4 JUNE 1954, Page 12


In morning time I went to school And wandered thence a singing fooL Trairi deluriau delurele delurot.

At high noon time I chose a road, Leased a field and fenced a wood.

Trairi deluriau delurele delurot.

1 faced a wind and edged a pool, Fleeced a cloud of a thunder-peal.

Trairi deluriau delurele delurot.

In the afternoon I built a bridge, Arching high from pledge to pledge; And leapt a stream of rush and reed, All overgrown with weed and word.

Trairi deluriau delurele delurot.

And now the evening comes to fetch The milk-pail to the singing midge.

Trairi deluriau delurele delurot.

Spread and scattered wide abroad, The nimble grasses of my seed Blow in the landlock of my mind, Beside the path that was my end.

Trairi deluriau deluriau delurele, Trairi deluriau deluriau delurot.