4 JUNE 1898, Page 25


Arundel (W. B.), Ackworth Birds, Lime (Gurney) 4/6 Beaks (L.) and Another, The Mutineer, or 8vo

Bible (The) for Home & School, edited by E. T. Bartlett & Anotheri(:(3.narowokil?) 1206/6/13/6 Chrystal (G.), Introduction to Algebra, or 8wo

Cooke (C. W. R.), A Book about Cider and Perry, or 8vo (Black) 5/0 Dale (Mrs. A. M.), The Peril of a Lie, or 8vo Donne (B. J Ml, Colloquy and Song, ix 8vo (Routledge 6/0 ) (IC. Paul) 5/0 (1.-den (A. S.), Studies in Comparative Religion, Limo (0. H. Kelly) 2/6

010,8 (C.). The Edge of Horesty. or 8v0 an Gwynn (S.), Memoriala of an 18th Century Painter (Jas. Northoote) (U(kwinel 610

n/0 Haleombe (C. J. H.), The Love of a Former Life, or 8vo Haste (Bret), Some Liver Verses, or 8w0 (Long) 6/0

JOhatto & Windus 5/0 Hathaway (J. W. 0.4 Analysis of Mendelsaohn's Organ Works (W. Reeves 4/6 Houston (E. J.) and Another, Algebra Made Easy, 12mo ...(Sonneneohein) 3/0 El,inaton (B. J.) and Another, The Interpretation of Mathematioal

Formula, or 8vo (Sonneneohein) 5/0 Houston (IL J.), and Another, Recent Types of Dynamo. Eleatrio Machinery, roy 8wo (Sonnenschein) 24/0 Johnstone (3.). The Finding of Saint Auguatine's Chair, 12mo (Simpkin) 3/0 Maohrsy (B.), Grace O'Malley, or 8w0

Macpherson (J.), Chrietian Dogmatics, 8vo (T. & T(Cassell) 6/0

T. Clark) 9/0 Metcalfe IV ), Vincent Pri,xsaitz, Founder of Hydropathy. or 8wo (Simpkin) 5/0 Mood/ (D. L.), The Faith which Overcomes, or Boo (Morgan & Soo(1) 2/6 Pearce (.1. IL), Ezeel a Sin, or San lp Heinemann) 6/0 Platt (W.), Men, Women, and Chanoe, 12mo Robens (J ), tdemiiir : A Qoaker of the Olden Times, 12mo Rothenatein (W.). English Portraits, folio (Trnwin) 2/0 He.dley) 6/0

Ruesell (T. B.), a Guerdan of the Poor, or Boo (Rioharda) 35/0

(Lane) 3/6 San (D.1, The Admiral, cr 8vo Swan Sparkea AV. E.), B'arkbaard Drawing, 4to (Hutchinson) 6/0

ell Tanner (J.), Daniel and the Revelation, Boo five (Hodder & StoTH(iCi.egoaalsdlarhtolen) 5613/67■10 Thomas (R. H.), Pennloa, o Walker (James) of Carnwath i 1:4 saws, Papers, and Sermons (T.1(

Whiting (L.), The World Beautiful, 3rd Series, 12mo (S. Low 3/6