4 JUNE 1927, Page 11

The Theatre

[FORUM THEATRE GUILD. " THE COMBINED MAZE." AT THE ROYALTY THEATRE.] THE Forum Theatre Guild has taken a long leap from the remote austerity of The Dybbuk to the pleasantly familiar realism of The Combined Maze, and it has, I think, landed on firm ground. The play, adapted by Mr. Frank Vosper from a novel by Miss May Sinclair, concerns the tangled love-affairs of a group of ordinary suburban people, some with the highest principles, and others with principles not quite so high.. There are intensely dramatic scenes to which the actors do full justice, particularly Mr. Richard Bird, who plays admirably and sympathetically the part of the healthy young clerk around whom the play centres, and Miss Mary Grew, his worthless, hysterical but nevertheless attractive wife. Miss Jean Forbes-Robertson's performance is dignified and re- strained, perhaps a little too restrained. The entire cast is excellent, both individually and as a whole. For an evening's amusement the play can be whole-heartedly recommended, and it should be a popular success since its appeal is emotional