4 MARCH 1843, Page 20


Tuesday, February 28.


Stanworth and Hargraves, Worsthorne with Hardwood farmers-Thomas and Co. Bristol, wholesale grocers ; as far us regards S. Bunny-F. unit R. E., Simpson, Melt Street, Southwark, liardwaiemen-Key ;Ind Co. Bradford, Yorkshire. chemists-Far- raud and Sou, Ls.ug Lane, BerMOInIsey, builders- Hughes and Cu. Guildford, coach. makers ; as far as regards T. Hughes and J. Elliott-Gadsden and Sun, Union Street, Bishopsgate Street, coach platers; as lair as regards R. Gadsduu -Derbyshire and Rit eine, Greenwich, coal merchants- Porter and Cairns. Manchester, pan nbrokers- 111'1,eod and Cu. Stoke Newingtou, brewers; as Mr as regards G. H. M'Leod-J. and R. Gray, Heaton Norris drapers-Farr and Hiles. Bristol. pawnbrokers-Crosthwaite and Co. Wilhelmn en. booksellers-Gorton and Son, Lonuou. merchants- Davenport a:id Francis, Market Harburough, surgeons-Fearnley and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, tea-dealers- Gillingham and Pearson, Bristol. farriers--Hay and Law, Fludyer Street, Parliamentary agents - Kytiastou and Mae, Milk Street, wholesale hosiers-Fergusuu and Co. Grettuock, grocers. .


Cunningham, Merthyr Glamoigatislorc, irolimungers assistant-Millen. Commercial Road. Lambeth assistant officer iu the Excise- Speucer, Halifax, dealer in short wool-Powell, Bethaelliy, Monmouthshire, carpeuter-New mau, Stoke Damerel, Devonshire, assistant surgeon-Watson.- Liverpool. butcher-Halstead, St:delete!, near Halifax. publican- Makinson. Leigh. Laucashire, butcher-Milford, Nottingham, cooler - !broke, Old Radford, Nottiughamshire, lace mauufacturer- Dawso,. Writtle, Essex, schoolmaster-Selby, Chelteuham, billiard-tattle keeper- Moore, Chorley, Lancashire. grocer-Noble, Upper Bland Street, Newington, hackney- man Warw.. Knighton. Haan.' surgeon Park Place, Peckham New Towel, buil,ter-Sumner, Lemma Wall, grocer-Rogers, Colchester Terrace, Old Bromptou, artist - Stevens. Northfleet, Kent, brick maker-Walker, Newport, Mon- mouthshire. licensed victualler-Taylor, Leeds. tea•dealer-Pays, Preston. Keut, farmer-Hupaiusun, Newiugtou Causeway, saw maker-Taylor, nheflield, architect- Seeded', Rochdale, shoemaker. INSOLVENT.

RICHARD BuDDINOTON, Liguori., id Street, Gray's Inn Lane, ironmonger, Feb. 2. BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED.

BAILEY, CHAREES, Berkhamsteatt St. Peter, Hertfordshire, painter.


BUROHALL. Jessro, Christleton, Cheshire, coal-dealer. to surrender, !dwelt 6, April 10: solicitors. limper and Jones. Whitt:hutch : official assignee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool. Ease, JAMES, t amberwell Road, victualler, March 9, April '25: solicitor, Mr. Turner, Southampton Buildings ; official assiguee, Mr. 43, eel!, Aldermannury. EVANS, TH074As HowARD and Co. Old Street Road. piper-stainers, March 10, April 11 : solicit r. Mr. Wolien. Beeklershury: (Miele] assignee. Mr. Alsager. Birchiu Lane. EDEN. Wrooram, Queen Street. Cheapsiile, printer, March 10. April 12: solicitor. Mr. Crafter. Blackfriers Road; official as ignee, Mr. Johnson. Basingball Street. Jones. Joust WeLLTNO-MN. Caine. Wiltshire, tailor. March 9. April tO: solicitor, Mr. Cox, Pincers' flail ; official assignee, Mr. Turquand. Copthall Court. MANNINO. PREDERIcK Jons, Dyer's Buildings. mousy-scrivener, March 7. April 7: solicitor. Mr. Tippelts. Pancras Lane ; official :assignee. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. NonToN, WILLIAM YATES. Bloswiell, Staffordshire. brewer. March 9. April 3: solidi- ter. Mr. Brown. Bilston ; official assignee. Mr. Ilittleston. Birmingham. PARKINS. LIONEL EVERET. Bicester Market End. Oxfordshire, chemist, March 7, April 7: solicitors, Messrs. Maugham and Kennedy. Chancery Lane; and Messrs. King and Son, Buckingham : official assignee. Mr. Belcher. King's Arms Yard. Suerresairer. Jon N, and HASTE. WILLIAM. Bradford. Yorkshire, machine-makers, March 14, April 1: solicitor, Mr. Blackburn, Leeds; official assignee, Mr. Hope. Leeds. Simms. JAMES. Brighton. coachmaker. Match 7, April 5 : solicitor. Mr. Williams, Alfred Place, Bedford Square; official assignee, Mr. Lackingtun, Coleman Street Buildings. Swarm. WrILIAM HAKRUP. Farnham. Surrey. draper, March 9. April II: solicitors. Messrs. Reed and Shaw, Friday Street; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basingliall Street.

TODD. Ions, Helton Ferry. Durham shipbuilder. March 8, April 11 : solicitors, Messrs. Kids= and Sons Sunderland; and Messrs. Meggison and Co. King's Road, Bedford Ruw; official assignee, Mr. Baker. Neweastlempon-Tyne.


March 24, Newman. Little Coggesball, Essex. miller-March 23, Mould. Newgate Street. chersemouger-March 23. Newcomb, Newgete Market, carcase butcher- March 23. Terry. New Broad Street. cook-March 23. Bear. Ramsgale. draper-March 23, Manning Camden Town. grocer-March 22. Cartwright. Marline, chemist-March 22. Batten and Fuller. Gutter Lane. Cheapside, warehousemen-March 24. Taylor, Albany Street. Regent's Park. fislimonger-Marelt 24. Beward, Waltham Cross. inn- keeper-April 8, Edwards. Greenwich. coal.merchant -March 21, Farmer, Tavistock Street. jeweller-March 23. Hooper. Hay. chemist -March 31. E. Mines, Bradford, Yorkshire, innkeeper-March 21, Barton. St. Helen's, watch-movemeut maker.


To be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary, nn the day of meeting. March 23. Denton, St. John's Street licensed-victualler-March 22. Marshall, Old Castle Street, Whitechapel. brewer- March 23. Eiffe. Lombard Street. chronometer- maker-March 23. Koeppel. Haymarket. hotel-keeper -March 23. Law. Great Port- land Street-March 22. Boyce. icenchurch Street, cheesemonger-March 24. Mann. Great Yarmouth. merchant-March 22. Nicholson. MarkLane, corn-dealer-March 2s. Webill, Great Queen Street. scrivener-March 25. Atkinson. Huddersfield. cloth- merchant- March 22, Richan, Sunderland, firmer- March 22, Brown, Stockton-on. Tees. ship builder-March 28. Groves. York. joiner-April 6. Hayward. Stroud, com- mon brewer-March 27, Patrick, Gloucester. dealer in sa't -March 21. Ker rick. Li- verpool, tailor-March 23. Robins, Stone, Staffordshire. ironmonger-March 28. Mil- lington. Ncittitigham, sail-manufacturer-March 18, Brown, Wolverhampton. grocer- March '25, Senior. Kirkheaton. Yorkshire. fancy cloth manufacturer-March 22, Davies. Great Crosby. Lancashire. blacksmith-March 22. Banks and Burgess, Man- chester. drapers- March 28. Butterworth. Rochdale. woollen-manufacturer. Tube graded. unless cause be shown to the contrary. on or before March 21. Tennant. Wigan. maltster-Brooks. St. Alban's. grocer-W. and .1. Rayner, bridge, seed ,rushers-Sedgley. Dudley, grocer-Howarth. Todmorden, corn dealer- Swires, Birstau, merchant-Addison, 'Southampton. provision ageut - Vowel', Picca- dilly, wine merchant. 8,5Y.C11 SEQUE.sTRATIONs Bars. J. and Sons. Dumfries. coach-builders. March 4. 31. DUNN, J., Glasgow, flesber. Feb. 28, March 24. GORDON, P., Arbroath. carpenter, March 7. 28. HAMtr.roie, H.. Kilmarnock. innkeeper. March 7, 28. MICHIE, G.. Dingwall grocer. March 6. 27. MILLER, %V., Rntherglen. victualler. March 3. 23. WE116TETS, .J., lialruddery, Forfarshire. March 6, 27.

Friday, March 3.


J. and It. Gates. Horsham. brewer--Rogers and Hitchcock. St. Paul's Churchyard, drapers-Bateman and Co St. John Street. gas-fitters ; as far as regards C. -Bateman - Homer and Co. Leeds, millers -Awsrave and Co. Leicester silk-mercers; as far as re gards S. Luton-Chapman and Bridge. Billings:, Lancashire. coal-miners - Welch and Johnstone, Great Tower Street. wine-merchants-G. and J. S. Elides, Worcester, plumbers-Snowden and Abhor], Star Street. Paddington. cowkeepers-Esch and Graff. London-Webster and Cleaver, High Holborn. barometer-makers-Plumbe and Bright. Liverpool. linendrapers-Newton and Co. Sutton. Lancashire, copper-smelters; as far as regards J. Keys-H. and T. Haires. Cheltenham, builders-Marshall and Parker. City. merchants-Renshaw and Newby, Manchester. tobarcorrists-Sharpe and Meade. Bradford, Yorkshire. surgeons Tonle and Hides, Sheffield. Britannia metal manufacturers-Fieldhouse and Doe, Kingston upon Hull, painters-Mander and Co. Liverpool. hatters; as far as regards J. Mander-Gower and Co. Mark Lane. wine- merehanta -Barnes and Co. Oldham, machine makers - Robes. n and Co. Droirwich, Worcestershire. attornies -Banks and Liversidge. Wi- tow. Yorkshire, timber-mer- chants-Mellor and Co. Liverpool, fimir-dealers; as far as regards J. Weston -Nasmyth and Co. Manchester, engineers; as far as regards G. Nasmyth.


Rusfield junior. Lees. tea-dealer-Holmes. Uttoxeter. Staffordshire. innkeeper- Blake. Leeds, out of business -Forbes Dukinfield, Cheshire. provision-shopkeeper- Glover, Birmingham. baker - Bevers, Huddersfield, innkeeper - Billin. Cochrane Terrace, Portland Town, cattle-dealer-Newport. Manchester. cooper-Reed. Man. cheater, engraver tor:aline printers- Lowe. Birmingh tm, printer-Thomas. Manchester. engraver-Ablett. OssnIston Street. Somers Town, attorney-Firth. Huddersfield, cloth- dresser-Price, Bilston. victualler - Kant, Charlotte Street, Blackfriars Road. watch- maker -Gladwin. Nottingham, lace dealer-Wadley junior. Moulton. Lincolnshire. draper -Stott, Francis Street, Newington, out of business- Young. George Street, Adelphi-Davis, Gulden Square. out of business-Wood. Leeds. eatinghonse-keeper- Kay, Ripon. schoolmaster-Staley. Chapel in le Frith, Derbyshire. publieatt-Pittock, Eastrington, Yorkshire. blacksmith-Roden, Donninglon, Shropshire, laud-surveyor.


SNARL/MD, THOMAs SAMUEL. Prime, draper.

WARD, Jens, Irstead, Norfolk, cattle-jobber.


Ausurr, Enwasn, Weimer. grocer, to surrender. March 14, April 14: solicitor, Mr. Waller, Finsbury Circus; official aussIgnee, Mr. Turquand. Copthall Court. BALME, JERE MIATI NETTLETON. Leeds, wcolstapler, Marelt 14: April 4: solicitors, Messrs. B. and J. Lawrence, Old Fish Street; and Mr. Morris, Bradford; official as- signee, Mr. Fearne, Leeds.

Busy. WILLIAM. Blackburn, grocer. March 22. April 6: solicitors. Messrs. Wriggles. worth and Co. Gray's Inn Aplare: Messrs. Howard and Harrison. Preston; and Mesirs. Wilkinson and'Kenyon, Blackhurtt ; official assignee. Mr. Shinn ay. Manchester. EatERT, WILLIAM. Halifax. corn-merchant, March 13. April 7: solicitors, Messrs. Stocks and Macaulay, Halifax; official assignee, Mr. Freeman Leeds. PARKIN. PETER SPIIRB Robert Street. Chelsea. ironmonger. March 10. April 11 : solicitols, Messrs. Blake and Lewis, Essex Street, Strand; official assignee, Mr. Gib- son, Basinghall Street. Srazerrn. WILLIAM. Brighton. victualler. March 16. April 25: solicitors.1Messrs. Blake and Tampliu, King's Road, Bedford Row; official assignee, Mr. Green, Alder- manbury, YEATMAN, ALEXANDER and Lusts. Ammer. Fore Street. chemists. March 11. April 11: solicitors. Messrs. Barron and Cullen. Bloomsbury Square; official assignee, Mr.

]sager, Birchin Lane. DIVIDENDS. March 24, Hague and Co. Wapping Wall, enaineers -March 25. Evans and Co.

Bucklersbnry, merchants-March 24, Capon, New Bond Street. hatter - March 25, Chaudley, Manchester Street. Gray's 11111 Road, carpenter - March 25, Colts and Co. Lombard Street, bill-brokers-March 25, Greenwell, Fore Street, silk-mannfachirer - March 24. Cuissett. Blackfriars Roud. jeweller-March 24. Robinson. Leadenhall Street. tallow-merchaut -March 25, Wright Henrietta Street. banker -March 24, Moore, Old Bond Street. hatter-March 24, Lennard, White Conduit Fields, victualler -March 24, Alves and Co. Lime Street Square. merchants-Mardt 27. Townley, share broker- '0 arch 28. Holding. Blackburn, coal-merchant-March 28, Smith, Leeds, flour-dealer -March 30, Gas thorp. Huddersfield, plumber.


To be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting. 'larch 27, Wright. LigeorPond Street, builder-April 1. Maidlow, Finchley. builder .-March 25, Ritchie. Rotherhithe, shipwright -March 25. Bentley, Midletrst. Keener -March 24, Darby, Regent Street, printer-March 25, Phipp, Caton Court, Old Bread Street. auctioneer-April 7. Bomford. Cheltenham. hay dealer - March 29, Ellison and Goodworth, Barnsley linen-manufacturers-March 28. Everall. Liverpool. coal-merchant-March 28, Robson. Liverpool-March 25, Paulsen. Bridlington, Yorkshire. sadler-March 28, Robertson. Liverpool, merchant - Minch 31, Bull. Bir- mingham. brewer -March 31. Ron. Coventry. miller-March 28. Frith, Stafford. altoe- manufitcturer -March 31, Goddard. Holbeach, draper-March 27, Mottram. Liver- pool. wool.broker -Mare1128. Sneade. Wavertree. Liverpool, timber merchant-March 24, Kirkpatrick 'tee of Wight, banker. To be granted, unless canoe he shown to the contrary, on or before March 24. W. Beare, Alstonefield, Staffirrdshire, apothecary-J, Butterrworth. cotton- spinner--Lane, Cirencester, edge tool-maker-Kerschner. Great Surrey Street. vie- healer-Price, Birmingham, general deader-Phillips. Here Iles Passage. Thread- needle Street. tavern-keeper-Simmons. Atherstone. Warwickshire. furnishing-it...us monger-R. W. and K. W. Robinson. Bedford. grocers-Huntsman, High Holborn che- mist-Vincent, ReildiOth, Worcestershire. pawnbroker-Percival. Bishop's Stortford. innkeeper-Fi-b. Princes Row. Pimlico, painter-N. L. and J. I,. Fernandes Wake- field, curt- millers-Archer, Liverpool. wine merchaut -11ultand, Manchester, mer- chant. SCOTCH SESICESTRAT0,38. MACK. J.11. Airdrie. writer. March 9.30.

Sternear.aisn, R. Dornoch. Sutherland. tanner. March 10. 31.