4 MARCH 1848, Page 11



The English Stock Market as might have been expected, has, experienced considerable agitation. In the course of Monday afternoon, Consols for Account fell to 795; thus marking a decline of 4 per cent from the closing prices of Sa- turday. On Tuesday, the opening price was 88; and for the whole of that day the price varied between 82 and 83. On Wednesday, the quotation reached 84, but speedily fell to 82; and has since fluctuated between 815 and 825, the clo- sing quotation of the afternoon being 825. As is usually the case upon any great fall, the public have been large purchasers; and it is to the demand thus occa- sioned that the sudden upward reactions above noticed may be referred. The speculative sales have been very considerable; and the prevailent feeling in the Stock Exchange is that prices will go much lower. The public, however, seem to be anxious for investments. Money is abundant, and there is no change in the rate of discount. The premium of Exchequer Bills has undergone a depression; June Bills being 14s. to 188., and March Bills 68. to 12s. Bank Stock has fallen, and has today been quoted at 1945 and 1915. In the Foreign Market, the settlement of the half-monthly account went off much better than might have been anticipated. We regret, however, to announce that four failures occurred: the insolvents were brokers, who had large specula- tive accounts open in the inferior varieties of Foreign Bonds, which in the state of the market could not possibly be carried over. The decline in every description of Foreign Bonds has been very considerable: on the more important varieties it may be rated at about 10 per cent; while in Spanish Stock it has been from 5 to 7, and iu Mexican about 3. For some days scarcely any transactions were possible; but today and yesterday business occurred in several descriptions. Thus, Mexi- can were done at 15 and 155; Russian Five per Cents at 97 ex-dividend; Spa- nish Five per Cents at 13, and the Three per Cents at 235 and 245; Dutch Two- and-a-Half per Cents have been as low as 415, and since at 485; the Four per Cents at 73, and since at 745.

Nearly all the principal Railway Shares were on Monday about 101. below the prices at which they ranged on Saturday. North-western fell from 140 to 180; Midland, from 111 to 98; Great Western, from 100 to 94. The prices have since improved considerably; and as the quotations of all the principal lines are today ex-dividend, whereas those of last week ipcluded the dividend, they are now within 21. or 3/. of the point from which the depression started.

The Shares of the French lines have all gone down. Rouen and Havre have fallen about 51., and the lesser varieties from 2/. to 31. The only bargain we have heard of in the French Funds is one in the Three per Cents, at 39; and as we believe that in the latter end of last week a trans- action occurred at 715, this would mark a decline of 32 per cent.

The accounts of the Bank of England, for the week ending the 26th February,

exhibit when compared with those of the preceding week the following ci resulte-

Increase. Decrease.


Rest Public Deposits 1.30 384:097981

Other Deposits

4247,049 Seven-day and other Ms

31,966 Government Securities, including Dead-weight..

Other Securities

56,151 Notes unissued 116,175

Actual Circulation 95,060


Notes Issued 211,235


Thu went.

Lash week.

Total Bullion to both Departments 14,760,815


Actual Circulation


18,084,696 BATuaDAT, TWELVE O'Cleica.

The English Stock Market opened with a firm aspect, and the first price of Consols for Account was 825. The quotation has since fallen to 82, and is now 825 5, both for Money and Account. We cannot report any transactions of im- portance. In the Foreign Market, prices are nearly the same as yesterday, though many of the quotations must be considered nominal. The transactions in the Railway Shares have as yet been confined to the following, which are not indica- tive of any great change in the market: Caledonian, 81; Eastern Counties, 14; Great Western, 96; North-western,135; Brighton, 82; Midland, 106; North Bri- tish, 235, 5; South-eastern and Dover, 275.

3 per Cent Consols 827 7 Danish 3 per Cents 73 8

Ditto for Account 821 1 Dutch 21 per Cents 40 44 a per Cent Reduced 827 1 Ditto 4 per Cents. 70 4 31 per Cents shut Mexican 5 per Cents 1846... 14 16 Gong Annuities 8 13.16 New Grenada 18 18

Bank Stock Portuguese N. 4 per Cents 1842 79 6 Exchequer Bills 14 18 prom Portuguese Old 1824 17 19 India Stock 232 Rustan 5 per Cents 95 100 ex d.

Brazilian 5 per Cents 74 9 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 18e 14e

Belgian 47 per Cents 60 80 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 24 96 Buenos Ayres 25 30 Venezuela 33 8 Chillan 6 per Cents . 87 92