynmawr : a Derelict Town and a New Life. 799 — How to Help a Valuable Social Enterprise 840-872 Budget, The New .. 342 Burma, the Future of .. 281 A_BINET'S First Duty .. 587 Cammaerta, Emile, on Art .. 78 Canada, how she has Replaced Pro- hibition (0. D. Stevenson) .. 236 Cancer Discovery, the New .. 145 Cancer, the Cause of (Dr. Harry Roberts) .. .. 893 Casual Ward, Alternative to the (Muriel Kent) .. 206 Cecil, Viscount, Article by .. 285-665 Census, the, in England and Wales 41 Charing Cross : Study in Metropo- litan Indecision .. 147 Child, the, as Scientist (Mrs. Susan Isaacs) .. 178 Christian Conscience, Problems of the : I. Riches and Poverty (Canon Donaldson) .. .. 450 II. The Problem of Wealth (Christopher Dawson) .. 485 III. Marriage and Sex (Rev. S. A. McDowell) .. 519 IV. — — the Traditional View (Dr. N. P. Williams) 562 V. Peace and War (A. Ruth Fry) 589 VI. Should a Christian Fight for his Country ? (Revs. G. H. Woolley and P. B. Clayton) 634 VII. The Case against Betting and Gambling (Canon Peter Green) .. 667 VIII. Betting and Gambling (Dean of Worcester) .. 728 IX. A Plea for Nature (Gum.

J. L. Cather, R.N.) .. 783 X. Field Sports and Wild Life In the British Isles (Frances Pitt) 806 Christian, Should he Fight for his Country ? (E. B. Castle) .. 875 Christmas Trace, a 870

Churches in the Wilderness (Evelyn

Underhill) .. 146 Civil Service, the RIC:runissiou on the .. . .. 107 Cloudy Day, a (R. ) 46 Coloilr Bar : French Attitude to .. 7 — Political Aspect of .. 42 — Mixed Marriages and the .. 75 — Missionary Attitude to the .. 106 — and International Relations .. 148 — Thoughts on the .. 177 — Colour No Bar — .. 205 — Concomitants of Colour 235 — in South Africa .. 262 — in the Paciflc .. 287 — Conclusion .. 315 Comedy, English, 1668-1931 .. 208 Comic Poet's Opportunity, the .. 182 Cookery, English (F. White) .. 523 Crime and the Police .. .. 205 Crisis, the .. — the Country and the ..

Cyprus, a Note on .. _ 260 314 589

nIfiA 11M A MENT

Disarmament, All Parties Agreed .. 78 Dovmland, Exmoor Man in (E. W. Heady) 412

tICONOMY and Self-Discipline 176 1141 Economy—Berlin and London 204 Economy of Expression, a Note on

(L M. Parsons) .. .. 317 Economy and the Building Trade (Murray Leslie) .. 484 Edison, Thomas Alva .. .. 517 Education (Sir Flinders Petrie) .. 263 — Secondary Tendencies in .. 347 — National Progress of .. 380 — Mechanization of (C. A. Siep- mann) Eighteenth-Century Tragedy, an (E. E. Carmichael-Farrell) .. 636 Electors' Mandate, Interpreting the 663 Empire or Commonwealth ? .. 723 Evening Piece (L. A. G. Strong) .. 877 Explosion, the : a Memory of 1915 (Denis Ireland) .. .. 211 EIERNALD, Mr. John, Article by 289

I Fisheries, the Sea 814 Five Years' Plan (M. Farbman): I. Reconstruction by Privation 108 IL Changing the Rhythm of Work 149 Fleming, Mr. Peter, Articles by 180-208-486-844 Forster, Mr. E. M., Articles by 264-289-348-361-672

Fyfe, Mr. Hamilton, Article by .. 584

QAND111, Mr., and the Indian States (C,ol. K. N. Haber) .. 346 Gandhi, Mr., an Evening with .. 520 General Election, the Prospects of

the .. 408-448 — — the Nation and the Parties .. 480

— — the Hesitating Voter .. 431

— — the Test of Unity 516

— — the Spectator and the .. .. 517

— — After Victory .. 561 Geneva, Give and Take at — .. 285 Germany and the Rest of Us .. 72 Ghosts, Various (Miss W. AL Letts) 566 — Ancient and Modern 672 Giotto and St. Francis — .. 874 Gold Standard : Our New Lesson .. 378 — — Off the : What it Means and How it Happened .. 377-409

— — Through European Eyes 413-455 Great Britain and a Better World .. 662 Gregory, Prof. T. E., on Silver .. 871 trADOW, Sir W. H., Article by.. 380 11. Hart, Capt. B. H. L., on

Battlefield Memories .. 44 Health and Skill (Dr. L. P. Jacks) .. 563 — and the Child .. 631 — Policy, a National ....759 Higginbottom, Elizabeth (Y. Sack- 673 Hindenburg. General von .. .. 482 His Majesty's Opposition ....284 Holyrood .. 9 Homes, New for Old.. 761 Hoover, President — . . 482

Hotels, British, of To-day (Sir H. D. Kimber).

. 845 Housing and the Slums (Dr.

Raymond Unwin) .. 804

INCONGRITITIE8 : Capt. Edward Gibbon 264-288 S. T. C. .. 348-381 India and British Commonwealth:

the Real Safeguard .. .. 4 — Independence v. Dominion Status (V. J. Patel) .. . .. 49 — Good Will in (Durga Das) .. 219 — Prospects of the Round Table Conference .. .. 232 — Federal Problems, Economic Interests, &c., at Round Table Conference .. .. 410 — Communal Deadlock, &c. .. 449 — the Immediate Task..586 — the Pledge to — . 758 Industrial Squatter, the (6. Williams-Ellis) .. 725 Inflation and Deflation (Stephen Leacock)*. 697 Inhumanity of the Humane (Lord Howard of Penrith) ....668 Italian Experiment,. 8

Italy, Summer Camps in. (A. 0.

Roberts) 238 KASHMIR, Troubles, the .. 591

LABOUR Party, the

Lascelles, Lt.-Col. E. ff. W., C.B.E., on Colour No Bar .. .. 206 Lees-Smith, Mr. H. B., Articles by 568-873 London, Mixed Bathing in .. 74 London Conference, the .. .. 104 London Seven-Power Conference, After the .. .. 144 Love Me, Love My Dog 151 Lyde, Prof. L. W., on the Colour Bar 235 the Future of

Alf AcDONALD, Mr., Will he Stand

In. Firm ? 722 Macmillan Report, the .. .. 76 Malvern Festival, the (Peter Fleming) .. 180-208 Manchuria and the Kellogg Pact .. 377 — the League and .. 561-843 Martin, Mr. W., on the League and Manchuria .. .. 843 Mat, the, by Iris Barry .. 45

Morton, Mr. J. B., Articles by

79-151-182-290-318-452-729 Moscow, a Film in .. 565 Much Ado About Nothing 318 Music for Children (Robert Mayer) .. 590

NERVE Control in East and West 727 New York Housekeeping .. 876 Nieolaon, Mr. H., on the B.B.C. .. 670

Noise, .. 79 Nurses, the Shortage of .. 232 ,("ISTLER, the (Owen Tweedy) .. 382 kir Outlines, On .. 729

pARLIAKENT, the Week in 7-41-74- 105-146-316-344-378-411-450-635- 664-724-760-802-841

Parliament, Adjournment of .. 798 Peasant Regardant : the Trans- Siberian Express . 844 Patel, Mr. V. J., on India .. 49 Patriotism, the Crisis of (Vernon Bartlett) .. 666 Peace, What Individuals Can Do for .. 451-486 " Peace on Earth" 665 Pedestrian's Charter, the .. .. 150 Percy, Lord Eustace, Article by .. 347 Personal Economy and Public Wel- fare (H. Cox) — 523 Phnom Penh (Winifred Galbraith) 764 Playing Pack, a. .. 524

Possibilities (Sir Flinders Petrie) .. 233

Post Office, is it Efficient ? .. 873 Pound, Future of the (Sir Arthur Salter) .. 800 Presidents, the Two (Hoover and Hindenburg) ..

Public School Fees (Dr. Roxburgh) 808

RAINY Noon, a 453 Reflection, an Interval for .. 798 Religions, a League of (Norman

Bentwich) .. 762 Rhondda Valley, Self-Help in the .. 77 Robbins, Mr. Lionel, on the Trade Balance .. .. 518 Robeson, Mr. Paul, on the Colour Bar

Round Table •Confer.elice, P;ospecli177

of the .. .. 232 " Rurbanization " (B. S. Townroe) 179 4,1 AN MICHELE, the Story of 1...7 (Axel Munthe) .. 844 Science and Society Scotland, Community Drama in .. 289 Sea Fisheries, the 314 Set Fair .. " . . .. 452 Silver : Facts and Controversies .. 871 Simon, Sir John, his Opportunity 630 " Sliding Heart," the .. 181 Slums and Economy 343 Soul, War against the .. .. 564 Spain, Federal ? (W. Horsfall Carter) 844 Spinsters in Council .. 10 Steel-Maitland, Sir A., on the Trade Balance .. 483 Sterilization Bill, the .. 105 Strachey, Mr. E. J, Article by .. 147 MAGORE, Rabindranath, Articles by .. 46-453 Talent (David Garnett) .. 698 Tariffs and the Money System .. 632 That's England, That Was (C. .. .. 725

Thomas, Sir W. Beach, Articles by

150-286-671 Tomb of Bachal Shah (Lady Lawrence) .. .. 878 Townroe, Mr. B. S., Article by .. 348 Townsend, Miss Cecilia, Article by 181 Trade Balance, How to Right the 483-518 Trains, the Old .. .. 290

ri-NDERHILL, Min Evelyn,

Articles by .. 146-874 Unemployed, Employ the 6

United States, the. and Europe .. 638

VILLAGE, the Happy 671

WALKERS, a Charter for (C. E. M. Joad) .. 109 War Debts .. 40 Water-Diviner, On being a (Peter

Fleming)' . 486 Withers, Mr. Hartley, on Going Off

the Gold Standard .. 377-409 Wood, Dr. Marguerite, on Iolyrood 9 Writings of Thousands of Years Ago 807 Waltman, Hon. Hugh, on Colour

_ 262-287

AT EATS-BROWN, Mr., Articles

1 by .. 727-761 THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS.

Dropping the Customs Union Plan .. 321 French and German Cases at Geneva 350 Geneva and Great Britain's Troubles 385 Twelfth Assembly Balance Sheet .. 415

POETRY Advice to an Editor (Jan Struther).. 189 Autumn (Frank Macdonald) .. 414 Ballade, a, of One-Sided Correspon- dence (J. C. Squire) .. 212

Climbing Stairs (J. M. B.) .. 296

Earth (Peggy Ashcroft) .. 158 Flesh and Stone (Lennox Robinson) 320 Harvest Festival (Monica Redlieli).. 593 Hill, the (Lyle Donaghy) .. 593 Hounds by Night, the (Frederic Prokosch) 884 Introspection (Inglis Allen) .. 531 In Umbria (Edward Thompson) .. 735 Little World, the (Jan Struther) .. 644 Love Db3carnate (Rablndranath

Tagore) .. 766 Not by the Shore (Lyle Donaghy) .. 111 Ours lathe Sky (D. P. McGuire) .. 355 Out in the Woods, . . . October (Evelyn D. Bangay) 494

Pagan, the (Richard Church) .. 241 Question (F. Loftus Wigram) .. 839

Receipt, A (Richard Church) .. 384

Slug, the (0. W. Stonier) 54 Star, the (Constance Jenkins) .. 814 Swallow, the (William Soutar) .. 266 This Machine Age (Barbara Euphan Todd) .. .. 454 To a Returned Traveller (Diana Carroll) .. .. 20 To Youth (R. E. Crowdy) 852 Tunnel (Phoebe Ashburner) .. 77 Tunny - Fish (G. Rostrevor Hamilton) .. 573 Winter-in-Giordano (R. N. D.

Wilson) .. .. 700 THE THEATRE

Anatomatist, the, at the Westminster 488 Black Magic at the Royalty .. 266 Case of the Frightened Lady at Wyndharn's 266 Cavalcade at Drury Lane ....525 Elizabeth of England at the Cam-

bridge .. 454 Expressionism at Norwich .. .. 567

Fear at the Little 848 Flat to Let at the Criterion .. 807 Grand Hotel at the Adelphi..320 Job by the Camargo Society .. 47 Late Night Final at the Phoenix .. 13 Little Catherine at the Phoenix .. 780 Make Up Your Mind at the Criterion 637 Midshipmaid, the, at the Shaftes- Red Rover's Revenge at the Gate .. 764 Vile Bodies at the Arts ,.488


Blue Express at the Academy .. 567 City Streets at the Plaza .. .. 240 Drifters at the Academy .. 153 General Line, the, at the Academy. 240 Keepers of Youth at London Pavilion 47 Le Chemin de Paradis at the Rialto.. 240 Quick Millions at the Capitol .. 153 Secret Six, the, at the Empire .. 292 Silver Lining at the Capitol.. .. 414 Smiling Lieutenant at the Carlton,. 153 Tabu at the Plaza 383 GRAMOPHONE Norm 81-184-458-

MUSIC Basil Maine in America ..

Festivals . Three Choirs Festival

Walton's Feast

765 183 388 803 ART Arts and Crafts Exhibition ....592 British Artists, Recent Pictures by, at Messrs. Agnew's 730 Byzantine Art in Paris .. 12 Dunlop, Mr. It. 0. 637 East London Group, the .. .. 808 Experiment, a New, at the Embassy Theatre.. .. .. 349 Goupil Gallery Salon, the .. .. 637 London Group and Others ..

Mr. Kelly's Anthology .. 808 Tune r's Early Oil Paintings .. 153 HOOK REVIEWS AND ARTICLES

ACTRESS, Enter the—Miss R. Gilder .. 364 Admiral, My Friend the—G. E.

Manwaring— . . U3 Adventure, My Greatest—Capt. Si.

Campbell .. .. 224 Adventurers—Kitty Beane.. .. 828 — English—C. Wilkinson .' 188 After the Deluge—L. Woolf .. 601 Agricultural Crisis, Vol. 1.—League of Nations .. .. 330 Albert, King of Belgians—LL-Gen.

Gaiet 716 Alcohol, Effects of, on Man.. .. 298 Aldington, Richard—T. McGreevy 691 Alfonso XIIL—Princess Filar .. 714 — — Mrs. Stewart Erskine.. .. 714 All in a Lifetime—R. D. Blumenfeld 543 America, Narratives of Discovery of 134 — the Menace—G. Duhamel . 423 American Business, Nemesis of—S.

Chase .. .. 423 Ancient World, End of—F. Lot .. 579 Anne to Victoria* . 64 Arabian Desert, In the—Katherine McG. Wright .. . 336 Archaeology, 70 Years In—Sir F.

Petre 649 Archduke Francis Ferdinand—V. Eisenmeyer Archer, William—Lt.-Col. C. Archer 91 Architecture, History of—Sir B.

Fletcher .. .. 618 Army with Banners—Miss V.

Kingston .. 440 ART, Books on .. 251-816 Art, Modern, Foundations of- Ozenfant .. 434 Austrian Tyrol—Mr. Morrow .. 828 AGHDAD, Caliph of—R. II.

IP Davis, &c. 304 Ballades, 101 .. 890 Banstead—Sir H. C. Si. Lambert .. 620 Bantry Bay—P. B. Bradley . 224 Barth, Karl, Significance of—J.

McConnachie ....163 — — Theology of—J. Arundel — 163 Beale, Miss, In Days of—Miss Steadman 474 Beasts, Wild, To-day—II. Shepstone 714 Belief, Nature of—M. D'Arcy, S. J. 391 Berkshire, Archaeology of—H.

Peake .. 224 Bible, Every Man's—Dean Inge .. 482 — History, Foundations of—J.

Garstang.. .. 366 Bibliography, Manual of—A. Esdalle 544-552 Biblioniania, Anatomy of — H.

Jackson 94 Billion, Laurence, Collected Poems

* 780 Biology, Short *History of—C. Singer 249 Birds of Seashore—Mr. Massingham 778 Bird Watching—E. M. Nicholson .. 858 Bitterness, Way of—Princess Peter

Wolkonsky .. 327 Bolsheviks, Fugitive—E. lifilyusz.. 248 Bolshevism in Perspective--J. de V.

Loder .. 782 Boxing—Lord Knebworth ....651 Bridges, Ancient, of Northern Eng- land—E. Jervoise 266 Bridges, Robert, Shorter Poems of 364 Britain, is she Decadent 1—Mr.

Rather 472 Brunanburh, Battle of—J. H.

Cockburn .. .. 94 Billow, Prince, and the Kaiser 24-614 Burdett, Sir Francis, and his Times —Si. W. Patterson .. .. 89 Burke, Edmund—R. H Murray .. 551 Burns Chronicle, Vol. V. .. . 366 — Letters of—Ed. by J. De L.

Ferguson _ 575 By the Way—Beachcomber .. 25

CAPUCHIN Chronicle, a., '

. 683

Cardinals, English—G, C.

Heseitine 820 Cave., Lord—Sir C. Mallet 820 Chaka—Thomas Mofolo _ 222 Château Country, the Other—Miss

Woods .. 438 Gheston, Evelyn—Charles Cheston.. 251 Children, Motives of Conduct in—

Dr. Alice Hutchison 427 Children's Books .. 195-824-826

China, a Passport to—Lucy Soothill 775 — End of Extraterritoriality in— T. F. Millard. 775 — in Revolution—H. F. 3IcNaIr .. 775 Choirs and Cloisters, Memories of—

Sir H. Brewer .. 398 Christ our Brother—Karl Adam .. 163 Christian Churches, Social Teaching of—E. Troeltsch 780 Christian Life—Karl Barth.. .. 163 Christie's Season, 1931—A. C. R. Civilization, Ancient—H. Webster.. 774 — Modern, on Trial—C. Belisle Clothes—Eric Gill 184 Cluny, Monastic Life at—Dr. Joan Evans .. .. 579 Conmd's (J.) Mind and Method— It. L. Megroz' . .. 579 Contemplation, Raising the Soul to —F. Malaya' .. .. 603 Conversion, Study of—L. W. Lang 221 Costume, Ancient Greek, &e.— Mary G. Houston 818

— English, of 18th Century—

I. Brooke and J. Laver .. 818 Cotton Trade and Lancashire—P. A.

Wadsworth, &c. .. 274 Country Parson, Diary of a .. 396

Craig, Gordon, and the Theatre—

Enid Rose.. 298 Crime, King—Collinson Owen .. 163 Crisis, the—E. Bevin and G. D. H.

Cole 551 — Why the 7—Lord Meichett .. 681 Crome of Norwich—R. H. Mottram 858

DALMATIA—G. Rhodes .. 894 _1.1 Dartmoor—Douglas Gordon 188 Dawn—Theodore Dreiser ....133 Dean, More Lay Thoughts of a—

Dean Inge' * . . .. 894

Decadence, Problem of—C. .. 331 Deity, Revelation of—J. E. Turner 60

De Mabise : a Journal .. 544 Diary—Peter Bussell 28 Dinner with James—Rose Henniker- Heaton .. 641 Divine Providence, Abandonment to —J. de Caussade 737 Doctor's Second Thoughts—Sir J.

Crichton-Browne .. 193 Dostoevsky—E. Hallett Carr .. 548 Double Heart, the—Naomi Royde- Smith 361 Doyle, Conan—Rev. J. Larnond .. 506 Dragon's Eyes, Through the—L. C. Arlington .. 273 Dress, Drinks and Drums—E. Crawley .. .. 306 Dreyfus Affair—Jacques Kayser .. 250 Drug Jars, Early English—U. E.

Howard .. .. 778 Duchess, the Intriguing—Dorothy

de Brissac 894 Dunbar—Rachel Annand Taylor .. 862 Dundee, Henry, Viscount Melville—

H. Furber 89 Dundonald, Lord—E. G. Twitchett 196 Dutch Buildings, Modern—F. R. Yerbury 136 Dynamite—Louis Adamic ....423

EASTWARD Ho I—F. it. Dulles 252 Economic Crisis, World—P. Elnzig .. 434 Economic Depression, World—Prof. Ohlin. 434 Edgeworth, Maria Chosen Letters 425

Education—T. Raymont — 498 — the Reformation and—N. Wood 300 — under Test Acts—H. MeLachan 714 Educational Self-Government — H. L. G. Mackay ....300 — Thought, History of—P. It. Cole 300 Emperor's New Clothes—J. lijort . 393 England, Economic History of—E.

Lipson .. . .. 274 — Forgotten—Rev. Fr. Rope .. 252

— History of—A. H. Sweet .. 774

— Tudor, through Venetian Eyes— Dr. E. G. Salter" . 278 Englishmen at Rest and Play—

Members of Wadham .. 391 Entente, the Little--J. 0. Crane .. 262 Entertainments, Popular, through Ages—S. McKechnie . 856 Etching, Modern Masters of—W.

Russell Flint ..' ....828 Europe, Divided—S. de Chair .. 358 — Terror in—H. H. Tillman .. 358 — 1494-1610—A. J. Grant .. 774 Everybody's Business—H. Withers 434 Everyman's Encyclopaedia .. 328 Exmoor, Wild Red Deer of—H.

Williamson 301 VIARADAY—E. W. Ashcroft .. 360 I: Fascism, What Is 7—Sig.

Rocco ..

Fathers and Sons—E. B. Castle .. 164 Fawcett, Millicent Garrett—Mrs. 0.

Strachey 64 Festive Board—Ed. by T. Macaulay 784 Fife, Bygone—James Wilkie .. 892 Fifth Army, the—Gen. Sir Hugh Gough .. .. 817 Fire—T. F. Dougherty, &c... .. 254 Fisherman's Angles—P. Chalmers.. 742 Fishes, History of—J. R. Norman .. 247 Five Score—W. F. Gray .. 620 Flame, the—Austin Clarke .. .. 685 Fly-Rod, Book of the—H. Shering- ham, &c.

Fools—B. H. Liddell Hart 496 Food for the Gods—" Lucullus " .. 541 Footslogger—Graham Seton .. 393 Foucquet, Jehan—Trenchard Cox .. 714 France, Hungry Traveller in—N. Davey 541 Franciscan Adventure, the—Vida Scudder 683 Frederick IL—E. Kantorowicz .. 438 French Cooking, Books on .. 275 — Masters—Horace Shipp .. 856 French Painting—Clive Bell .. 856 — — R. H. Wilenski ....541 — — Short History of—E. G. Underwood 856 — Political Thought in 19th Century —R. Soften .. 714

GAIETIES and Gravities—G. ‘,..1 Graves.. 856 Gallant Gentlemen—E. K. Chatter-

ton 778 Gandhi at Work—C. F. Andrews .. 358 — the Man—Millie G. Pole 358 Gardener's Chap Book—Ed. by G. Cox ..

Garnered Sheaves—Sir J. Frazer .. 746 Geneva Experiment—W. E. Rappard Gerard's Herball, Leaves from ..

Germanies, Modern — Cicely Hamilton.. 254 Germany, Combines and RMionali- zation In—Miss D. Warriner .. 438 — is she Finished I—P. Vienot .. 868 GIFT BOOKS 768-824-826-860 Gifts of Life—Emil Ludwig.. .. 774 Glasgow, History of—R. Renwick .. 28 — University Press—J. Maciehose 619 Glass, Modern—G. Janneau .. 689 Gloucester Regiment In the War- Capt. E. Wyrall — • • God and the Universe—Master of the Temple, &c. 96 — Vision of—K. E. Kirk .. .. 60 Gold and the Price Level—Sir Josiah Stamp _ .. 855 — Movements, International—P. Einzig 737 — Problem, the international .. 737 — Standard, the—R. G. Hawtrey. 737 Gospels. Meditations on—Bp. 01 Prohaszka .. 336 Grass Roof, the—Y. Kang _ 224 Greece and Greek Refugees—C. B. Eddy .. 196 — Wanderings in—F. S. Burnell .. 889 Gun Dogs—P. Chalmers .. 652

HAMLET—A. J. A. Waldock .. 608 Happiness, Task of—Dr. Alington . 620 Henry of Navarre—G. Slocombe .. 687 Herbal, a Modern—Mrs. Si. Grieve 131 Herefordshire, South-West .. 96 Hindenburg—G. Schultze-Pfaelzer 433 Historical Literature, Guide to—

\V. H. Allison, &c. 618 History, Modern, Studies in—G. P. Goo . 614 ch , Holy and Living God—M. D.

Willink. 854 Hoollbahs and Mr. Robinson—

Esther Boumphrey .. 249 Hospitals Year Book .. .. 304 Human Heredity—Erwin Bauer, &c. .. 249 Hume, David—J. Y. T. Greig .. 423 Humour and Fantasy—E. Anstey.. 275 Hungary, Justice for-0. Legrady .. 618 Hunters and Hunted — W. S.

Chadwick _ 862 Hunting, Books on .. 605-786

lell Kann Deutsch Lesen—Mrs. C. G. Solomon.. 652 Imperial Theme, the—G. WI'Kuight 601 India, Books on 165-168-433-506-575-689 — Economic Advisory Organization

in—Sir A. Salter .. 136 Indian Civil Service—L. S. S.

O'Malley .. . 96 — Labour Commission's Report .. 56 — Mutiny—Sir G. MacMunin .. 22 Inheritance--J. Drinkwater .. 620 Iraq, Folk Tales of—Mrs. Stevens .. 746 ERIS and Gospel of Love- 4.1 C. E. Raven 463 Jewish Mysticism—M. Biiber .. 577 Joachim of Flora—H. Bett.. 196 John Bull at Home—K. Silex .. 391 Jonson, Ben, and King James—E.

Unklater .. 535 Jungle Ways—W. B. Seabrook .. 278 Jungles Preferred—Dr. Janet Miller 438

KENNEDY - COX, Reginald : Autobiography .. 714 Kenya without Prejudice--H. 0.

Weller 304 King Charles the Second—A. Bryant 481 King Edward VII., Personal Letters of 778 King George II. Materials towards Memoirs of—Lord Hervey .. 435 King Herod—Miss Si. D. Stock .. 828

Kingsley, Henry—S. Si. Ellis .. 220 Knowledge, Modern, Outline of—

Ed. by Dr. W. Rose .. 466

LABOUR Organization, Inter- tional : First Decade .. 746 Lady Susan—Jane Austen... 30 Lambeth, Thoughts after—T. S.

Eliot .. 252 Landscape in English Art and Poetry—L. Binyon" 748 Law, In Light of—E. Bowen- Rowlands — . 336 Layfolk, Retreat for—Fr. B. Frost.. 737 Learning, Gateways of—Margaret Drummond 498 League Committees and World Order—H. R. G. Greaves .. 90 League of Nations Union Report _ 277 licensing Commission; Medical Evidence .. 298 714 499 778 94 Life—Sir J. A. Thomson and P.

Geddes .. .. 249 Life's a Lark—Greek 746 Literature, English, Religious Ele- ments In—Rose Macaulay .. 360 — Fashions In—E. E. Kellett .. 429 Log-Book, Leaves from an Un- written—Capt. W. Parker .. 620 London Book of English Prose—H. Read and B. Dobrise ....894 — Life and Labour—Sir H. LL Smith .. 738

— Topographical Record .. 136 Love and Virtue, More Essays of—

Havelock Ellis .. 466 Lyautey, Marshal--Andr5 Maurois 194 Lyrics, Mediaeval Latin—P. S.

Allen .. 334

ATAIE.pDoleFoankir—InR.WBaekmae yiofi 358 Williams 579 Nature by Night—A. Thompson .. 778 Naval Operations, V.—Sir H.

Newbolt .. 194 Nelson—Clennell Wilkinson .. 327 Neurasthenia, a Challenge to—Miss Armitage .. 506 New Testament, Riddle of—Sir E.

Hoskyns, &c. . 329 Nignaorleye, Florence — I. R. 57

No Trouble—en Lie ....739

North Pole, Under the—Sir B.

Wilkins 506 Nudists, Among—F. ct Si. Merrill 381 Nutrition, Studies of (African Tribes)—J. B. On Jr J. L. Gilks , 500

pAINTERS, Sporting—W. S. Sparrow .. .. 652 Palestine Illustrated—F. Scholten.. 778 Paneros—Norman Douglas .. 814 Pa1117.71, Antonio—Dr. C. Brooks.. 64 Pearl Hunter, Odyssey of—F. IL

Burdett & P. J. King 198 ADAMTUR—Al Carthill .' 818 Magic Forest—C. and L.

Sandford 778 Magic Life, My—D. Devant .. 552 Malaya, Soul of—H. Fauconnier .. 685 Man, Antiquity of : New Dis-

coveries—Sir A. Keith .. 23 — Early—Prof. E. Smith, &c. .. 398

— Emergence of—G. Heard .. 679 Manon Lescaut—Trans. by Helen Waddell .. .. 56 Manor Farm—F. H. Cripps-Day 220 March, Kind Comrade—R. H. J.

Stuart . .. 393 Marco Polo, Travels of—Trans. by A. Ricci 816 Marie Louise—E. Si. Oddie.. .. 577 Marsh and Mudflat--Maj. K. Dawson .. .

Masks, Mimes and Miracles—A.

Nicoll .. . . 298 Master Olof and other Plays—A. Strindberg* . • Maugham, Somerset, Plays of . 334 Maxwell, James Clerk—Sir J. J. Thomson, &c.

Mayflower, Before the—J. Yardley 134 Mediaeval History, Guide to—Prof. Paetow 226 Memoirs—Prince von Billow 24-614 Memories of a Long Life—Lord Rathereedan — 306 Men, Women and Mountains—Sir C. Schuster. .. 742 Mental Defective—J. A. Berry, &c. 329 3lesopotamia, 1917-20 — Sir A.

Wilson .. 88 Milner Papers; S. Africa, 1897-99.. 890 Mind, Countries of the—J. Si.

Murry .. .. 464 — Our Superconscious — Edith Lyttelton' . . 221 Mine Eyes to the Hills—P. IL Chalmers .. " . '' .. 359 Minnie Maylow's Story—John Mase-

field.. 547 Mistletoe, John—Christopher Morley 394 Money and Prices—A. Baker — 787 — Article, How to Read the—C.

Duguid 398 — Maze, This—R, Eisler 737 — Writes—Upton Sinclair— 64 Monro, Gen. Sir C. C.—Gen. Sir G.

Barrow .. . . 506 Montparnasse, Back to — S. Huddleston

Montrose, In Track of—Miss I. F. Grant .. 892 Moore, George, Work; by .. 498 Moving Forward—Henry Ford .. 28 Muhammad Ali—H. Dodwell .. 336 Music at Night—A. Huxley .. 361 — English—Sir W. H. Hadow .. 891 Mussolini—Sir Charles Petrie — 857 Mustapha Kemal—D. von Mllcusch 552 Myself and Others—Sir L. Ronald.. 891 Mysticism in Near and Middle East —Margaret Smith 499 537 662 OLD Age, Conquest of—P. Schmidt .. 607 • One Man's Road—Arthur Waugh.. 392 Other Dimensions—Victoria Lady Welby _ 886 Our Fathers, 1870-1900—A. Bott 877 Out-of-Work, Odyssey of an—T. ..

Horsley 93 Owen Glendower—J. E. Lloyd .. 579 Oxford Books—F. Madan ....714 — Government of—L. Curtis, &e... 64 — Note Book—A. L. Mayeock ..892 — e. Cambridge—H. Si. Abrahams & J. B. Kerr .. 386 People and Things—H. Nicolson . 277 Plant Life through the Ages—A. C.

Seward .. _ .. 58 Playing Cards History of — Catherine Hargrave . 775 — — Old and Curious—H. T.

Morley .. _ 775 Podmore, W. H., Trial of—I.

Fletcher-Moulton, &c. .. 250 Poe, Edgar Allan, Murder of—

J. A. T. Lloyd. . .. 882 POETRY, Books of 160-576-648-683- 784-820-828-886 Poetry, Common-sense about — L. A. G. Strong .. 501 — in France and England—Jean Stewart — Signpost to—H. Wolfe ....501 Political Economy, Short History

of—L. L. Price .. 278 Politics and Younger Generation—

A. L. Rowse — 549 Polo, Introduction to—" Marco".. 746 Polyglot, Memoirs of a—W. Gerhardi 59 Population, Theories of—J. Boner.. 579 Portraits and Appreciations—Lord D'Abernon— . .. 472 Poverty in Plenty—J. A. Hobson.. 434 Power, Quest for—H. P. a: 31. W.

Towles 398 Prayer, On—J. P. de Caussade .. 133 Priestley, Joseph—Anne Holt . 96 Prometheus and Epimetheus—C.

Spitteler . . 62 Prosperity : America—M. J. Boon . — Key to—N.I. P. Reilly_ .. 162 Proust--Pierre Abraham .. .. 687 Psychoanalysis, : Mea.11111g 31. W. . ... 474 Peck Psychology of Men of Genius—E.

Kretschmer .. 742 Puppets in Yorkshire—W. Wilkin- son. 92 Purefoy Letters—Ed. by G. Eland 854 QUEEN VICTORIA, Letters of, 3rd Series .. 462

REASON and Nature—H. Cohen .. .. 193 Recovery, Path to — Lord

D'Abernon .. 681 — Way to—Sir G. Petah ....886 Red Bread—Maurice Hindus .. 58 Reilly, Sidney—Ed. by his Wife .. 327 Religion, Philosophy of—R. Otto.. 306 — Social Substance of—G. Heard .. 394 Religious Essays—Rudolf Otto .. 854 Reminiscences, Unorthodox—Sir G.

Turner _ .. 543 Reparations, End of—H. SCbacht 358 Return to Yesterday—Ford Madox Ford .. 685 Road, Story of the—J. W. Gregory 551 Roman Empire, Architect of—Dr.

T. Rice Holmes* . 198 — — Short History—Dr. Wells dit H. Barrow .. 198 Rosebery, Lord—Marquess of Crewe 646 Ross, Ronald—R. L. Migroz .. 543 Rouse, Alfred A., Trial of—Helen Normanton Rousseau—C. E. Vulliamy 299 — J. Charpentier 506

Ruskin's Guild of St. George—

Edith Hope Scott.. .. . 894 Russia, History of — V. 0. Kluchevsky 496 Russian Waters—N. Polunin .. 691 AILING the Seas—Corn. K.

Chatterton .. 474

Sailors' Lives.. — . 26 St. Andrew's Cathedral Museum— Dr. Hay Fleming .. .. 304 St. Augustine—H. Lesser ....820 St. Hugh of Lincoln—J. Clayton .. 820 Salisbury, Robert, Marquis of—

Lady Gwendolin Cecil .. 160 Salmon Fishing, Books on . .. 429 Sanderson, John, Travels of, in the Levant .. * . 278 Satin Slipper, the—Paul Claudel.. 647 Scarborough—Ed. by A. Rowntree 620 Science, Advancing—Sir 0. Lodge.. 605 — and Common Sense—S. L. Davies 537 — 2,000 Years of—R. Harvey- Gibson, ac. .. 605 Scientific Outlook — Bertrand Russell .. .. 436 Scotland—George Byre-Todd _ 778 —Everyday Life in, to 1603—Miss

r. F. Grant 366 Scottish National Dictionary, I., 1— Ed. by William Grant — .. 273 Seaman, Life of a—E. G. Twitehett 196 Secondary Education, History of—

I. L. Kandel,. . . 300 Seed and Harvest—V. Korostovetz 891 Shakespeare v. Shallow—L. Hoteon 539 Shaw„ and Ellen Terry .. 357

— — the Plays of .. .. 191 Shooting with Rifle and Camera—

A. J. Biggins .. 364 Shotgun, Modern—G. Burrard .. 168 Silences, Dwellers of the—A. Sprunt 551 Skarn Brae—V. G. Childe _ 649 Sleuth, a Yellow—Nor Nails .. 856 Shim, the—Harry Barnes .. .. 222 Smaranda—Lord Thomson . 746 Smethurst, Dr., Trial of—L. A.

Parry .. . 250 Smith - Dorrien — Brig. - Gen. C. .. 551 Social Sciences, Encyclopaedia of .. 430 Soho, Romance of—B. aancellor .. 716 — Tenement in—G. Thomas .. 748 Soldier, British, Songs and Slang of —J. Brophy,. 689 Some and Sundry—G. Coleridge .. 364 Something Beyond—A. F. Webling 22 South Africa—Jan rf Hofmeyer . 131 — — Bantu Tribes of—A. I.

Duggan-Cronin.. 714 — — Historic Farms of—trothea Fairbridge.. 857 — — Modern Economic Iitory of —D. M. Goodfellow . 820 — — Racial Segregation in—W. Al Cotton.. 472

South Ilymms--F. Brittain* .. 579

Spain in Revolt—J. McCabe .. 301 Spanish Baroque Art—S. Sitwell .* 132 Stael, Germaine de—R. McN. Wilson 647 Stag-Harbourer, Memories of—F. Goes Stalin—Isaac Don Levine .. .. 739 — Stephen Graham .. . 739 Sundays of Man's Life—S.P.C.K. _ 778 Surnames in British Isles—C. L'E.

Ewen.. 440 Synge and Anglo-Irish Literature—

D. Corkery. , .. 89

TABLE, Pleasures of—Sir F. Coichester-Wemyss .. 784 Temples of Eternity—R. Steuart .. 737 Terriers—Capt. J. Lucas.. .. 438 Terry, Ellen, and Bernard Shaw . 357

— — and her Secret Self—E. d.

Craig.. .. 612 Though Gently--Leura Riding .. 739 Tibet, Mystics and Magicians in—

Mme. David-Neel .. 168 Time Regained—Marcel Proust .. 687 Time Was—Graham Robertson .. 398 Tittles, Story of—W. D. Bowman .. 501 Togoiand and Cameroons, 1914-16— Brig.-Gen. Moberly .. 774 To Whom Else—Robert Graves .. 739 Trade Depression—R. G. Hawtrey 434 Transport, Pageant of—W. H.

Boulton .. 304 Travel Books 276-740-889 Trout and Sea-Trout Fishing—J.

Stirling .. . 714 Tuileries and Versailles —

McDougall . .. 30 Turner—Walter Bayes. 161 Maser, Thomas—Ed. by lorothi

Hartley , . .. 548 UNEMPLOYMENT, Can Govern- Unemployment, Causes and Cures of —Sir W. Beveridge .. 613 434 162 — Economics of—J. A. Hobson .. 247 — Problems in U.S.—H. B. Butler 247 — Riddle of—D. Knoop .

Universities in Great Britain—Prof. 506 E. Barker ..

VILLAGE Schools — Marjorie Wise .. 498

WAGNER, Fact and Fiction about—Ernest Newman .. 192 Wales, Lakes of—F. Ward .. .. 266 Walpole, Robert--0. R. S. Taylor .. 191

War Books .. - . .. 92 — in the Air—H. A. Jones .. 64 — the Coming—Gen. Ludendorff .. 93 We Do SeeLife—Rev. D. Morse-

Boycott. 748 Wellington, Duke of—P. Guedalla .. 497 Wesley, John—C. E. Vulliamy .. 677 — — Letters of , . .. 677 Whig Interpretation of History—N.

Butterfield* . 774 Wilkie Collins, &c.--3. M. Kills .. 862 Wind in 'Bus-Tops—C. P. Hawkes 334 Windmills, Two Books on .. 135 Wine, Romance of—H. W. Alien .. 784 Woman, Ageless—P. It. Broemel .. 221 Women and Crime—C. Bishop .. 547 — and Politics—Duchess of Atholl 331 Wood, the Singing—Lady Frazer .. 228 Workhouse Million, Our—G. F.

Bonsor _ 304 Workman's Cottage to Windsor

Castle—J. Hodge 543 World Champions—Paul Morand — 499 World Crisis : Eastern Front—

W. S. Churchill.* .. 612 — Unity of the—G. Ferrero .. 499 — War, My Experiences in—Gen.

Pershing .. 24 Writers at Work—Louise Morgan .. 691 Writing Business, Books on this .. 888

ZANZIBAR—W. H. Ingrams .. 366 Zeppelin, Count — Margaret Goldsmith .. .. 330 1 Cit TH Foot, the—Maj.-Gen.

Sir F. Maurice 366 FICTION

A FTERNOON Men — Anthony

.11. Powell .. .. 252 Alexanderplatz—Alfred MALI .. 744 American Short Stories, Great .. 616 And Now Good-bye—J. Hilton .. 276 And Then Silence !—M. M. Propper 135 Apartments to Let—Norah Moult.. 776 Around Broom Lane—Mrs. W.

O'Brien .. 859 Autumnal Face—M. Muggeridge .. 822

BACKGROUND—Mark Severn 332 Balkan Tavern—Panait Istrati 195 Bitter Orange Tree—P. Istrati .. 549 Blanket of the Dark—J. Buchan .. 195 Book with Seven Seals 694 Brontes Went to Woolworth's—

Rachel Ferguson .. .. 437 Broome Stages—Clemence Dane .. 166 Brothers in the West—R. Reynolds 650 CIASSANDRA — Reginald Berkeley .. 618 Cat without Substance—S. Norman 302 ments Cure 1—Sir N. HugeU, Children of Darkness—V. Shishkov 744 Claudine In Paris—Colette and Wilby 93 Country Child—Alison Uttley 382 Country Tune—Ruth Holland .. 26 CRIME STORIES .. 550 Crutch—Seton Peacey 390 Cypress in Moonlight—Agnes Mare Mackenzie .. 93

DARK Duty—Margaret Wilson 504 Dawn's Left Hand—Dorothy Richardson 650 Dear Countrymen—S. L. Bensusan 195

Destination--Leonid Rely 822 Della Barbara—R. Gallegos .. 692 Dutch Agnes her Valentine—W. G. Colltngwood 93

VAST Wind : West Wind—

..112.4 Pearl S. Buck .. 650

FAM:MY Name—Arnold Lunu .. 822 Fares, Please—A. E. Coppard 93 First Person Singular—W. S.

lAsugham . . 468 Folk by the Sea—Johan Itojer .. 578 Footsteps on Stairs—L. Ford .. 135 Forge, the—T. S. Stribling .. 251 Fortnight in September—R. C.

Sherriff. .. 502 Fortune, the—Douglas Goldring .. 859 Full Circle—Elinor Mordaunt .. 436

Full Stop--Cicely Hamilton .. 776

GOLOVLYOV Family— Shche- chin 549 Grace Latouche and the Warring-

tons—Marjorie Bowen .. 303 Greek Slave—Douglas Siaden .. 224 Guests of the Nation—F. O'Connor 436

HAPPY Prisoner—Lorna Boa.. 776 Harm Wulf—Hermann Lints 744 Hero, the—Alfred Neumann .. 223 Herrin' Jennie—Edward Albert .. 437

Hidden Child—Franz Werfel .. 166 High Summer—Richard Church .. 332

I MAGINED Corners—Willa Muir 26 Imperial Treasure—Val Gielged 223

el Grlerson .. .. TACKDAW Mystery — F. D.

.. 135 .. 166 John and David—.T. Kenward Judith Paris—Hugh Walpole .. 302 Julian Probert—Susan Ertz .. 436

LK''S Goose, the — A. T. Sheppard .. .. 502 AIRD of Balfrae—D. T. H. McLellan .. 502 Life and Andrew Otway—N. Bell .. 302 MAID in Waiting—I. Gals-

worthy . 607 Major Grant—Carol; Oman .. 303 Making Conversation—C. Longford 578 Manana—M. D. Turner .. 824 Mango Tree—Margaret Hamilton.. 693 Mangus Colorado—W. L. Comfort.. 693 Man Who Died—D. H. Lawrence .. 436 Markus the Fisherman—G. Scott .. 744 Men in Darkness—J. Hanley .. 549 Mercury Story Book, Second .. 618 Miming Moneylender—W. S. Sykes 135 Mr. and Mrs. Pennington—F. Brett Young .. 578 Mr. Darby—Martin Armstrong .. 362 Mistress of the Tenor—H. Flesch .. 251 Modern Vanity Fair—S. Graham .. 195 Month of May—Jane Dashwood .. 166 Moth of Holiness—P. Bloomfield .. 195 'MEW Bed—Edith Brill .. 276 .i..1 Nixey's Harlequin—A. E.

Coppard 468 0 CTOB ER House—K. Y. Straiten 135 Our Street — Compton Mackenzie 776 Outlaws—E. von Salomon 82

PERFUME of Amber—H. V. Hamilton .. 859 Place of the Lion—C. Williams .. 693 Plagued by the Nightingale—K.

Boyle .. .. 93 Portrait of Airman—P. Antall .. 62 Prince Jail-11. Myers ....860 DECONSTRUCTION — Ronald Alb Gurner 859 Red King Dreams—C. G. Crump .. 578 Return I Dare Not—Margaret Kennedy 396 Ripening Corn—Colette 693 Rivers of Damascus—D. Byrne .. 26 CZ Plomer 396 kJ Saint Johnson—W. It. Burnett 303 Sanctuary—William Faulkner .. 362 Sarah Gay—Mary Borden — .. 502 Saturday Night—Thomas Moult .. 276 Second City—Montagu Slater .. 62 Seven Days' Darkness—G. Gunnar- son Seven Short Stories—W. De La Mare Seventh Sin—Joy Baines . .. 223 Shepherd's Calendar—I. MacPherson 502 Shortest Night—G. B. Stern .. 334 Slaves—Frank Pollard , . 26 Small Town—Bradda Field .. 436 Sons of Mrs. Ahab—Sarah G. Millin 050 Spell, the—Charlotte Brontil Sot—Leonld Leonov . .. 744 .. 891 Sport, Great Stories of .. .. 816 Step to a Drum—Betty Inskip .. 824 .. 135 Stolen Cellini—Alan Thomas 'THAT Basilisk—L. Smith-Gordon 62 1. They Caine to the Castle—A.

Bertram 502 Timothy—John Palmer I.. .. 362 Trap, the—Allen Havens .. 549 Two Symphonies—Andre Gino .. 744 Two Tldeves—?danuel Komroff .. 223 TTNCLAY—T. F. Powys.. .. 396 Unicorn—Marguerite Steen.. 332 Unrecorded—Mrs. R. S. Garnett .. 502 VERY Private Sin—Laurence Oliver .. 332

WANTON Ways—Norah James 502 Waves, the—Virginia Woolf 468 Wet Parade—Upton Sinclair .. 616 Whips of Time—Norman Giles .. 859

Wild Orchid—Sigrid Undset .. 468 Wild Rye—Muriel Hine 859 Without My Cloak—Kate O'Brien.. 860 Wooden Swords—Jacques Bevel .. 822 World against Many—J. H. Frank 278

youNG Diana—Margaret Iron-


A eltic.er Children, Conference on, 48— -cl- Agricultural Abnormal Imports Bill, 884—Altars, Stone, 852-883— American Slang, 54-86-218—Animals : a Hospital for, 14; Cruelty to, 188— Animal World, the, 53—Antigone, Ferocity of, 54-84—Armaments, Reduc- tion of, 419—" As Thrang as Thropp's Wife," 189-218-245.

B ARK Return, the Weekly, 491—

Bankruptcy, On the Very Edge of, 527-571-596 — Banks, 641 — Bathing, Mixed, 115-157-187—B.B.C., are they too Cautious ? 789-811-848-882—Birds, Captive, in the Heat, 54—Bishop and Archbishop, 187-218—" Bright Eyes of Danger," 419—Britain, Why Como to ? 269-204-324 — British Commonwealth Education Committee, 86—Brunanburli, the Battle of, 115-158—Budget, the : and Defending the Pound, 387: Civil Engineers and the, 387—Budget Fund, a Voluntary, 418—Building Societies' Progress, 158—Burma, 19-83—Buy British Movement, 641-708.

CABBAGE Must COMO from COW, 458 —Cambridge, Letter from, 701— Canada : Licensing Law in, 270: Great Britain and, 358; and the Gold Standard, 490; Advice from. 596— Cancer, the Cause of, 703-734-813-848- 852—Cat, the, in the Adage, 772— " Cavalcade," 573—Ceell, Lord, Thanks Spectator Readers, 595—Census, the, 115—Ceylon, Historical MSS. of, 494— Child, Health of the, 706—China, World Help for, 493—Christian, Should a, Fight for his Country ? 704-732-768- 812-849—Church and Mental Health, 20—Colour liar, the, 16-52; Islam and the, 114-156; Empire Games and the, 156-450; Mr. Paul Robeaon on the, 216; in Australia, 271-324; and Mental Power, 459.529-572; Mixed Marriage and the, 492—Cook, Mr. Arthur J., 640—Cotton Glut, the, 271— Credit., the Use of, 459—Crime and the Police, 270—Crisis, the, 323-352--- Currency Standard, a Future, 490— Cyclist, the Oldest Living, 852.

TIEER in Sussex Woodlands, 325—Deer -1-• Stalking, 419—Die, the Right to, 598—Disarmament, the Churches and, 323—Disarmament Conference in Paris, 531—Disposal, 54—Dogs, the Future of, 85—Dole, the iniquitous, 16-54.

FCONONIC Situation, the, 457 — Economy and Disarmament, 244— Editor, Advice to an, 218-245—Emer- gency Measures, 268—Emerson and Modern Life, 883—Emigration, Old Style, 51—Empire Tours, 572—Engi- neer, Economy and the, 490—England, Stability of, 883—English as she Is Written, 295-325-354-572—English Lan- guage, the Spedator and the, 597-643- 708-734-770-814--English, the, are they Human ? 85—Episcopal Government, 244—Episcopal Incomes, a Cut in, 597— Eros and Brighter Clothes, 735—Ex- hauet, the Open, 114—Exmoor Red Deer, the, 530—Expression, Economy of, 389.

VARNER, the Plight of the, 270— -a: Festive Board, the, 851—Field Sports and Wild Life, 881—Fifth Army, the, 884—Financial Situation, the, 294— Financial Stability, 571—Five Years Plan, the, 156—Food Reform, 528— Forests or Deserts? 157—Forgiveness, 529— "Forgotten England," 296 — Foundling Site, the, 18-217-735-814-882 —Fox, Silver, Torturing a, 530—France and Reparations, 324—Free Trade or Protection, 388-418-527-570-595-040- 771-810—French View, a, 644. QALLOWAY Hydro-electric Scheme, 493

-Gambling : the Case against, 734; and Betting, 769-814-General Election, After the, 595-640--Geography, Polite, 571-597-643-Gibbon and Fanny Burney, 325-Girls of the Professional Classes, Rescue Work among, 53- God, the Idea of, 53-Gold Standard : the Suspension of the, 418; Off the, 457; Canada and the, 490; "Economic v. Artificial," 490; and Unbalanced Trade, 527-Guildford Election, the, 296.

TT AMILTON, Emma, 704-Hand-Spin-

Wog and Hand-Weaving, 531- Health, Minister of, a Challenge to the New, 642-772-Hertfordshire Agricul- tural Show, 86-Homes, New for Old, 812-Hoover Plan, the, 18-Horn, Aloyslus, 355-Horses : an Age Limit for, 188-218; Traffic in, 673-Hotels, English, 598-643-705 - Housing in London, 733-772-Hunting : Substi- tutes for, 85; the R.S.P.C.A. and, 116- 188-218-245-493-530.

TMPERIAL Theme, the, 884-Income -A- Tax : for All, 244; Alien Residents and the, 354-419-India : a Better Atmosphere in, 13; Englishmen in Public Life in, 58; the Delegates to the Conference, 113; Independence v. Dominion Status, 208; a Policy of Firmness in, 269; the Round Table Conference, 852-458-492; Outrage in, 352; and the Cinema, 417; Drastic Economy in, 458; Caste in, 492; the Spectator and, 571; Divine Mandate for, 598; the Future of, 082; the Women of, 706; Who are the "Depressed Classes" in ? 771-Indian Communal Problem, the, 417-Indian Mutiny, the, In Perspective, 84-113-Indian Riots and the Round Table Conference, 155- Indian States, Slavery in the, 210-209- Industrial Squatter, the, 851-Industry, the Burden of, 387-418.

KENYA, 113-158-216 - Knutsford, A'. Lord, 155-245. ABOUR Party, the Future of the, 640 - Laburnum Adam], 54- Language, an International, 295- Lima, a Letter from 81-Lipton, Sir Thomas, 530-Lotterries, 115-189.

Affs.Notwars : Letter from, 038; the

Japanese rand, 772-" Mango Tree," the, 735-Marriage and Sex, 597 -Mary Queen of Scots, 19-Meal, an Expensive, 271-325-355-389 - Medical Profession, the " Cuts " and the, 642- Milk, 598-642-Milk Gravy, 642- Moscow : Letter from 240; a Film in, 735-Mountains, Access to, 268- Musical Sittings of Poems : an Abuse of Copyright, 245-325.

NATIONS' Interest in One Another, 187 - -Nazi, Why I am a, 811- Nazis, the, and the German Jews, 883- Negro, the, in the United States, 116- Nelson, 883-Nerve-control in East and

West, 771-813-851 - Nightingale, Florence, 84; the Aga Khan's Talk with, 732-Nurses, 271: Shortage of, 296-325.

CIA from Coal, 18-51-83-216--Osio • Breakfast, the, 842-706-735 -

Oxford, a Letter from, 525.

-PARIS, a Letter from, 384-Partridge, • the Polygamus, 493-Peace : and Propaganda, 114-187 Danish Youths and, 531-Peace Sunday, 734-Personal Economy and Public Welfare, 571- Pharmacy and Poisons Bill, 19- Philosophy, British Institute of, 598- 643-770-Population, Britain's Surplus, 571-771-Post Office, the, 708; and the Railways, 851-Pottery, British, 20- Prejudice, the Voice of 17-52-83-114- Progress, Have We Made Real ? 18- Protection, Free Trade or, 388-418-527- 570-598-040-771-850 - Public Control, 528-Public School Fees, 848-882.

QARANTIME, 708; Quotations, Verify Your, 189.

1)#ABBIT SIMMS, 298-Racial Decay, -LW Children and, 708-Railways, Electrification of, 118-Reciprocity, World-Trade, Britain's Way to, 418- Religions, a League of, 812-850- Reinke, Jean and Edouard, 86-Riches and Poverty, 528-Roman Catholics and the Lord's Prayers, 573- Royal Dragoons, a History of the, 88- R.S.P.C.A. • Meeting, the, 85-158 ; and Hunting, 11'6-188-218-245-493 ; and Stag- hunting, 630-Russian Exports, 419- Russian Timber Camps, 706.

QAMUEL, Sir Herbert, the Spectator 1-, and, 528-Schneider Trophy, the, 388-Scotland, Community Drama in, 388--Seourite, la, 243-268-323-352-388- 419-459--Simon, Sir John, and a Tariff, 388-Slaughter, Humane, 389; the Government and the Bill, 389- Soul, War against the, 705-768- Spanish General Elections, the, 14 Spectator Press Day, a, 188-Spending and Saving, 596-Spiritual Renewal, the Need for, 491-572-597-Squirrel, the

Grey, 708-Statistician, In Defence of the, 86--Staghunting and Deerstalking, 188-294-Sterilization Bill, the, 156-186- 215-244-270-295-324-Stuarta, the Ablest of the, 572-Style, Points of, 530- Sunday Performances, 86-Survival of the Fittest, 158-Swallows, Artistic, 530-Sweepstakes, 852.

IMAM : the Risks of a, 458; the -a- Ideal, 491-" There's something in the British after all," 772-Tithe Barns, 296-325-355-389-459-494-531 - Tithe, Distraint for, 852-Trade Balance : How to Right the, 527-570; of France, 573; and Gold, 640-Trapping, Cruel, 735- Tudor, Another Unruly, 218-Tyres, Worn, 116.

rprztErnyvan : Employ the, 16-51-83- '-' 114-180; Occupation for the, 215; Allotments for the, 814; Ruskin and the, 851-Unemployment Allowance, the, 353-Unemployment Insurance, the Misuse of, 418.

VIENNA, a Letter from, 765.

WetEs, South, Self-help in, 353- v* Walkers : a Charter for, 157-188- 217 ; Closed to, 189-Water Divining, 529-573-642-706-852-Waugh, Mr., as Poet, 459-Wealth, the Problem of, 571 -Weeklies, the, and a Library, 270- Wheat Quota, the, 882-Wheeler, Lady, 852-Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, the late Professor von, 494-Winter at Home, 528 -Winter Resort without a Cruel Sport, 884-Workers' Standard of Living, 490.


ADVERTISERS, Artistic, 351. Agricultural Grocers, 50.

Agriculture : a New Policy for, 154; the New, at Rothamsted, 526-594. Alderfen Broad, Lilies of, 154-702. Allotments : and the Unemployed, 456; More, 810.

America, Nature Study in, 880. Annuals, Mixed, 15.

Auburn Revisited, 386.

Bran Criminal, a, 287.

Birds : Faithful, 242; Road-loving, 489; Decadent, 526; Multiplying Water, 526; and Cultivation, 731 ; Imported, 731; Feeding, 811 ; Greedy,


Bittern, the Murdered, 386.

Blackbird v. Squirrel, 82.

Borders, Profitable Rough, 214.

Bulbs, English, 416-489.

Butcher, the Model, 787.

CAT: Intelligence of a, 112; a Motherly, 185.

Christmas Card, a, 702.

Christmas, an Open, 880.

Cloud, a Boiling, 122.

Corn : Stand-up Varieties of, 112; the Last Patch of, 351; in Egypt, 639. Cottage Preservation, 639.

Cottages, Country, 702.

County, the Best, and the Worst, 880.

Cover or Covert ? 731.

Craftsmen, Surviving, 82.

Crops, Bombarded, 242,

DADDIES, Where they Swarm, 456. Dairy Produce, 569.

Dog's Rebuke, a, 880. Dowser's Mystery, the, 787. Dublin, Wagtails in, 82.

ECCENTRIC Phenomena, 489, Eccentric Year, This, 351. Eggs and the Earthquake, 185. Electric Farms, More, 528. England, a Self-Sufficing, 880. Ermine and Hare, 456. Explosives for Spades, 185.

Elam, the Hope of the, 847.

Farmers, a Real Aid to, 731.

Fear, the Boldness of, 456-594-880. Finch, the Master, 810.

Flowers : Common Rarities, 50; and the Public, 154; Tricolour, 242; as Peace Agents, 267; Australian, 267; the Importance of, 293; Vanishing, 322.

Foods, Early, 702.

Friend's Enemy, the, 594.

Fruits : Autumn, 418; First, the Preference for, 702.

GARDEN Experiment, a, 15. Gardeners, 'Urban, 456. Golfers and Mole Drains, 214. Gooseberry Greed, 847, Grass, Unwanted, 569. Green Thoughts, 639. Grocers and Farmers, 50.

Grouse : Ringed, 214: Do they Migrate 322, Hmtvwx Hopes, 267.

Harvests, Revived, 293.

Harvesters, " Combine," 351. Health, the &era of, 847. Herefordshire, Backward, 184.

IRELAND, Agricultural Co-operation in, 767.

LABURNUM, the, 15. Land, Cheap, 767. London Naturalists, 50. London Tropiss, 293.

Marlow, the Greek, 267.

Mammals, Imported, 731.

Manor, an Intensive, 154. Marketing Scheme, the, of Ministry of Agriculture, 731.

Midge, a Dainty, 694.

Migrants, Marked, 214.

Migrant Perils, 416.

Migration, Changes in, 880.

Milkmen, Famous, 669.

Musk, a Scented, 214.

ORWIN, Mr., and Weeds, 267-322. Oslo Breakfast, the, 594-847. Otters and Badgers, 322.

PARTRIDGE, a Polygamous, 322. Petrol Dragon, the, 242.

Phoenix, a, 185.

Plants, New, 293.

Preservers, the, at Bath, 489.

RADISH Seed Experiment, an, 702. Ribbon Danger, the, 15. Road Revolution, the, 418. Rose, the Best October, 526. Roses, Yellow, 112,

Rurban, 112.

SANCTUARY: the Value of, 702; the

Squirrel and the, 767.

Seasons, Defying the, 702.

Snipe, an Eccentric, 214.

Somerset Cottages, 185.

Sparrowhawk and Lark, 456-594.

Spring in Winter, 811. Squirrel : a Hoarding, 639; the Burying Ifibit of the, 847.

Stock or Stuff ? 322.

Stocks and Shows, 15.

Strawberries, a Bumper Year for, 50.

Superstitions, Country, 386.

Swallows : Artistic, 416; Late, 639.

TREES: the Wrong, 489; a Traveller in, 811.

VERMIN, the Return of the, 293. Victorian Posies, 287. Village, the Loveliest, $22.

Waring: and Mr. Orwin, 267; Culti- vating, 322.

Welsh Vandals, 50.

Wheat in the Depths, 386.

Woods, English, 82.

Zoo Experiments, 322. Zoology, Empire, 293,

A PENNY OF OBSERVATION AT It Again, 153. Au Revoir, 319.

BABYLON, the Modern, 152. Be Yourself, 46. Book Review, 183,


Conscience Money, 111. Cruelty Begins at Home, 12.

DEMON Beer, the, 47.

Depraving Our Daughters, SO. Descriptive Methods, 239. Detroit, Kitchen Gardens of, 266.

EMPLOY the Unemployed, 182, Error, On, 183.

Exchequer, a Drain on the, 212.


HINDERMOST, the, 12. Holiday Tasks, 212.

LIKE a Good Deed in a Naughty World, 319.

Little Ease, 111.

NEW Sin, the, 152. Newspapers, Old, 292.

PARTY Spirit, the, 111.

Phantasmagoria, 11.

Playing with Fire, 48.

Post, the, 285.

Psychology, First Steps in, 80.


Terroos, 212.

Thin End of the Wedge, the, 239.

WILLS on Wax, 111.

AS THE WORLD GOES (Pp. 487-588-1337.)



EUSTON, a Holiday at, 349. HORTICULTURE and Harmony, 413. INzartmwEsz, 383.

MICROPHONE, Magic or, Warning to Mothers, 414.

PIGEON'S Point of View, from the, 382.

REFORMING the (Devil's) Prayer-book, 349.

COMPETITION RESULTS Synopsis of Previous Events .. 21 Six English Words, &c. .. 55 Twelve Women's Christian Names., 87 Limericks 130-736-773-815-853-885 Press Day at the Spectator .. 159 Shakespearean Quotations .. 190 Nicknames .. 219 Story in Telegrams 248

Mr. DI rage and Mr. Stuart,, 272

Dinner Menu.. .. • .. 297 Epitaph on a Meteorologist .. 326 Be Thought Be Saw the Schneider

Screening Shakespeare's Plays .. 390 Edgar Wallace, Amy Johnson, &c... 420

Railway Carriage Dialogne.. .. 480 Bradshaw " Blurb ".. .. 495 The 1 and the Appendix ....532 Intelligence Test for Electors .. 574

"Who's Who," 1250 B.C. 811

Party Titles in General Election .. 645 British Ides Holiday .. 710 Prime Minister, Letter to .. 736 Names of English Newspapers, &c... 773 Suggestions for a Better World .. 815 Christmas Dinner Invitation .. 853 Christmas Presents 886


Australia .. .. .. .. 278 Austria, a Walking Tour in.. .. 138 Cost of Travelling by Private Aero- plane _ . , .. 30 Egypt.. .. .. .. 306 Iberia, Land of the Sun .. 338 India, the Tourist in.. .. 254 Italy in Wales .. .. 226 Jamaica .' .. .. 652 Lausanne and Education .. 168 ' Orford,' a Cruise in the ..554 "Painted Stations" .. 96 South Africa, the Charm of .. 370 Sweden, Travel in .. _ 198 Touring Soviet Russia .. .. 68 Where the Autumn Crocuses grow.. 402 Winter Cruising .. .. .. 552 THE MODERN HOME Ancient,. Modern .. 32 An Austrian View .. .. 66 Plywood in Furniture .. 98-136 The Real Thing .. 368 llea 400-440-474

Lightitinngg 508-580-622

Cookers _ .. 712 Architecture, a Glance at .. 754 Design in Industry .. 830 Some Christmas Suggestions .. 862 FINANCIAL SUPPLEMENTS (Spectator, July 25th and October 31st.) HEALTH SUPPLEMENT (Spectator, October 10th.) OBITUARY

Aosta, the Duke of .. .. 39

Bailey, Mr. John Cann 3 Battersea, Lady .. .. 721 Bell, Sir Hugh .. .. 3 Brace, Major-Gen. Sir David .. 757 Caine, Sir Hall 283 Carr, Prof. Wildon .. 71 Cook, Mr. A. J. .. 585 Dyke, Sir William Hart .. 89 Edison, Thomas Alva .. .. 517 Foster, Sir Gregory .. .. 407 Jerusalem, Patriarch of .. 231 Knutaford, Lord .. .. 143-155 Lipton, Sir Thomas .. 447-530 Lyttelton, Gen. Sir Neville .. 39 Mackennal, Sir Bertram .. 479 Monash, Gen. Sir John 479 Morrow, Senator Dwight ....447 Orpen, Sir William, R.A. 447 Pringle-Pattison, Prof. Seth .. 283

Procter, Min Joan 375

Ricketts, Mr. Charles .. 479 Upsala, Archbishop of .. 71 Wilamowitz-Mollendort, Prof. U.