4 JUNE 1932, Page 16


[To the Editor of the SPEcr.vTon.] Sta,—Your comments under the above heading in last week's issue limn quite clearly the dilemma in which not only the world in general but we in particular find. ourselves. With the obvious failure of tariffs all over the world staring them in the face, our " National " Government chooses to commit us to an " experiment " which can only land its in still graver difficulties, if not disaster.

The plain fact is that if we will. not buy the goods other countries have to sell us, they cannot buy the goods we want to sell them, and no amount of specious argument can get over that position. What a pity that so many of the elector.; forgot this and other simple political truths last year in their inordinate anxiety to secure a " National" Government on the avowed intent of dealing with a National " crisis ! There was, in truth, an " International " crisis, and not only does it remain, but develops rapidly, and must be dealt with finally and ultimately on international lines and by international methods. If our Government of all the talents could but see that, and proceed to deal with it on business lines, then indeed eventually we might hope to both Buy and Sell British.

—I am, Sir, &c., M. W. GORDON. Tara Lodge, Richmond Road, New Barnet, Herts.