4 JUNE 1836, Page 12


Arrived—Off Penzance, June 1st. , ,anipbell, from Bengal.

Sailed—From Gravesend, May 27th, Agrippina, Rodgers, for Ceylon; 28111, sane, Churchwanl, for New South Wales ; and Cognac Packet, Spittall, for Mauritius; 31st, Duke Lancaster. Hargrave, for Madras ; and Miranda, Hopper, for Mauritius ; and June 2d. Repulse, Pryce, from Bengal. From Bristol, 1st, Paragon, Cook, for Mauritius. From Liverpool. Ma) 28th, John Marsh, Cluetts, for Bombay ; aud Tar- quin, Hunt, for China; 29th, Alexander, Primegan, for ditto; 31st, Princess Char. lotto. King, for Bombay ; June 1st, Alice, Beverley, for Bengal; and Tory, Reid, for Bombay. From the Clyde. May 31st, Hero of Maim], Grundy, for Madras.