3 JULY 1941, Page 1



ABSENTEEISM Abyssinia ... 502 African bases and Vichy ... 122 Agriculture : workers' wages, 458, 502; effect of the new call-up ... 570

Air war, the, 50; bombing of Ger- many, 393; raids on Naples and Libyan ports, 417; superiority in the air, 458; the defence of air- fields Allied talks at Washington ... ... 589 America, 1, 49, 73, 97, 121, 249, 273,

345, 393, 417, 437, 438, 457, 477,

501, 525; at war with Japan, 545, 546, 569 ... ... 589 Anglo-Russian co-operation ... 501 Anglo-Soviet pledge to Turkey ... 146 Appeal from the Continent 438 Artisans in uniform ... 226 Atlantic Charter, the ... ... 298 Attlee, Mr., his survey of the war... 12z

Auchlin!eck, Gen. Sir Claude 2, 25 BAustralia, politics in 594, 226, 346 ALTIC-f£,GEAN Conference, a 438 Bcaverbrook-Harriman mission Benes, Dr., his speech at Edinburgh 458

Sevin, Mr. ... 170 Broadcasts to Germans ... ..• 274 Budget, balancing the .. .. 57o Building plans

Bulgaria and Russia .. ... 273 Burma : Burmese Premier's visit, 369; the future of Burma... ... 438 OHILDREN in the country, 146;

V children in danger zones ... 37o Church and State in Russia • • • 345 Churchill, Mr., his broadcasts, 193, 249; his survey of the war situa-

tion, 32t; speech at Mansion

House ...

458 Coal ... ... 26, 122 Colonies, labour reforms in ... 418 Commandos, the ... ... 502 County Badge, the ... ..-


Critical moment, a ... • • •


Cunningham campaign • 477 Czecho-Slovakia •• • 74

DARLAN, Admiral ...

• • •


Dominion Premiers ... ... 169 Dominions and War Cabinet 194, 25o

EASTERN front, the ...

321 Eden, Mr., his speeches 26. 98 Eire and America ... . 57o Emergency Powers Act 458, 502 Enemy shipping losses ... 570 Ethiopia's independence Evacuated children ... ..• ... 146 394 Examinations ... 370

FARMERS and the Government 546 Fascist camp disorders ... 322 Finland, breach with, 98, 297; reply to American Note 478 Fire lighting .. 274

Food, the conservation of ... 2

France: Vichy treachery, 98; Vichy and African bases, 122; ViChY'll surrender, 145; attack on Laval and Dem, 194; Pro-Germans in France, 226; terror in France, 297; the mock trials, 394; German savagery, 418; captured French ships, 438; Vichy and Hitler, 477; Petain and Goring, 525; 546;

Nazis, Vichy and Madrid ... 57o

HEALTH in the factories p6

Health of the troops 146 Hitler as supreme commander .. 589

Hitler's speeches 346, 457, 589

Hoare, Sir Samuel 438 Home Guard, conscription for ... 590 Hong-kong ... 569, 590

IHopkins, Mr. Harry ... 97, 121 NDIA, 73, 121, 274, 346, 478, 525, 590 Inflation, the road to ... -• • 74

[ran, German propaganda in, 50, 98, 170; Allied advances in, 193; Anglo-Russian terms to, 225; the settlement in, 25o; abdication of the Shah, 273; the first phase in... 298 Iraq, the situation in Italy, the case of ... 322

JAPANJAPAN, 50, 73, 97, 145, 169, 225, , 346, 417, 437, 457, 501, 525; at war, 545, 569, 59o; and

Russia ... 569

Juvenile crime 503 TI ING, Mr. Mackenzie ... 169

11.. Keyes, Sir Roger ... 502

IABOUR and the Communist

Labour Reforms in the Colonies ... 418 Latin-America, Nazis in 74 Libya ... ... 274, 477, 545, 569 Litvinov, M., interview with ... 569 Lyttelton, Mr. Oliver ... 2, 26 cGOVERN, Mr. • • • 394 kn. Malaya

Man-power ... • • 546, 590

Menzies, Mr. 169, 226 Middle-East Command, the, 2;

military issues in 25

Ministry of Information, the ... 26 Minorities and the Peace ... ... 526 Moscow conference ... 322 ATIONAL expenditure, Select Committee on • • • • • - 194

Nazis and Roman Catholics • • • 418

Neutrality Act, the ... ... 297 )FFICERS' allowances ... ... 250

I /ANA/AA and Nazi influence... 37o Parliamentary candidates and

wealth .. 298 Peace moves and post-war plans ... 98 ' Pink Star,' the . 297 Post-war plans 417 Price stabilisation .. ... • • • 74 Prince of Wales,' the loss of the... 545 Production . . 5o, 226, 526, 570

QUACK medicines .. 26

A.F., the, 2; in Russia Do Railways, the ...

Rationing, an innovation ... Reconstruction, order in ... Religion and citizenship ... Religious education ...

Reserved occupations ...

Ribbentrop's lie about Russia ... Road transport, rationalisation of ... Russia, 1, 25, 49, 74, 169, 193, 194, 226, 321, 322, 346, 369, 393, 437,

501, 526, 545, 569; and Japan ... 569 Russian trade agreement ... 170 Russo-Polish treaty .. 97

SERVICEMEN'S pay and allow-

ances 370 Scheherazade,' the 1 School meals 394 Science, the role of ... 526

Shop stewards 394, 478

Shipping losses, I, 50, 458; enemy

losses • • • •• • 170, 274, 458 Singapore ... • .• • • • •• • 569

Skilled men in the Services ... 226 Smuts, Gen. ... 169 98, 502, 570 Spitzbergen, the raid on 250 Strikes in America ... 277 Sweden 25, 49 TAGORE, Sir Rabindranath .. 146 Tank production ... 526 Terror and massacre

Timor, allied occupation of- 590 Trades Union Congress 226, 25o, 274 Turkey, propaganda in, 98; Anglo-

Soviet pledge to, 146; German threat to, 249; Turkish-German trade, 369; Turkish foreign policy 437

lirAGES 170, 250, 458, 503, 546 War, the third year of the ... 225 War Damage Commission ... 146 Waste paper . . • • • • • .458 Wavell, Gen. Sir A.

Weygand, Gen. .• • • • • 477 Willingdon, Lord ... 146

Women in factories . ••• 478 World economic planning , . 722. Wounded prisoners : ..: 4 34.0. 274 370 439 146 122 478 570 526

OUNG England 1- Yugoslav Union, the . 526


ABSENTEEISM in Industry ... 256

Allotment Mind, the ... ... 232 America: Roosevelt's Tactics, 55; Half-speed America, 175; Mr. Roosevelt's Wisdom, 304; Telling America, 328; the End of Isola- tionism, 352; America Under- stood, 399; America and the Peace, 419; Some Notes on America, 422; Inside America ... 507 Australia : War-time Australia ... 35o Asia and the War ... 123 Atlantic Harvest ... 171

13.B.C., the, and Persia ... 303 Back to Minority Problems ... 279 Bible of Today, the ... •-• 596

Black Sea Encounter ... 508 Blockade of Europe, the • • • 531 Bombing Policy . ... 254 Bread Argument, the ... 128

etANADA'S Effort 1.-/ Caterpillars at War China and Japan Civilian's Nerves, the ...

Clausewitz and Russia ...

Cook, Mr. (Thomas), His Century ... Counter-moves to Hitler ...

Counting Herons ... . . Credo and Credit ...

Crimean Spring ...

I IETENTION Without Trial ... " Diversion" Controversy, the " Do-Something " Strategy, the ...


.4 Exchange of Populations, the ... 53o Europe of Tomorrow, the ... 251

11ACT-FINDING for Peace ... 199 Factories Set the Date, the .. 275 Facts as Foundations 302 Fifty Years Ago : Parnell's Tragedy 351 Forty Years' Progress ... 174

Fourteen and Eight ... . . 230

France: How France is Resisting, 314 In Germanised France, 153; a Messenger from France...

54 595 376 75

423 HEAVY Worker's Diet, the Herbs and Herbalism... 150 129 Hitler and His Subjects . 280

Holland, the Struggle in 462 Holmes-Pollock Letters, the 33

Home Guard Needs... ... 400

Hospitals, the Future of ... 374

Hudson, W. H., 1841-1941 105 TNDIA : Advance in India, 126;

I. a Solution for India . . . 278 Industrial Front, the... ... Iran, the Case of ...

TAPAN: Japan's Self-Worship, al 375; Tojo-Togo, 395; China and Japan, 398; Japan on the Verge, 479; the Japanese Peril, 547; the Foundation of Modern Japan, 55o; Japan and the New Order .

KING Edward VII ... KING of Germany 442

AND-QUESTION in Europe,the 255

London, Moscow, Paris . . 51 Losing One's Books . 444 Ludgate Hill, On 53o Harold Nicolson), 154, 178,

483 177 398 231 151 8

439 5o6 418 I ERMAN Army, the .. Germany, Knowledge of Gort, Lord, His Despatches Government and V, the . . Greek for Girls 595 MARGINAL Comment (by

202, 234, 258, 282, 306, 330, 354, 378, 401, 425, 445, 465, 485, 509,

533, 554, 577, 597 .Milk-sltorragA and , .ag8 • •


(LD Prometheans, the ...

/ Output and Needs ... 227

PALESTINE and the War Pamell's Tragedy ... Peace, a Real

Peace by Economics

People and King .. 423

Plans or Planlessness? 127 Plimsoll Line Rises, the ... 56 Policy and Victory ... 30 Pornography and Paper ... 483 Post-War Design 281 Post War League, the ... •• • 347 Prague, the Terror in 326 Pro and Con Lord Woolton... ... 103 Problem of Prussia, the ... Production for Total War, 99; Some Production Deadlocks ......551 • Puddleton Magna ... ... 32 176


353 rlIEHERAN, the Road to ... • • • 257

1 Terror in Prague, the . • • • 326

Things to Come ... 147

This Book and That ... 81

This Turtling World ... 201

U UnrVAe CUtAe.dTEvgmeinild the • • • 532


Am Correspondent, Jos - Allen, Walter, TS-American Journalist in London, an, 328-Anstey, Edgar, 10, 34, 58, 82, ,o6, 131, 155, 179, 203, 235, 259, 283, 307, 331, 355, 379, 402, 426, 446, 466, 486, 510, 534, 555, 578, 598-Archibald, Edith, 423-Atthill, Robin, 553.

B ANNARD, H. E., 351-Barker, Ernest, 38-Bartley, Vivien, 138, 540-Barton, Sir William, 126-Bash- ford, Sir Henry, 452-Bates, H. B., ro,

553 595 351 25f 79


ELIGIOUS Knowledge ... -1 1 Rest-Centre Possibilities ...

Road-Deaths in War-time Russia : Hitler's Aims in, 6; Clause- witz and Russia, p ; Will Russia Last? 232; Help for Russia, 299; In Moscow Once. 424; the Don Front ... ••• • • • 443

Q CHOOL, Plan for a .. 575

78 A1 Science and Human Welfare ... 327 200 Science in War and Peace 323 zoo Single Strategy, a ... 571 377 Sitting By Small Shop's Fate, the ... 152 Soil for Our Sons ... . .

Some Production Deadlocks ... 551 371 Spain, Russia and the War . 102 Strategic Diplomacy ... 503 Struggle in Holland, the ... 462 Surrey Agreed Syllabus, the ... 552

482ICTORY in the Air • • • 104

Vocabulary of War, the ... 575

vir AR and Christmas, the ... 591

T War, Peace and Brains ... 27

War Surveyed, the : Critical Days in Russia, 5; Russia and Germany at Grips, 29; the Threat to Lenin- grad, 53; the Drive to Moscow, 77; Attempts at Diversion, tot; Russian Intermezzo, 125; Crisis in the Ukraine, 149; Budenny's Chances, 173; Operations in Iran, 197; the Assault on Leningrad, 229; the Battle of Leningrad, 253; Russia in Peril, 277; Germany and the Caucasus, 3or; the Allied Strategy, 325; the Middle-East Front, 349; Crisis in Russia, 373; the Caucasus Danger, 397;

3 Russia's Achievement, 42x; the 195 Crimea and the Navy, 441; Im- pending Events, 461; Expanding Vistas, 481; Libya and Beyond, 925; Libyan Vicissitudes, 529; Japan Strikes, 549; Far-Eastern Dangers, 573; What Next Every- War-time Australia... ... ... 350 574 What We Should Teach ... 462 Work for Refugees . . 305

37, 6z, 85, 90, 109, 134, 155, 179, 206, 259, 283, 310, 334, 358, 382, 405- Bayles, Howard, 129-Bell, Kenneth, 209-Berney, Mark, 329-Bentwich, Norman, 305-Black, Dorothy, 201- Blunden, Edmund, 239-Bokhari, Z. A., 471-Bolton, J. R. Glorney, 130, 257, 303, 326, 424, 58z-Bowen, Elizabeth, 86, 16X; 240, z86-Brogan, Prof. D. W., 64, no. 136, 159, 239, 286, 362, 449, 507-Burns, C. Delisle, 450.

CANHAM, Erwin D.. 55, 175, 304, 352,

399-Carter, John, 58z-Castle, E. B., 176-Cecil, Lord David, 64- Chichester, Dean of, 114-Church, Richard, 9-Cincinnatus, 32-Clark, Ronald W., 483-Cook, Prof. Stanley, 596-Crewe, Lord, 514.

DALGLISH, Doris N., 5,0-Davis, A. E., 281-Derry, T. K., 184, 384 -Deva, Jaya, 574-Dexter, Grant, 483 -Diplomatic Correspondent, a, 531- Dobree, Boman:1y, III, 207, 362, 490, 56o, 604.

E NSOR, R. C. K., 490.

FAIRFIELD, JOHN, 162, 186, 290, 538 -Fitter, R. S. R., 200-Foley, Bernard, 88, 188, 240, 364, 452, 5,6- Fremantle, Sir Francis, 375.

GERMAN Correspondent, a, 280- -Gilbert-Lodge, Patricia, 532- Glover, D. M., 106-Goodbart, Prof. A. L., 429-Gower, Francis, 43z-Graham, Michael, 80, 128-Greene, Graham, 8, 34, 58, 66, 82, ,o6, 114, 203, 235- Grigson, Geolirey, 408-Guillebaud, C. 255-Gull, E. M., 42, 214- Guy, H. L., 232.

H., H. W., 160, 430-Haig-Brown, H. E., 552-Hamilton, Patrick, 336 -HammersleY, Julian, 430-Hammers- ley, S. S., M.P., 55,-Hampson, John, 20, 68, 114, 2a, 270, 316, 364, 410, 453, 496, 582-Hanky, James, 56- Harris, Wilson, 230, 335, 442, 469, 514 -Harvey, Nigel, 177-Hayek, F. A., 595-Headmaster, a, 575-Heathcote, Francis, 214, 24.2, z88, 314-HenzeY, Robert, 492-Hewitt-Myring, Philip, 8, 553-Hill, Prof. A. 150, 327- Hinton. W. J., 422-1.1siao, Chien, 56o -Hussey, Dyneley, 58, 82, 331, 355, 402, 446, 469.

JANUS, 4, 28, 52, 76, too, 124, 148, 172, 196, z28, 252, 276, 300, 324, 348, 372, 396, 420, 440, 460, 480, 504, 528, 572, 592.

KING-HALL, Stephen, M.P., 30- Kiril, Leon, 443. ANCASTER, Osbert, no, boer, J. G., 127-Lehmann, C. T., 103-Lindsay, A. D., 484-Livingstone, Sir Richard, 562-Lodge, Thomas, z,6, 470-Lyon, Lilian Bowes, 532-Lyttel- ton, Edith, 256-Lytton, Neville, 482.

MMACAUIAY, Rose, 444, 548-Madge, Charles, 152-Magnus, Sir Philip, 18, 360-Malcolm, Sir Dougal 0., z66, 472-Marks, John, 138-Marris, Sir William, 575-Mathew, David, 264, 386 -Matthews, Peter, 6, 78-Medical Correspondent, 231, 256-Mengin, Robert, 31-Military Correspondent, a, 376-Mozley, J. K., 242-Muir, Edwin, 33. 57, 596.

NAVIGATOR, R.A.F., 466-Nicolson, Harold, 154, 178, 202, 234, 258, 282, 306, 330, 354, 378. 401, 425, 445, 465, 485, 509, 533, 554, 557, 597-Norwood, Sir Cyril, 602-Norman, Sylva, 42, 136.

O13 RtErz, Kate, 44, 94, 140, 189, 244, 29o, 340, 390, 434, 472, 494, 518, 564, 604.

PAMER, Rachel, 153-Peake, Mervyn, Si, 130, 555-Peers, Prof. E. Alli- son, tot-Pepler, H. D. C., 233-Per- ham, Margery, 16, 208-Pevsner, N 602-Piper, John, 38, 66, ,6o, 203, 266, 355, 379, 426, 6oz-Poole, Austin Lane, 161, 207-Poskitt, F. R., 463-Powell, Robert, 188-Powicke, Prof. F. M., 562. -Pratt, Sir John, 398-Price, M. Philips, M.P., t84, 406.

QUICK, Oliver C., 335.

RAM'S, Kathleen, 92, 212, 268, 331, 386, 432-Rawlinson, H. G., 278, 4,0-Read, Herbert, 312, 581-Redfern, James, 534-Reed, Sir Stanley, 3t2- Richmond, Sir Herbert, 314, 408, 507- Rowse, A. L., 40, 216-Russell, Sir E. J., 537-Russell, Geoffrey W., 33.

T. Paul's, Dean of, 288-Sampson, Lt-Col. S. J. M., goo-Saunders, 14-Schfitz, W. W., 131, r5r-Schwartz, Karl, 135-Scott- lames, R. A., 112, 208, 464, 492, • 602-Shannon, Sheila, 576-Simpson, Sir John Hope, 530-Singer, Charles, 208-Sinsheimer, H., 463-Smith, Janet Adam, 135, 601-Spaight, J. M., 254- Stapleton, John, 210, 336-Sterling, Mark, 79, zoo-Stewart, Carol, 564- • Strategicus, 5, 14, 29, 53, 77, 90, tot,' 125, 149, 159, 173, 197, 229, 253, 277, 301, 325, 349, 373, 397, 421, 441, 461, 481, 505, 528, 549, 573. 593-Strong, L.A. G., 40, 138, 214, 288-Stucley, Peter, 377, 508-Swarninothan, V. S.. 594.

TAYLOR, A. J. P., 212, 360-Taylor, F. Sherwood, 209-Thomas, Sir W. Beach, 426, 449, 466, 486, 534, 558, 578, 598-Thomson, David, 88, III, 279, 286-Toynbee, Lawrence, 233-Turner, W. J., 384, 430, 510, 537, 555.

UTLEY, T. E., 7. 38396 6 VAN Blankenstein, M., 462-Vernon, v H. M., 353-Vernon, R. V., 210-- Verschoyle, Derek, 92-Voigt, F. A., 16-Vulliarny, C. E., 516.

WARNER, Rex, 86; Watson, Barbara, 388-Watson, Hazel, 402-Waugh, Evelyn, 58z-Wedgwood, C. V., 538- Williams-Ellis, Amabel, iS6, 5i8- Williams-Ellis, Clough, 199, 264, 302- Wilson, A., 550-Wilson, Alvin, 375, 406-Winner, David, 10, 34, 57, 307- Woodward, E. L., Si, 105, 429- Wootton, Barbara, 174-Wrench, Sir Evelyn, 350-Wright, Basil, 307, 379,

446, 578, 598.

PATES, P. Lamartine, 198-Young,

G. M., 423.


ADVERTISEMENT, the use of, 285-Agri-

cultural folly, 236; Agricultural labourers' wages, 489; Air-raids, readi- ness for, 132; Night-bombing, defence against, 134: The ethics of bombing, 134; Airman's targets, ao, 206; Bombing policy, 285, 310, 333; Air strength, 579-Allied doctors, 132, 157-Allot- ments, waterless, 37-America : Telling America, 358; America understood, 428; American history, 156-Anti-Janus, 262 - Atlantic Charter, the, 237; " Atlantic Harvest," 205-" Ark Royal's " cats, 489 - Army welfare officer, the, 558.

BAREA, Arturo, his books, 158, 182-

Belligerency in Blinkers, z6o-Benes, Dr., 488-Bible, the, and Euclid, 468- " Blithe Spirit," 6x-Bloomsbary light- house, 107, 158-Bread, 61, sop-Boys' wages, 557-Britain and a New Order, 59, 83, 107-British boy, the, 487- Broadcasts, regrettable, 85, 108.

ICHESTERTONS, the, 84-Children, evacuation and return of, ,56-Chil- dren's vocations, 204, 237-China, help for, 13, 489; China and Japan, 428, 448; British and Chinese, 58o-Christian education, 157-Christianity and war, 262-Chinch, the, and the World, 35, 6t, 83-Clothes - rations, 334-Coal shortage, the, 132-Colour-bar, the, 84, ma-Country amenities. 599-Coupons, a question of, 37.

44D ETEN"rION Without Trial," 467- Dislocation and opportunity, 285- Doctors, unwanted, 132, 157.

EDUCATION: Education and the Bible, 2p5; Tests and teaching, 512-Eggs: the journeyings of, 109, 206-Eight points, the, 205-Employer's wage, the, 2°6-England and the Farmer, 109, 133, i58, 182, 206-English-British pitfall, the, 463-Equalising the burden, 512- Evacuation, selective, 36, 238-Ewe-milk cheese, 261, 310.

Et ACTS as foundations, 333, 357, 381, 403, 428, 447, 467, 488, 513-Fewe-. " Spectators," 357-Finland's case, 156 -First-aid during invation, 107-Food from the ditches, 600-Food rations, 182 -Form-filling, 536-France, facts about, 511, 535, 556-France's resistance, 84, 107-Furnished-rooms racket, the, 204.

GERMANY: The " soul " of Ger- many, 156, 181; calculating German casualties, 262; Germans and Hitler, 308, 332, 356; Germans and Austria, 488; the lost peace, 488; Germans and Prus- sians, 512, 535; German and British soldiers, 556, 580-Greek for girls, 448, 468, 488, 489, 513, 557-Grim belliger- ency, 205, 237.

HITLER'S prophecy, 181; Holmes- AL Pollock letters, the, 62-Home Guard needs, 427, 447, 512-House ramp and rent restriction, 580-Houses, see " Facts as Foundations."

66 I LIKED the Life I Lived," 238, 262- ICeni estate, 13-India : 18t, 205, 238, 309, 334, 358, 405, 599-Indian gallantry, 260-Inflation, 600-Instruct- ing the troops, 204-Invalids and in- come-tax, 182, 262-Invasion, 381, 404 -Iran or Persia? 26o, 285, 382; Iran and Eire, 358.

JAPAN: relations with Britain, 556, 600-Juvenile crime, 557. TEAGUE of Nations, 468-Liberal Parties, 1-0 284, 308, 309, 332, 356, 357, 38o • frour the Air; •448rt-v Itondon,. ,. Moscow, 'Paris, 31t-t" /...ofd Radar in 25PtcV0 MA14.7, 447,' ; M .0.I. 107-Macaulay, Miss Rose, her lost books, 489-Magna Carta of wisdom, 580, 600-Milk for Children, 468, 419-Milk-shortage, x8o, 206, 236, 261-Military communiqués and ver- acity, 13, 36-Mining realities, 62- Motoring offences, JO-Munitions, the trade in, n, 6o. NANSEN on Russia, 382-" Nr• , or " Work "? 487. V 1+ Si p AKISTAN, 51I-Paper-rationing, 357, 404, 489, 536-Patent medicines and jam, 85-" Peace by Eco- nomics," t56-Pears, varieties of, 404-Pertinent question, a, 182, 205- Pheasants, 580-Pick, Frank, 489-- Planning the war, n; Planning and Democracy, 468-Plimsoll Line, the, 109, 132-Poets and critics, ,2-Poland: Poland's new stamps, 333; Which Poland? 38o, 403, 427-" Political Improbability," 252-Pornography and paper, 536, 58o- Post-War League, the, 380-Post-war parties, 380, 403-Poultry-feed, 133- Prices, the mystery of, 132-" Pro and Con Lord Woolton," 133, 157-Produc- tion-drive, the, 261, 284; production and first-watching, 357; regional production control, 579, 599-Propaganda to Ger- many, 284-Propaganda-weapon, the, 180-Public opinion, 262-Public school in war-time, a, 85, log-Puzzled workers, 333.

QUACK advertisements, 382.

Wawa and men, 381, 428-Rationing, ay. 133, 157-Reading for the troops, 58o, 600-Realism, a plea for, 381-Re- commendation-letters, 535-Religion, the Christian, 405-Religious instruction, 180, 204, 237-Reuters, 448-Rheuma- tism and industry, 310, 358, 428-Road- deaths in war-time, 381, 405-Roots of the Trouble, 511-Russia and the war,

36, 62; and Finland, 133; Why Russia fights, 427; Helping Russia, 467.

Q AMPLING-METHODS, the, 309, 334- Sampling public opinion, 1o8- Saving power, 404-Schoolboy slaves, 35, 6o-Shakespeare and the soldier, 428- Shipping, saving, 580-Shopkeepers and manufacturers, 600-Slaughter on the roads, 12, 37, 180-Small trader, the 536, 579-South Africa and Africa, 59; South Africa, Nazi influence in, 134- "Spain, Russia and the War," 157- "Spectator," the rationing of the, 12, 357; " Spectator " in the U.S.A., 358- Speed, 404-Spending, education in' 262-Statues and sites, 61-Switzerland's languages, t58.

TAX-FREE incomes for invalids, 182, 262-Tests and teaching, 512, 536, 556, 557-Tins or cans? 468-Tomatoes, 489, 513, 536, 558-Trade after the war, 108, 132, 285-Treasury methods, 558.

UrrEn States, histories of, 134-131- recruited woman, the, 535.

%vox and peace aims, r82-War-time " sport, 13-Water: save what water? 18z-Whitehall and Crete, 83- Whose responsibility? 13-Women and labour, 579-Women, recruitment of, 488-Women workers, 468.

se-VouNG England," 35, 60, 83-Youth a crusade for, 13; Youth and the future, 600.

WRITERS OF LETTERS ADAM, Evelyn, 580-Adburgham,

M. V. Alison, 448-Anderson, Mar- jorie M., 428-Andrew, J. Graham, 536 -Anti-Nazi Refugee, an, 308-Assistant Master, Io8-Astbury, R. E., 535- Athoe, G. B. J., 6,-Atkinson, C. J. F., 599.

BAILEY, J. H., Shackleton, 512- " Baltic," 62-Barnard, Henry E., 26,-Barea, Arturo, 182-Batchelor, Veronica S., 258-Bates, H. E., 13, /33, ,8z-Bedford, the Duke of, 580-Beloff, Max, 107, 156, z6o, 511, 536-Benham, C. S. K., 447-Bentall, Penchi!, 26,- Bentley, E. N. B., 579-Bernays, Robert, 356-Bevan, Edwyn, 59-Bidmead, Harold S., 309-Blake, George, 108- Blalceney, E. H., 489-Bolton Evening News, editor of, ,z-Bolus, E. J., 285- Bowles, Geoffrey, 109, 381-Bown, J. P., zo4-Brander, J. P., 181-Brewer, H., 600-British doctor, a, 157-British In- stitute of Public Opinion, the, ,o8- Brock, H. Le M., 332-Brooke, Joan, 468, 579-Bruce-Potter, Bruce, 6,- Bryan, Herbert, 557-Burgis, E. C., 513 -Burnett, R. H.. 262-Butler, Beryl, 182.

CA. G., 535-Carey, R. M., 512- Carter, John, 13-Carter, Lady Violet Bonham, 308, 356-Cary, Falk- land L., 38,-Catlin, George, 158- Caton, Anne R. 358-Cave, Ernest A., 457, 600-.-Cliarabets, P. Franklin, 12- . 1431. nSanlsp•tion Society, 535- te. stertsono ,Vt :44-Clarke, A. K., ORTHODOX medicine, 157. 557-Comfort, Alex., 36-Cooke, Shakspear, 489-Craster, J. E. E., z6o, 333-Crook, W. M., 83, 380-Cohit1, Mary, 237-Curell, W. B., 134.

nAVIES, Ivor n. M., 309, 357-Davis, S. A., 381-DenSy. Elizabeth, 403, 467, Dennis, Trevor, 513-Deva, Jays, 428-Dickson, George, 579-Dobnie, Bonny, 600-Doctor-Gardener, 536- Driver, T/000000, 84-Duff, Charles, 157-Durham, M. E., 85, 310-Dyce, A. G., 285.

EASTWOOD, Austen, 428-Egerton, C. Augusta, 132-Egerton, R. S., 489- Ellis, J. C., 600-Ewing, Catherine Orr, 558.

RAISER, Geoffrey, 467-Factory Hand, a, 284-Fairfield, John, 236-Fair- field, Lord, 12, 180, 334-Faulkner, M. E., 488-Feilden Richard, 133-Field, G. C., 512-Finch, A. T., 489-Find- lay, A., 468-Fishwick, James, 447- Flexman, J. H., 332-Floyd, Herbert C., 380-Foss G. S., 332, 580-Fox, Frank, 310, 428-"-Fox, F. Darwin, 358-Fox, Gifford, 205-Fowler, H. R., 206- Franklin, Douglas W., 204-Fuller, A. G., 35-Fyson, P. F., ,Sz.

G, 262-Gardiner, Rolf, 158, 206-- Garsia, Lt.-Col. Clive, n-Gates, Sir F. C., 37, 109, 405-Geta, Joseph, 284-Gloag, John, 134, 405, 536, 580- Gooch, A. G., nr-Gorka, Olgierd, 403 -Grace, H. M., 108-Grabam, Made- line, 132-Grant, F. H. J., 404-Greene, Graham, 84-Greig, G. M., it-Griffin, F. R., 309-Groves, S. N., 157.

H.' D. W., 357-Hague, Helen, 238- Hall, G., a32-Hank11, G. Armi- nella, x8o-Harris, D, L., 37-Harrisson, Tom, 513-Hart, George, 206-Haw- thorne, C. 0., 157-Hayes, F. R, 382- Haynes, E. S. P., 37-Hedley, Anna M., 488-HenreYRber535-1r er d ,07-Hetherington, Axel, 205-Hinton, W. G., 536-Hill, A. V., 6o-Historicus, 18t-Holborn Warden, 107-Holland, J. W. T., 6o0- Hope, Thomas, 205-Horder, Lord, 13 -Horton, Frank, 158-Howard, H., 428 -Howell, W. B., 558.

I BBELIN, T. H., 134.

JACKLIN, S., 468-Jacks, M. L., 237- to Jackson, G. F. Stanley, 447, 511- janta-Polczynsld, T., 333-Jenkins, J. D., 599-Johnson, Alan Campbell, 447- Johnston, J. H. Clifford, 83, 132-Jones, D. Neville, 557-Jones, F. Stevenson, 109-Jones, Madeline, 262-Josephy, F. L., 284, 332-Judson, M., 206.

KHAiPSON, E. W. E., 310-King, Joan, 236-King-Hall, Stephen, 107, ao.

L AWARD, M. E., 157-Lawrence, T. P., 357-Leather, H. D., 404-Lee, Richard, 205-Lehmann, Charles, 157, 489-1....-knonn, Rosamond, 61-Leigh- ton, Brian, 357-Lays, Norman, 84- Liddell, J. M., 448-Loeb, Walter, 356 -Lodge, T., t32-Logan, Agnes, 262- Lyall, H. G., 262, 334.

NrocCuRnv, Edward, 158-Macmillan, i- W. M., 59-Maitland, J. E., 487- McKenna, Gwladys, 206-Malden, Very Rey. R. H., 180, 237-Mander, Geoffrey Le M., 59, 309-Massingham, H. J., 109, 158-Maurice, Maj.-Gen. Sir F., 580-Michaelis, T. D., 558-Middle- Class, 205-Miller, Margaret, 182- Moore, Arthur, 36-Mortimer, Ray- mond, 285-Morley, E. N., 157, 204- MUrVa, 182.

NASH, Eveleigh, 238, 262-National Federation of Retail Newsagents, 58o-Naylor, David, 600-Nemo, 205- Nicol, Helen S., 488-Norrington, A. L. P., 428-Northbrook, Lord, 236- " Northener," 357.

O AKLEY, E., 133--Obolensky, Prince V., 156-Officer, an, 558-Old Colonist, 134-Ordinary Englishman, an, t3- Osborn, F. J., 333, 381, 428, 488- Ostoja, Dr. Marian, 380-Oxford Don, an 404.

p Anus, W. W., io8-Parish, John N. W., 107-Pease, E., 488-Pedant-in- Arms, a, 6o-Philip, Modale C., 181, 238-Pick, Frank, 83-Pike, Marguer- ite, 204-Polish Doctor, a, 132-Poole, V. E., ao-Poore, L. A., 512-Pratt, Sir J. T., 448-Price, M. Philips, 467- " Private," 380-Private R.A.P.C., 204 -Private Soldier, a, 5,,-Pumfrete, D. G., 403, 579.

R., A., 35--Rajedd, A., 237-Rath- bone, Eleanor F., 580-Rawlinson, H. G., 260, 334, 4o5-Reade, R. St. John, 133, 157-Relton, H. Maurice, 35 -Roberts, S. C., 62-Robinson, Herbert C., 262-Ross, Conway A., 205-Rown- tree, Alfred, 261-Royden, Maude, 6t Ruston, Siodia, z6o-Ryle, Mary, 447 -Ryman, John W., 36.

higiuts, H., 4667-Sanders, IL Martyn,

. 37--,Sangnmetti,,Harold IL, 358- Salt, Joseph Wv 489-Saunderson, R., 535--Scott. Lewis, 285-Scott, J. W. Robertson, 62-SeAker.and Warburg, 158 __sennett, William, 62-Sharp, David, 35;490-Sharp, G. Granville, 308-Shaw, G.. Bernard, 134--,Shaw, P. A., 85, 448- Silveg, R. J, S., 309--,Singh-Gour, Sir Harry, ,1-F, H., 535-Smee, Susan M., 133-Smith, A. S. Wood- house, 468-Smith, W. H. & Son, Ltd., 530-Smyth, Canon Charles, 6o, 580- Somervell, R. Ursula, 333-Sparrow, Margaret, 579-Spealtraan, John, 83-- Snriggs, N. I., 382-Stanier, R. S., 557 -Stein Leonard, 284, 332-Stewart, jas. .W., 65-Strauss, E•, 427, 487- Strugnell, J. A., 556-" Subscriber," 535---SITePethiSer, g, 182.

“TARGET," 285, 333-Taylor, A. J. P., 403, 427-Taylor, F. C., 468- Thomson, David, 332, 487- Townshend, NV, Tower, 13-Tuker, M. A. R., 405- Turner, d p., 38z.

TTNI;VIN, Stanley, 489-Upcott, Janet

M., 467-Utley, T. E., 83-Vaidya, Suresh, 511-ValnY, F. IL, 469.

W., D. R., 85-Wadsworth, J. M., ". 489-Wait, R. J. C., 489-Walker, H. Felvus, 468-Wallis, L. G., 536-

Wade, Irene, 235-Watson, A. K., II-Watson, Angus, 6o, 404-Weiss, E. F., 488-Whitfield, A. M., 36-Wiener, Peter F., 556-Williams, Denis, x8r- Williams, Dorian, 427-Williams, H. A., 35-Williams-Ellis, Amabel, 36- Williams-Ellis, Clough, 357-William- son, E., 285-Williamson, Hugh-Ross, 467-7Winser, David, 12.

yOUNG, G. M., i, 156, 308. Varna:, Leon, i56.


A DDISON, Joseph, the Letters 11- of-ed. Walter Graham 207 African Freedom, the Case for-

Joyce Carey - 208 Ah Q and Others-Selected Stories of Lusin - ... 56o All Gaul is Divided-Anon 16 Arnold, Matthew, Poetry of- C. B. Tinker and H. F. Lowry... i8 Artist Quarter-Charles Douglas ._ i6o At. Odd Moments-ed. Bernard

BATTLE of Britain, the-J. M.


Battle Spaight for the World-Mai: Werner Behind the Nazi Front-John

McCutcheon Raleigh ._ S8 Berlin Diary-William L. Shirer _ 335 Bible for Today, the-ed. John

Stirling ... _••• - 69 Biography, the Art of, in Eighteenth Century England-Donald A. Stauffer _z.. ... 36o Bonington-Hon. Andrew Shirley... z66 Britain Under Fire- ... 38 British Civil Service, the Growth

of-Emmeline W. Cohen _. 216 British Fighter 'Planes-C. G.

Grey 92 British Naval Policy, 1880-1905- Arthur J. Mander ..- • • • 314 Brontes' Web of Childhood, the- Fannie Elizabeth Ratchford ... z86 By Order of the Gestapo-Peter Wollner • • • 522 Byron in Italy-Peter Quenneil 562

(1 AMBRIDGE Evacuation Sur- vey, the-ed. Susan Isaacs ... 286

Cape Horn-Felix Riesenberg 408 Carmen Sylvia-Elizabeth Burgoyne 44 Case for African Freedom, the- Joyce Carey zo8 Catholic Church and International Order, the-A. C. F. Beales .- 114 Chestertons, the-Mrs. Coed Chesterton 66 China Shall Rise Again-Mde Chiang-Kai-shek _ 214 Christian Doctrine-J. S. Whale ... z88 Christian Reunion-Hugh Martin ... 335 Christianity and Classical Culture- Charles N. Cochrane ... 209 Church and the New Order, the- Dr. William Paton . _ 242 Churchill, Mr.-Philip Guedalla 514 Cock-a-doodle-do - Charles B.

Colour Bar in East Africa, the- Norman Leys 16 Concise Cambridge History of English Literature - George Congo Doctor-W. B. Davis .- 69 Convert to Freedom-Eitel Wolf Dobert _ 188 Country Moods and Tenses-Edith Olivier - - 469 Crisis of Civilisation, the-Alfred Cobham ..

I) ECADE 1931-1941 - 604 Democracy Marches-Julian Huxley.ItO

Dickeni the-Humphry 92 159 Diplomatically Speaking-Lloyd C.

Griacoin Drake, Francis, the Life of-

A. E. W. Mason ._ . . 408

Drawn from Lite-Stella Bowen 212 Drayton, Michael, and His Circle-

Bernard H. Newthgate ... 386 Dry Salvages, The-f. S. Eliot ... 386

-FIGHT for Immortality-Richard 124 Church

End of the Old School Tie, the- 1'. C. Worsley 242 England and the Farmer--ed. H. J. Massingham English Country Houses-V. Sari- ville-West - - • 469 English Education-Kenneth Lind- 602

say . ' Scene, the-ed. F. Alan

Walbank Europe and the German Question- F. W. Foerster LIAMILY Week-End Book, the- .L ed. Beryl Irving ... 542 Farm in Normandy, a-Robert

Henrey- 220 Fears May Be Liars-John A. Ryle 434 Federalism and Freedom-Sir G. Young Fighter Command-A. B. Austin ... 92 First Five Years of Life, the-

(Yale Clinic) • -• 94 Fishermen at War-Leo Walmsley 138 Flowers of the Field and Hedge- row-Marion Rivers-Moore ... 522 Folios of New Writing : Spring,

1941... • ..18

Forge, the-Arturo Bares ... 138 Foundations and the Future of International Law-P. H. Win- French : Cette Dade de ouerre- Rene Balbaud_ ... 492 Verites sur la France-Louis Levy 492 From Dunkirk to llenghazi- Strategicus ... 16 • ERMAN Poetry, an Anthology ■ -/ -ed. Jethro Bithell. ... 220 Germany Possessed-H. G. Baynes Goethe and the Greeks-Humpbry Trevelyan 58z Good Company-ed. Arthur Stanley Good Food for Children-Ambrose Heath x64 Gracious Majesty-Laurence Hous- man 292 Grey Eminence-Aldous Huxley ... 538 Grim Glory-Ernestine Carter ...

469 435 t62 47e 390 38 135 Housman, 1897-1936 - Grant Richards _ • • .. 513z Hospitals Under Fire-ed. G. C.

ICAME Out of France-Cicely Mackworth 188 I Liked the Life I Lived-Eveleigh

Nash 218 Ideals and Illqsions-L. Susan Steb-

bing86 India: Modem India and the West

-ed. L. S. S. O'Malley ... 312 The Road to Self-Government -John Coatman .' . 410 Insects, a Book of-James Holland and Richard James ... 522 Into the Darkness--LothrOp Stod- dard 5 x 6 dard

Iran, Modern-L. P. Elwell-Sutton 581 Ireland: Atlantic Gateway-Jim

Phelan 240 Is Innocence Enough?-D. W.

Brogan ... • • - • • • • • • 490 It Passed Too Quickly-Sir David


Italy: Church and State in Fascist Italy-D. A. Binchy 450 The Remaking of Italy- Pentad 450 J ACOBITE Epilogue-Henrietta

Tayler 235 Japan Unmasked-Hallett Abend • •• 406 Jerseyman at Oxford, a-R. R.207 Marett Johnson, Samuel, the Poems of- ed. D. Nichol Smith and Edward

L. Meddam .• • 474 Journals of George Sturt-ed. G.

TT ABLOONA-Gontran de Pon-

... 186 ▪ ADY'S Child, a-Enid Starkie... 494 1.4 Last Years of the English Slave Trade, the-Averil Mackenzie- Grieve ... • • • 314 Lioness of the Seas-George H.

Johnston ... 288 Lofoten Letter-Evan John 474 Look! The Sun-ed. Edith Sitwell... 586



214 II AGAR'S Garden-Marion Cran 1 Halifax, Viscount - Alan Campbell Johnson

Halliburton, Richard (autobiography) Herbs for Daily Use-Mary Thorne Quelch ..• Higher Civil Service of Great Britain, the-H. E. Dale, C.B. Historic Thorn Trees in the British Isles-Vaughan Cornish ...

History Under Fire-James Pope-

Hennessy ... • - ..• Hitler's War Machine-Willi-1.M 138

520 Looking for Trouble-Virginia Cowles ... ... 116 Lost Peace, the-Harold Butler ... 469

Low's War Cartoons 566 Ar AGIC and Divination-Rupert 111 Gleadow 190 Make and Break with the Nazis-

Herman Rauschning ... 286 Man in the Cap, the-Jack Lawson 69 Mansart, Francois-Anthony Blunt 6oz MasaryE, Life and Times of-Victor Cohen Medicine versus Invasion-G. B.

Shirlaw and Clifford Troke 452 Memories of Victorian Oxford-Sir Charles Oman ... _ 429 Men Crucified-Bruno Heilig 188 Milton, English Poems of-ed. Charles Williams ...

Milton in the Puritan Revolution-

Don M. Wolfe ... ..- • • • 490 Mind of the Maker, the-Dorothy

L. Sayers ... 190 Mission to the North-Florence J.

Modem Iran-L. P. Elwell- Sutton ... 58i Mongol Journeys-Owen Lattimore 42 Mountain Vision, the-F. S. Smythe 412 Musae Anglicanae - Leicester My American Diary-Sir Walter My Name is Frank-Frank Laskier 584

iN AZ! NewegvanOrsder in Poland, the

- 240

Never Mind, Mr. i.om!-LAlfred Lomnitz_ 288 New England: Indian -summer,

1865-1915-Van Wyck Brooks ... 449 New Horizons-J. T. Murphy - • 184 New Pocket Cartoons-Osbert Lan- caster - 542 No Risks-No Romance-Alan Burgess ... 290 Northern Garrisons, the-Eric Link- later Norway and • War-ed.. ' War-ed. Monica Curtis ... ..• - 384 Norway and the War-G. M.

Gathome-Hardy . • • • • • • 384 Norway Neutral and Invaded- Halvdan Koht .. • • • • 184 Norway Revolts Against the Nazis

-J. Worm-Mfiller 384 (NikAIC.EN Heart, the-Margery kJ Allutgham • • • 454 Occupied Territory-Polly Pea- body

One Anglo-American


George Catlin ... z36 Out of the People-J. B. Priestley... 316 Over to Candleford-Flora Thomp-

son• i'elsh • S. Smythe _. 412

Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, the 388 Oxford, Memories of Victorian-Sir Charles Oman ... 429 DAKISTAN, Thoughts on-Dr. L B. R. Ambedkar • • • ... 470 Penguin New Writing, the _. 520 Physics of Blown Sand and Desert Dunes-Lt.-Col. R. E. Bagnold... 318 Planning the Stage Wardrobe- Joyce Conyngham-Green 190 Plato, the Republic of-trans. F. M. Cornford . 562 Poetry _ 268, 386, 432 Poland, the Cambridge History of 360 Politics and Law in the United

States-D. W. Brogan.. ... 429 Postage Stamps, History of British -T. Todd

Power Behind the iiicrophone, the --P. P. Eckersley - 450 Power Politics-Georg Schwarzen- berger. 239 Prisoner at Laeken, the-Emile Cammaerts VEST-George Dibbern Quest-Leopold Infeld zo8 14 .A.F. Occasions-H. G. .. 92 E C Reconstruction and the Land- Sir A. Daniel Hall 537 Reconstruction of World Trade, the -J. B. Condliffe- . .

Recovery of the West, the-Michael Roberts _ _ • • • Red Army Moves, the-Geoffrey Cox • • • • • - • • - • • • 14 Reformation in England, the-F. M.

Powicke .•. _ - .• • 40 Remember Greece-Dilys Powell ... x62

Retrospection-Lord Newton 514 Retrospective Adventures-Forrest

Reid. • •• -• • 42 Reynolds-Ellis K. Waterhouse ... z66

Richard II-Anthony Steel ... 562 Riddle of the Reich-Wythe


Ringside-Trevor Wignall Roots of National Socialism, the- Robots D'O. Butler - 88 Rousseau, Jean Baptiste: Life and Works-ed. Henry A. Grubbs ... 340 Running Commentary-Fougasse 542 Russia and Ourselves-Victor Gollancz Our Ally Russia-Jennie Lee... 384 U.S.S.R.: the Strength of Our 384 112 38 364


Soviet Russia-E. Strauss ... 406 Soviet Communism-Sidney and Beatrice Webb ... • • • 432 Soviet Economy and the War- Maurice Dobb 492 ATURDAY Book, the-ed. CI Leonard Russell ... 604 Science, a Short History of- Charles Singer ... 209 Scotland in Modern Times-Agnes Mure Mackenzie ... 6oz Scum of the Earth-Arthur Koestler 312 Sea Shepherds-Sir Herbert Russell 138 Serial Map Service ... ... 220 Short History of the Montagu- Puffins, a-C. E. Vulliamy 362 Sickert, Walter Richard, the Life and Opinions of-Robert Emmons 6o1 Silence of the Sea, the-Hilaire

ocioc 44

So Few-David Masters ... 412 South Africa, a History of-C. W. de Kiewiet South Africa : There are No South Africans-G. H. Gilpin ... 472 Strategy of Indirect Approach, the- Liddell Hart ... .• • • • - 90 Steele, Richard, Correspondence of, -ed. Rae Blanchard ... ... 516 Sturt, George, the Journals of ... 239 '['HEOLOGY of Politics, the- I. Nathaniel Micklem ... 286 Throne of David, the-A. G.

Hebert . ... 292 Thus Spoke Germany ... 210 Time Exposure-Peter Quennell Total Victory-Stephen King-Hall... 16o To the Finland Station-Edmund

Wilson " Towards the Morning-J. L. Hod- Town and Country i'lanning-Gil- ben McAllister and Elizabeth

Glen McAllister ... ... • • • 264 Trains, a Book of-W. J. Basset- Lowke and F. E. Courtney ... 522 Trelawny: a Man's Life-Margaret

Armstrong . 136 Tudor Cornwall-A. L. Rowse ... 264 JNA DER the Iron Heel-Lars452 APGAEONDAGE - Claudia Valse des Fleiiirs-Szitheveill Sit- well 290


AA*ANDEREJS. Between Two V Worlds-Norman Bentwich... 220 Wanted! a new Vision-Axel Heyst 604 War for Britain-Donald Cowie ... 288 War in the Air-David Garnett ... 412 Warren, Edward Perry-Osbert

Burdett and E. H. Goddard .. 66 When We Build Again. .. 496 White Horsemen, the-ed. by G. F. Hendry and H. Treece ... ... 212 Winged Words ... 92 Wit and Humour--G. F. Hill _. 212 Women and Children Last-Hilde Marchant 288 Wool Trade, the, in English Mediaeval History-Eileen Power 161 Words and Days-ed. Bowyer Nichols ...

Worry in Women-Amber Blanco496

White ... .• • -• 564 FICTION

A FTER Tea-Dorothy Whipple... 582 1 Allanayr-Frank Baker ... 316 13 ECKONING Ridge-Emerson 1 Waldman Best Laid Schemes, thei3arba12 472 Goolden • 434 Blind Man's House, di' Hiigh Wa.1-

pole 290 • APE du Dome-Anna Reiner . . zo Children's Books • •• 518, 540 Cholly Clover-Reginald Pound ... 340 City of Illusion-Vardis Fisher • • 364 Conquer-John Masefield ... 388 Corridor of Mirrors-Chris Massie 410 Count Omega-Lord Berners 604 j AGGER of the Mind-Kenneth

11 Fearing ... ... 518 Delayed Action-Hugh McCran .- 434 Detective and Crime Stones t62, 338, 538

▪ ARTH is the Lord's, the-

LA '1 ay.or Caldwell

Empty Room, the-Charles Morgan 472

1,1AR Iron Home-R. II. Newman zo _U Far from the Madding War-

Lord Berners ...••• •94 Faro's Daughter-Georgette Heyer 472 Flotsam-Enrich Maria Remarque... 114 Frenchman's Creek-Daphne du Maurier ... 290

GARDEN Enclosed, a-Winifred

Gay Gaillard, the-Margaret Irwin 582 Great Grab, thc-Thomas Burton ... 3t6 Green Acres-Doreen Wallace . . 582 Gulls Fly Inland, the-Sylvia Thompson

HANDSOME Johnnie-Frances

Hangover Square-Patrick Hamilton 218 Heritage of Hatcher Ide-Booth Tarkington. 2,8 Heroes of the KaievalaBabette Herself Surprised-Joyce Cary ... 582 House in Venice, a-Margaret

JHunger Allows No Choice-Robert UNE to September-Francis Harris 5x8 LAST to Rest, the-Ernest Ray-

Light Over Ruby Street-Edward Harris Heth 316 Living and the Dead, the-Patrick London Pride-Phyllis Bottome 604 Love Story-Ernest Borneman ... 434

MAN Who Loved Children, the -Christina Stead 68 Man in Grey, the-Lady Eleanor

Man's Place, a-Ramon J. Sender 564 Martin Croft-Josephine Bell ... 244 Men Do Not Weep-Beverley Nichols ... 430 Mo Burdekin-Sarab Campion ... 564 Mr. Bunting at War-Robert Green- wood

N0 Bed for Bacon-Caryl Brahms and S. J. Simon - 494 No Common Glory-David Pilgrim 453 No Homeward Course-Walter No Vile NOW Will i.(..now-E. M.

Delafleld_ . . . 44 No Such Liberty-Alex. Comfort . - 20 Northbridge Rectory - Angela

OPEN the Door-Osbert Sitwell... 494 PATH of Gold, a-Mary Lutyens 364 Percy Wallingford and Mr. Pidger-Lord Bemers ... 518 Place of the Little Birds, the- Michael Home ... 218 QUIET Place, the-D. M. Large 290 RAMPING Cat-Christian Maw-

Random Harvest-James Hilton ... 364 Readiness at Dawn-" Blake " 4xo Rich House, the-Stella Gibbons ... 564 APPHIRA and the Slave Girl- ki Willa Cather _ _ 140 Search fog Susie, tke-George A. Birmingham Sentimental Education-Gustave Flaubert ... 16x School in Private-Philip Toynbee... 410 Shadows on the Wall-Helen Beau-

clerk 44

Smilin' on the Vinelorah 1x4 Sophia-St. John Ervine _ 388 Squire of Shaftesbury Avenue, the -Yivian Connell ... - 453 Sun Is My Undoing-Marguerite

Steen 340

Swamp Water-Vereen Bell... ... 270 68

TALES of the Tatras--Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmaj er 68 These Times of Travail-L. F. Love-

day Prior ... 270 This Little Hand-Pamela Kellino... 14o Time of the Singing, the-David Scott Daniell ... • •• • • • 494 To Make Us Glad-J. A. Cole ... 244 To Sea in a Bowl-Edward S. 94 To Sing with the Angels-Maurice Hindus Tomorrow to Fresh Woods-Rhys Davies Transposed Heads, the-Thomas Mann Two Days in Aragon-M, J. Farrell 518

WVULGAR Streak, the-Wynd- bam Lewis ALK Into My Parlour-Mar- garet Lane Winter Term-John Harriman ...


AFTERMATHS, 426-Almond nuts, 283 -Apples, 155-Aster Thornsonii, 283- Aster Luteus, 486-Autolycus at large, 5,3-Autumn colours, 405.

B.E.N.A., 578; Beans, drying, 134; preserving, tog; broad, 382, 426, 578- Bees : a winter experiment, 598- Bergamot, 283-Berry searchers 558- Birds : birds and noise, 449; a weather- wise bird, 578-Bracken, 558-Bread in N. Brazil, 358-Bright Hills, 179- Buttercups, 426-Butterflies, 6z, 426.

CABBAGE, 85, 405-" Cats' brains," 486, 558-Celery, 405-Cheese, 206-Chil- dren's gardens, 382-Christmas King- fisher, 466-Christmas weather, 598- Chrysanthemums, 259 - Cleordendron f calcium, 358-Cloche, the Continuous, 466-Compost-systems, 206, 486- Cowman lost, 598-Country clergy, 334 -Cows, 382-Cress, 578.

DEER, 534-Disturbed sleepers, 534-

EDUCATION and the farmer, 259-Eggs, 85, 179, 238-Elderberries, 358- Eryngiums, 283.

FIFTY Years Back, s55-Foliage, 513 -Food and the Child, 238-Fruit, 109, 155.

GAME, many-coloured, 513-Garden, in the, so, 37, 62, 85, 109, 134, 155, 179, 238, 283, 310, 334, 358, 382, 405, 426, 449, 466, 486, 513, 534, 558, 578, 598- Grapes in Iceland, 358-Green thumbs, 486-

HARVEST Dream, 179; Harvest (Almost) Home, 259-Hedgehog, 534- Hill, Sir Arthur, 466-Honey and mead, 37-Hoppers, 382-Hudson, W. H., 85.

IRISH country life, 382. JULY promise, 6z.

KINGFISHER, 466-Kohl rabi, 534- LABOURER'S hire, the, 283-Land-girl, the, 358-Leaf-injection, 310-Lettuce, 155-Legs, 534. 388 453 188 604 94 364 MARROWS, 598-Michaelmas daisies, 283, 358, 486-Milk, 238, 382-Moon and muck, 466.

Limas, 283-Lincolnshire asparagus, 534.

NOVEMBER lists, 449-Nutty foods, 486.

OATS, 259-012i01111, 259.

PEARS, 259, 334-Peas, 382, 578- Petrol allowance, 62-Pike, walking, 10- Potatoes, 109-Preserving England, 558 -Pyrethrums, 426.

QUACK advertisements, 310.

RAILWAY flowers, so-Research, 310- Roses, 37, 382-Rural workers, 134.

SCABIOUS, 134, 179-Snakes' eggs, 426-Snakes versus Snails, 466-So long, 405-Soldiers, their help to far- mers, z59-Sunflower seeds, 426, 486, 598-Summer's Lease, 334-Surplus produce, 3xo.

To Be a Farmer, 259-Tobacco, 155:- Tomatoes, so, 85, 179, 200, 238, 259, 405.

Viburnum fragrans, 358, 449-Village shop, 37- WALLINGTON, 449-Wages of farm- labourers, 283-Weedy virtues, 426- White, Gilbert, 85-Wildfowl, inter- national inquiry, to-Women's Fenn and Garden Association, 486-Wood fires, 558- YOUNG, Arthur, 283.


lithe Spirit, at the, Piccadilly, 34; Cherry Orchard, the, at the New, 235; Chu Chin Chow, at the Palace, to6; Distant Point, at the Westminster, 446; Ducks and Drakes, at the Apollo, 534; Forty-Eight Hours' Leave, at the Apollo, 307; Fun and Games, at the Princes, 203; Garrison Theatre, at the Coliseum, 446; Get a Load of This, at the Hippodrome, 550; 7upiter Laughs, at the New, 446; King John, at the New, 58; Lady Behave, at. His Majesty's, x06; Love in a Mist, at the St. Martin's, 5so; Man Who Come to Dinner, the, at the Savoy, 555; Morn- ing Star, the, at the Globe, 578; New Ambassadors' Revue, at the Ambassa- dors, 82; Nutmeg Tree, the, at the Lyric, 379; Old Acquaintance, at the Apollo, 598; Quiet Week-End, at Wyndham's, ,o6; Squaring the Circle, at the Vaudeville, 235; In War-time Germany, 531.


Alexander Nevsky, 426; Big Store, the, 331; Birth of the Blues, 578; British and Russian Propaganda Shorts, 426; Citizen Kane, 379; Claudine, 402; Common Touch, the, 486; Cottage to Let, i55; Day in Soviet Russia, a, 579; Devil and Miss vanes, the, 58; Dumbo, 598; East of the River, 34; Fantasia, 82; Feminine Touch, the, 486; Flame of New Orleans, the, 58; 49th Parallel, 379; Forty Thousand Horsemen, 203; German Newsreels, 259; Greet Lie, the, 355; Great Man's Lady, the, 446; Here Conies Mr. Yards" 598; High Sierra, 13x; Hold Back the Dawn, 307; I Wanted Things, ro; International Lady, aos; yeannie, 155; Yudas Was a Woman ,Z Kiss the Boys Goodbye, 259; 'Lady Hamilton, x31; Man Hunt, 307; March of Time, 203, 555; Meet John Doe, 355; One Night in Lisbon, 155; Our Rimini Allies, 446; Parmnotsm News, 44o; Pim- pernel Smith, 34; Rabbits, 578; Ran, 578; Reluctant Dragon, the, 259; Rich Bride, the, 598; Russian and British Propaganda Shorts, 510; Sergeant York, 534; She Knew all the Answers, 446; Shepherd of the Hills, 283; Ships With Wings, 466; Short, 555; Soviet Frontiers on the Danube, 510; Special Dispatch, 466; Strawberry Blonde, the, 203; Sunny, 235; Tall, Dark and Hand- some, 283; Target for Tonight, 106; This Man Reuter, 307; Three in a Shell-hole, 534; Tight Shoes, 331; Tom, Dick and Harry, 510; Unfinished Busi- ness, 33,; Vermin, 578; Waiting for Baby, 307; Western Union, zo.

ART Francis Hodgkins, 379; London Group, the, 426; New English Art Club, 426; Sicken at the National Gallery, 203; War Art, 355.

MUSIC Promenade Concerts, the, 58; Symphony of Youth, 402; Walton's Violin Con- certo, 446.


Sorotchinski Fair, at the Savoy, 355. Giselk, the centenary of, 82; Le Lac des Cygnet, at the Lyric, 33r.


All Tours Suspended (Doris N. Dal- gliah), 510; Aubade (Sheila Shannon), 576; Benediction in Poplar (Lawrence Toynbee), 233; Euthanasia (David Winser), so; Finder Found, the (Edwin Muir), 33; Guess, the (Edwin Muir), 57; London, 1941 (Mervyn Peake), 555; Night Plight (Navigator, R.A.P.), gfilk Returning Autumn (Kathleen Maine), 33x; Ring, the (Edwin Muir), 596; Safety in Philosophy (Richard Church), 9; Sequel (David Winser), 307; Spades- men, the (Mervyn Peake), 81; To Becky in Rhyme (David Winser), 34; To a Cat (Hazel Watson), 402; Two Frater- nities, the (Mervyn Peake), x3o; War Begins to Trouble, the (Lilian Bowes Lyon), 553; Winter Offensive (Robin Arthill), 553.

A 4, 28, SPECTATOR'S 52, 76, Ion, 124, NOTEBOOK 148, 172, 196, 228, 252, 276, 300, 324, 348, 372, 396, 420, 440,


480, 504, 528,

548, 572,


FINANCE AND INVESTMENT zo, 46, 94, 118, 140, 164, 191, 220, 244,

270, 292, 318, 342, 366, 391, 414, 434, 474, 498, 522, 542, 565, 586, 606.