4 JUNE 1831, Page 16

THE BISHOP AND THE CUHATE.—The Bishop of Loud el has

been catechising one of his clergy for using, in a speech on the itemrin ques- tion, the phrase " political Messiah." ":Would you," said Dr. Bloomfield to Mr. Rice, " not be shocked by such a phrase as " political Christ 2" There are thousands of phrases which common usage sanctions, which, if converted into equivalent phrase, which common usage does not sanc- tion, would appear very shocking. " Political Messiah" is a phrase that thousands have used—writers as well as speakers. Analyzed, it may be as profane as " political Christ ;" but words are to be taken in their own sense, not in that of their. etymons. The hero of the spiritual Quixote sets the hair of his ignorant attendant on end, by a dismission On various popular intejections. The Bishop's objection is no more than a new version of what had been so learnedly urged against " odshobs," and " odbodicki as."

Cuoi.EnA.—There are two kinds described in the books—the spas- modic, and the bilious; the fbriner is the more fatal of the two. They are distinguished by the nature and quantity of the discharge, and by the convulsions, as its name indicates, that accompany the spasmodic fbrm. The proximate cause of bilious cholera is a superfluity, of spas- modic cholera, a defect, of bile ; such at least is the theory. Spasmodic cholera is ordinarily fatal in a few boors. In the bilious disease, patients sometimes linger for weeks; though for the most part, where it is not speedily fatal, the patient recovers. GOLD MINES IN THE URAL. Motitsrinss.—The working of these mines continues, and the quantity obtained increases. The quantity of gold obtained in 1829 was 287 ponds, 30lbs.; in 1830, 355 ponds. A pond is about 401bs. The platina obtained was, in 1829, 78 ponds, 31Ibs.; and in 1830, 105 ponds. The value in sterling is about 5,000,000/. The increase since 1821 has been gradual. In that year the gold obtained was 27 ponds; in 18:22, 28e in 1823, 105; in 1824, 296; in 1825, 237 ; in 1826, 231 ; in 1827, 282 ; in 1828, 291 ; and in 1829 and 1830, as above stated. The quantity of platina has gradually increased from 1 poud 331bs. to 105 ponds.—Petersburg Paper.