4 JUNE 1932, Page 16


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Has not the time arrived when we must reconsider the

morality " of the Irish Hospitals Sweepstakes from a new standpoint ? Any circular that I receive from a foreign address advertising a sweepstake goes straight into the waste- paper basket ; this time six books of tickets for the Irish Hospitals Derby Sweepstake joined the " foreigners " in thud basket. Hitherto I have supported the Irish Sweepstakes in that the money remained in the family." May I ask readers of the Spectator to reconsider the question in the new political light ?

Is it too much to ask of the British Press that it refrains on national grounds from publishing any news whatsoever of the Irish Sweepstakes ? Surely it is a national duty to keep our money " in the family." I will go further and say it is the duty of everyone approached by a vendor of such tickets to report that individual to the authorities.-1 am, Sir, &c., R. A. DELAFONS (Captain).

11. flue de r Arcade, Paris.