4 JUNE 1831, Page 5

KING ANT) IIIS Cooeas—Their MoIssties left St. James's for Windsor

on Suit The only events of the week have been the Royal visits to Ace tt on Tte.sday and Thursday; which we have noticed under the head td the Races. For the rest, their 31ajesties are well in body and in spirit ; and what have their subjects to ask concereiug them, or what news of more honcst Itereq could we communicate, had we a Spectator HI Of royal and nobie antsedotes ? • MeNt.77.:ExT Tit Tan KiNt;.--The Delegates of the Trades and Benefit Institutions of the Metroplis have taken up with :melt spirit the pro- ject of erecting a national tun to our patriotic 31onarela • Tits I':::- I ,INN!:;2.—Thi:: dinner was eaten on Saturday, although there was at 011E time some doubt if it would. The Earl of Harewood was in the chair The rultlished list of the company present is as fol- lows—the Duke of Gordon ; Lords Eldon. Verulam, isZkelmers:Iale, Ken- yon, Bexley, De:le:dale, Encombe, M.P., Mahon, M.P., Ashley, M.P., and Grimstote 31 1'. ; Him. (Cr. R. Trevor, M.P., Hon. Is Kenyon, Hon. A. Lascelles, Mrs 11'. Duzusenhe; Sirs G. Rose, J. Osborne, J.

Gibbons, W. 11 eilw, CI:eta-ode, J. Hamner, Bans. ; Sir Urm- ston, and Sir C. Wetherell, M.P.J. Caps1, Esq. M.P., W. Ferrand, Esq. M.P., R. A. Dundns, Esq.. M.P.M, G. E. Welly, Eop. M.P., Aid. Sir C. Flower, Aid. C. Smith, All. Birch, Alai. Winehester, Adm. Page, L.ent.-Uen. Peashey, Capt. it. Fitzroy, R.N., J. Saw- bridge, Esq., W. Ward; Esq , 13. Twining, Esq., J. Barkly, Esq., S. Platt, Esq., .1. Irises, Esq , Grove Price, Esq., Branshy ('ooper, Esq., P. Posey, Esq., 'I'. Helps. lsq.. Sergeent Andrews, Mr. Eullarton, 111r. Jacobs, at;:; Mr. Stuart. The numbers of the unmentionables we *have nowhere seen distinctly estimated. The only enriosiiies of the night were the dise.ry,. by Earl Darewood, that Mr. Pitt was not a Reformer,--or,?,ar,hsi:ip.whosn ctynto?,)gy is quite as essal as his calis it, it 1telarnii4t ; and the no less singular disc.; ,,, ery, by the Earl of Eldon, that ha, the Earl of Eldon, was a Reformer. Tne Earl of Ilarewood, in reposing- the standing toast [query, the prostrate toast ?j observed--" it had been said over and over again, that the late Mr. Pot was a Parliamentary Reformist. That propmitzon he denied. He contended that it was nojost to forcibly take from corporations their rights. Was it just to violently and forcibly wrest the rights from any party, and give such rights to their neighbours ? He considered that they uomq be negbecting tlthir duly to their coentry if they did not use their freedom when they kul it, to o,-ipose the Reizroz Bill, which it was at- tempted ta carry by threats and intimidation, and which the people of t.tiscountr■ o 'gilt to oppose, if they (alued the a rights. lie need net in- sinuate front whom these threats and attar ks came—they were broad and intelligible—and yet tin chastisement was iatliett.d. I do not wish to speak against the liberty of the press—if the press were all here, I would say the same on behalf of the liberty of the subject." We cer- tainly have never heard uttered by the press the slightest wish to put down the Pitt Clubs—why should it ? There used to be a law which regulated the burial of suicides, but u•Ito ever dreamt of hanging them after they had hanged themselves ? Lord Eldon's reforming principles are not very alarming—his Lordship is of the Chandos school—he is a bit-by-bit, or rather a crumb-by-crumb.

EAST INDIA DEPARTURES.–..-011 Wednesday, a Court of Directors was held at the East India House, when the following ships for Bengal direct- were tints timed :—viz. Duke of Bureleuch tit sail from Gravesend the 10th of June ; the Orient and Oriental to he afloat the 15th of June, and sail from Gravesend the 5th of July." CITY SCHOOLS.—Thursday being the day appointed for the annual assemblage of the children at St. Paul's Cathedral, the respective schools, headed by their beadles, &c. went in procession to the church. The Duke of Gloucester, the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, and a lung list of the nobility, were present on the occasion.

Putsost DISCIPLINE.—The Society for the Improvement of Prison Discipline held its annual meeting, in Exeter Hall, on .Monday; Mr. Fowell Buxton in the chair. Front the report read by the Secretary, it appears that there are at present in the various places of confinement in the United Kingdom no fewer than 120,00(1 persons ! about I to every 150 of the community ! The meeting was addressed at length by Mr. J. J. Gurney, Mr. Long, Dr. Lushington, and several other gentlemen., who strongly deprecated, as one grand cause of increasing crime, the- sanguinary character of our criminal laws.

Limit Poout.—A meeting took place on Thursday night, in the parish of St. Luke, Chelsea, to take into consideration the state of the famish- ing poor of the West of Ireland. Several gentlemen addressed the meeting; and resolutions having been proposed and carried, declaratory of the feeling entertained by the meeting, of the distressed state of the poor suffering Irish, subscriptions were entered into, and the company retired.