4 JUNE 1937, Page 24


Steel Chariots in the Desert. By S. C. Rolls. (Jonathan Cape. los. 6d.)

MR. ROLLS is a contributor to the biography of T. E. Lawrence which has recently appeared. This book, which must run the hazards of simultaneous publication with the biography, contains as a first part an account of the author's War experience in Libya where he was mainly occupied in operations against the Senusi, who were generalled by Jaafar Pasha and Nuri Bey. The author gives a competent account of several engagements as they appeared to a young armoured-car driver, which ended more than once with a personal pursuit of Nun as he vanished over horizons on a piebald mare. The second part of the book might be described as an expansion of the author's contribution to the Lawrence biography. One of his first encounters in Arabia was with his new chief. " Clear out ! " he shouted as an Arab kneeled his camel close to the precious car. And then he noticed that the Arab had an oddly red complexion, steel grey eyes, and replied, moreover, with an Oxford intonation " Is your captain with you ? "

There were other surprises in store for him, even more dis- quieting. At Feisal's headquarters he suddenly found himself staring open mouthed at the features of Jaafar Pasha. The shock was quickly doubled. Nun Bey had also joined the revolt. Mr. Rolls .xernainesi with Lawrence,:in close contact and earning a distinguished mention in Seven Pillars of Wisdom, until the entry of the Arabs into Damakus.

The virtues of this book are those of efficiency : an efficient eye and an efficient memory. Given a high quality of both, men and places and the emotions of a past time are easily conveyed to the reader, without the aid of a well-practised style. The temptation, in such a case, is ne,vertheess to " go in " for style which, yielded to,- nearly always results in an orgy of jargon. -Mr. Rolla. has resisted'the temptation and the book is as well put together as one of his, famous automobiles. The hell of soldiering, Arabian savagery and its effect on British Torrunies, the enchanted moments' when the strain was relieved) and the queer heroic little figure in the midst of it all, these things are alive and real in this book.