4 JUNE 1864, Page 1


NOTHING new has occurred this week in the Danish affair, and there is only one fresh rumour. It is said that Denmark refuses to consent to the division of Schleswig recommended by the neutral Powers, and prefers a second campaign. The resolution is possible, though the Danish Ministry have been granting fur- loughs to the army; but it is more probable that the Danes object, not to a division, but to the division which the Germans are anxious to carry, and which would give them Flensburg and Eckenfiord, the best harbour in the Baltic. If this be the case, we trust Earl Rnaspll will at last display some little firmness, but we confess our hope is limited. England, it -will be said, cannot fight for the bit of land between Flensburg and the Schlei, and as for the wrath of Denmark, Denmark has no rifled cannon. It is a wretched business, but the world is for the moment given up to the regime of force ; and while Russia transports women to Siberia, and forces married women to re-marry convicts with im- punity, what hope is there of arresting the milder tyranny of the Germans? "When France is satisfied Europe is tranquil," and when England is cowardly oppressors are tranquil too.