4 JUNE 1831, Page 5

The di=isolie ion of the French Chamhers tool( place on

'Wednes- day, as we last week stated it would ; the ordinenee appeared in the liknilenr of Hutt day. The returns to the D,Ieetiee are to be completed by the 51 h of July; and the Chambers will reassemble on the 9th of August, lire. anniversary of the King's aceession. The great quesiion on which the eleetces are now divided is the hereditary peerae. It is supposed that pledges will be eenerally demanded of the Deputies to support a law for its ahrogation. The Ministry are indiviila ally hostile to the object ofstieh a pledge ; but they yi id yield of ceurse to the wishes of the me ion if de- cidedly expressed.