4 MARCH 1854, Page 19


ADIIIRALTT, Feb. 24.-Corps of Royal Marines-Capt. J. Buchanan to be Lieut.- Col. ; Capt. H. G. Mitford to be Lieut.-Col. vice Dawes, to retired loll-pay; First Lieut. E. T. T. Jones to be Capt. Tice Buchanan, promoted ; First Limit. .1. 11. .101- life to be Capt. vice Mitford, promoted ; First Lieut. and Adjt. .1. W. A. Kennedy to be Capt.; First Limit. 11. Boyle to be Capt.; First Lieut. S. R. Little to be Capt.; First Lieut. and Quartermaster .7. Elliot to be Capt.; First Lieut. C. M'Arthur to be Capt. ; First Lieut. Si. W. Gwyn to be Capt.; First Limn. and Adjt. C. L. Bar- nard to be Capt.; First Lieut. If G. J. Davies to be Capt.; First Lieut. and Adjt. K. V. Allen to be Capt.; First Lieut, N. W.De Convey to be Capt. Aromeattor, Feb. 24-Corps of Royal Marines-First Limits. -E. L. Pyre to be Adjt. vice Kennedy, promoted ; T. Q. Meade to be Lieut. and Quartermaster, vice Elliott, promoted; G. S. High', to be Adjutant, vice Berlitud. promoted; W. J. Donn, to be Adjutant, vice Allen, promoted. Second Lieutenants-F. A. FOB- ter to be First Lieut. vice Jones promoted; H. Freeland to be First Lieutenant, vice Jolliffe, promoted ; P. Marini:1mi to be First Lieut. vice Kennedy. promoted : it W. Festing, to he First Lieut. vice Boyle, promoted.; W.A. Delacombe to beFiegt

Lieut. vice Little, promoted; H. E. W. Lane, to be First Lieut. vice Elliott, pro- moted; W. F. P. S. Dodson to be First Limit. vice M'Arthur, promoted ; C. F. Short to be First Lieut. vice Gwyn, promoted ; F. Lean to be First Lieut. vice Barnard, promoted; A. Tait, to be First Lieut. vice Davies. promoted; J. B. Colwell to be First Lieut. vice Allen, promoted : II. Swale to be Firm Lieut. vice de Courcy. pro- moted; C. T. Daly to be First Lieut.; W. Sanders to be First Lieut.; E. C. L. Dorn- ford to be First Lieut.; E. Gladstone to be First Lieut.; IL L. Morris to be First Lieut.; J. G. Shanks to be First Lieut.; A. C. J. M'Sfeekan to be First Lieut ; G. F. Walker to be First Lieut.; W. Pitmau to be First Lieut.; H. L. Harrison to be First Lieut.; T. II. A. Breams to be First Lieut.; II. D. Rybot to be First Lieut.; G. Mains to be First Lieut.; C.6. Williams. to be First Lieut.; C. B. H. Mitchell to be First Lieut.; .1. M. Lennox to be First Lieut.; T. Bent to be First Lieut.; J. W. H. C. G. Morris to be First Lieut.