4 JUNE 1831, Page 12


PUBLIC FUNDS. Satur. on. Tues. Wednes. Thurs. 1._...._...lriiday. 3: M ,I i 83.1 i till i i !,839: it Shl-lZjiti S-li a-ll s.111 g *845 i 4

s-u ,yiu -I' 7::-4i —

1191 Sj 139

' 92i 1 ,irl j 4 ; --- .ii .. . 1. a , in:d 1 — 111:91

17 Idly ibl 15.16;16 15.16 1 pi e la 13 2 14 5 pm 11 13 113 15 116 18

— II i 3 .13 15 116 19 BRITISH.

3 per Cent. Reduced 3 per Cent. Consols Ditto for Account 31 per Cent. Old

3.3 per Cent. New . .

4 per Cent....... „.„ Bank Stock Ditto L. A.... India Bum::.

Exchequer Bills, 1000/.

Ditto, 500r. ..... .

Ditto, Scituell ........... 'stns • stns 1 95 * 921 3 21 991 2014 17 1-111* par 2 pm 10 9 10 9 11 BULLION.

Cold-Portugal,. in Coln ... ....rer oz. 0!. as. 00.

- Foreign, at :tars 3 17 101 - New Doubloon: 0 0 Silver-1n Bars, Sunttlaul 0 0 0 - New u 4 14

GRAIN. 31A/17. 1,70,, r,-1,54', Jon, 3. 'Olio on rh:t1 or NIA.c0t Mal 1::•,;11. this Week is net p,,rti,” o ly h.rau., and the trade, though Itull, is ■ la•::■.t.r. Earley tret'ts u hcavyylde on rather ,,,..-e 1,1-1.,- , ;.1so 0.:s .:1' ordain, ,call:':. th,.c•!11 go,411 fir,t■ (.6 :a fury s .. i . nor;;Monday's prices. In other untie:, : no .'iteration.

(l'et Quarter.)

a .1 a a

Mint, Bed New 54 t.. ni• 1:1710e. ...... 4 C, :•1 ':1

Fine GC - 71 WInte 36 - 43

White, Old .. re - 0 lioi ler: 40 - 42 Fine - .. 61- 7, Boa,, - Super. - .. 7.1 - 7..• Eye, Nov 0141, 0 - 0

10,1 - - Oats, Feed 2 - it:

Barley, lt,Ltitle.t ...,t — Fine 29 -:9.1

hall in; .i4 - .17 Poland 27 - 29

Malt, Ot Weary. 59 - GC. 1,01e 2,1 -;,0 Fine ....... .. :6I - 70 F,.;•■ to ") -10

Pens, 11,..; ..._ 27 -;,!: Fine 31 - 32 AVEIZA:.:E l'RICES OF CORN, Pet Quarter (I,. re-nil) of Foulatul mat Wales, for the ;Yet 4 ending 31.1y 27.

Wheat Cs. tat. 11;e 41s. 4,/. Barleyis n ileie.,. Go 0 Out, 33 4 Aggregate At ern,. a 11 e 1 ,..., Six Weeks, aide!, It, :.•',... Oely.

Wheat 40,11d. II ,,ley 41 ': I t..-.u: out 10

1:::-. ...... .... ,7 2 1 I': .., ":1 9 Duly , 11 1,01;EICN ,. I -1:N ...-r the ilerient Week' Wheat 13...:•1, I 1:1 v os 6.1.

Parley It 0 Oats ' 6 3 l'e- 11 0 FLU U It.

Town.nunle i•er sack 55s. to Gas

Coconuts 5') - 53

Essex and Su16,1k, on board sl.ip 43 - 5.1 Norfolk and Stockton 43 - 43 HAY AND STRAW'. (Per load 01'86 Trusses.)

C173111YRLANO. S011111,101.11.

IInv, Coarse Meadow 43s.to 510 Cs. to

['sant Dino 5U - 73 .... 5sr - co

Upinad t7iwa 05 - 00 70 - 110 Clover 70 -110 .. 109-113 Strum, Oat

Wheat...... 49 - 42 .... 24 - 40 P011T5IAN 3/ARICKT. \yin r..f.11A1 Fr.. Meadow Clay rr 75 ..„ r0 - C5

Clover Ca -100 (.0 -110 Straw, Oat Wheat 33 - 41 .... 1:0 - Ott COALS.

ntc'Lnl, best t:Gs. 1•2, 01.

- 25 J • BUTC/I1:11

We hose not 1111011 is.. far 11:of : :11,1

as the .apple is rail.er pri, hare i a little :root the top

nol exceedUng 4s. 4,1. :low-,a la re iu ,16:t -

dance, Art, eh :Las ota.le the tr,..le 1..:, TEAS. Boltea 9. lb. Is. 9?,,,/.to It. 10! t. Congon, OW •11100 . 114 - 2 1:1 — Ili i.itiliug • 2 2 - 2 4 -- Ete: 2 51 - 3 2.1 Sueeltong., 4 1 - 4 7

Cain0,1i. Conut. ,11 i..iiiiiii 2 t - it 51 Tnankav . 11 -. 2 . 5 - 2 0:1 Ilyson, Sit:,: . 11 - a ao

— Com:tam .... 3 DI - 3 11

— line.... ....... 4 11 - 5 2 Ditties 011 Tens In-Los 2, PI Tor Cent. -- abo, e 2s. 1(10 -- -- -- - - -- -- COFlrisK.

Jamaica, Trine . ....1 er cwt. 2,,,ed.to 41,. Cd. — Ordn,ury 43 0 - 44 0 — 45 0 - 411 0 ........• 09 0 - 04 0

— - Fine 79 0 - 1.2 0 Mocha Si 0 - 116 0 Duty rot included.


tlilllettlt;t. 1,1101 e 0.1 ;al 11.1.•

.Ill. per he ;.,ner 1,ar,ly L.. the former Cs. 4d. 6.r II .• r. ry .r:1-,laic. N1.051:01.1,.&. Sss I .0. Beef ..... 3s. 4d.to 4,t .1. to 4,• Minton .. 3 4- 4 4 .... :; 8 - 4 Veal ..... 3 0 - 5 0 .... 4 0 -

Pork .... 0 0 - P 0 0 0 - Lomb .. 5 it - 0 0 .... 5 4- 6 • lit :ht. Careo-s, per stone rtp

it Sinking vile stem-.:sibs.

0 4

• olit


SUGARS. Duty irwhaled. Museovades, Brown, VCrost... 478.0,1. 10 — Nitidling 00 0 - — Gaud 54 0 - — Fine 60 0 - Mauritius 43 0 -

Molasses .... ... . ...... ..... 22 0 - Duty not included. East India, Brown it 0 -. 0 0

— Al'hile 24 0 - 32 0 FRUIT.


Raisins, Sultanas. per ct. On to Os... es. to Os.

— Cur:1113. Black . 0 - P .. 36 - 0 — 51iDeatelp...... 0 - 0 ..100 -130 — Bloom it - 0 .. BO - 0 Cnrrants 70 - 7173 - 76 50.1. Od. 53 0 09 0 62 0 57 0 24 0 511EEP

Steed Wool Skins . (el.— 4o. Ott. Long 0 0 - 0 0

Shoarlings ............ 0 11 - 0 0

RAY' 1:11,1,S.

Best Heifers and Steers, per stone 5,. Cu!. to et% V. Milidiings ........ ........ ...... 2 0 - 2 2 .

Ordinary 1 R - I III 34arket Calf........ ...... -each 6 6 - 0 it TALLOW, SOAI', Sic.

0. d.

Candles ...per doz. 11 0 =nap Tallow 40 0

Inferior ...... . . 7 0 Mel ing at 0 31oulds.... ....... 9 6 Ditio.,ough 22 0 Donn fa.loaslo.cnt.42 C ":C.10‘v Soap 74 0 Yellow Isoi.l'i 41 0 Nrot 1 02 0

While 41 0 Curd 84 0


]tape Oil, Brown .......... ...... per too 33/. On.

--- Refined 07 G Magma 22 10 Dope Cake........ ......... . 6 6 Linseed Oil Cake at the Mill.... per 10o0 11 0

Sugars, in toattl per lb. 7s. 04. to LAO(.

1 i6vonoalt Leaf 1 0 - it 0 TOBACCO.

St, Dwain:, .... .......... 0 6 - 0 IL

s.!srylun.l, Li- ltt Or. .:,cc 0 5 - 0 7 Virgini,:. 1.•,,,. 1 i!:: k ...... 0 ::...: --0 o Nen tute!,... 1.- :0, •-- :.•. • : .-.i 0 :.; - o 5 ltt./:-ii..,i.

Fort, t lld 1 .-; It , .: ''. : s set. Oar t:_l - t.8

Li-h,o - ......... . ........ 30 - 34

17 -- lu

- 12 :itt.1..irtt, 1..11: 1

— I ,.1111,H ` • 55 - 55

lr,r:., 24 - 50

l',.! 30 - 9i) Sp.otit.it ; ........... er t — She, ty, t . ha at - 7a

0 Claret, Goad per Mal. 26 - - 1`.11,, 4

Fnent iCue, au 30 taste 0.1 1,11,0 is V. it. ; o. 31.

i hot tat C.:ow Y. .. Callow.

.1 10 I

S tt r ts. 6d. to 2, 01.

Brand,. Cognise, Iv; gvniily .. 4 4 - 4 0

Sod qtati:t.y.. 4 -- 4 4

3rd .. a it - 4 L :--Dtoty Sine ost. err T011,0,11100.

Leveor.is, per :..110-1 1 - 1 — Ben •- 11 1/ 0 0 - .1.ttenit.a, tat to tt.1, .1.. .. -1 - 2 7 30,1' •■ •' —


Dte its., 11.—• , I

The 41h. Loaf 151.

Bath r, ......... r c0t. — enrIew ........ .......... - 84

tin e,.., - 70 111 etet,te , ',tett tt tat - 42 !

Double. . (4 Ent:on, t.ldlett ........ 44 - 40 — 5iyird. Singt.d. . 42 -- 46 Beef, hojia, ler tie. so 5/.1:3.0.1. ze 11 4 15

l'tork, India 5 7 6

— Prime M• e er harrel 3 7 6 --- 5ccon.l tlnidi 3 0 POTATI;

Scotai Fouls ...... Per 0.0 af. 5s. to 31.154.

4 0 - 0 0 0 - 4 PI

Osnobles and Slit.. • 3 5 - 3 10 POPS.

Kent noeteba ..... er 10. On. to 12i. 12..

7 to - 8

1:+-: x 11A44tets 8 U - 10 10 It.r.tot.old Fire ...... 12 0 - 13 0 — Seron■i., .... 7 0 - 10 0

r,ssen i1: ,:s 7 0 - a

K,.... r..04, .... 3 0 - 9

7 5- 0 It

0 0

hit: lNi

Sttld t.0, 'rrtiro. C..p,,r fur,. -1-'7' tea:. .1i.u. ti 0. .. y 11.712!. 111:. 01. 4 10

ela:a- ,,tar,'.:10 SI 15 to


.!i et. ... . Seats.

Iron, in Fars ...... t:; .c Li° 0!. Os. Oil.

— ............ 4 to to - 0 0 0 — Hot.' u 0- it 0 0 • • '; 0 0 t 0

2.1 7 5 i 0 it 3 15 a- 0 0 0 ......3 15 it - 0 0 0 Qu a% - ........; it 1 - 0 0 0

0 6 10 - 0 0 0 ,. u; 0 - 0 0 0

- • 13 Ito to - 0 0 0 1-1 5 0 - 0 0 0 — . .. _0 Oil AV( o t) I,.

s. 47. .1. 0.

1.-....1, 6to7 U . 3 3-410

3 - 2 to 3 - 3 3 - • ': rel.■■-• Is. to Is.

4 1 10

11; 10.11 r doz. a - 1 7 t):u.,[0 - 0

• ••",1` , 1::. •••kl 91 1101 . - 1 4

II rcr lb. - 1 6

Spittli,lt Uilh ........... - 1 10 1: L1.it • . 0 - .. ... I 0 - rtugal . 1 0 - I Austrian . i 9 - r. . I:rent:11 D1111. I-1.111 l' PRI 1