4 JUNE 1954, Page 13

SIR,—To me it seems a pity that your anony- mous

contributor should have labelled his 'two articles as he did. He evidently knew all there was to know about psychiatry and merely touched on the subject of spiritual beating. His examples of the latter seem to have been taken from historical tomes only, with no mention of any episodes more recent than those of the time of John Wesley.

Christ healed the sick by divers means, and left us with the words, "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also . . . because I go unto the Father " (John 14.v.12), with the result that the works of the old Church Fathers are full of the miracles wrought in Christ's name.

Some of us have been allowed to join with Christ in healing, through prayer and through the laying on of hands, various types of invalids; in my case those with TB, duodenal ulcers and minor complaints. That was the form of spiritual healing practised by J. M. Rickson all over the world, and others of us a have the same gift but to lesser degree. In !act many more have it than bother, or are Courageous enough, to use it. Did not St. Paul write 1 Cor.: 12. 4-11 ?

I should like to recommend your psychia- trist correspondent to read Dr. Leslie Weather- head's Psychology, Religion and Healing. He Should learn a lot.—Yours faithfully. J. P. SANDWITH St• Mark's ,Vicarage, Harrogate