4 MARCH 1871, Page 1

The entry into Paris, felt by Germans to be so

great a triumph, and by Frenchmen so bitter a humiliation, came off on the 1st of March. The regular " Uhlan " galloped into Paris by the Arc de Triomphe, followed first by 25 cavalry, then by 2,000 men, and then by 30,000 representative troops from all corps. The Parisians, Respectables as well as Reds, were at first inclined to resist, seized the cannon not surrendered, threatened the Hotel de Ville, and beat the rappel ; but appeals from Jules Fevre, M. Picard, and M. Thiers, the resolve to advance no farther than the Place de la Concorde, and the determined efforts of the troops and of part of the National Guard calmed down the effervescence. The Germans have not been insulted except by small boys, the Emperor has not entered, and up to Friday afternoon no serious incident had occurred. Paris closed its exchanges, shops, and kiosks, no newspaper appearing, and it was believed that, the Assembly having ratified the peace, the Germans would evacuate the city on Saturday morning. We have endeavoured elsewhere to explain a sensitiveness which Englishmen scarcely understand, but may add here that the Parisians, who will believe anything of the Germans, seem to have been convinced that a plot had been laid by Bismarck to create a riot and then sack the city. The Germans who entered are reported to have been, on the whole, quiet, and, as usual, were under strict control.