4 MARCH 1882, Page 13


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—You say that I have marked as hitherto unpublished two sonnets that appeared in your columns some months ago. Pray, permit me to say that the sonnets in question were sent to me as original contributions to my volume at least a year ago. I was not made aware of the writer's desire to print them elsewhere, nor did I know that you had printed them. I leave it to you to say whether, under these circumstances, I am open to your censure.—I am, Sir, &c., Birchingeon-on-Sea. T. HALL CAINE.

[We passed no censure, beyond saying that Mr. Hall Caine was "not always quite accurate." And this is so. We did not even suppose that he knew of the appearance of these sonnets in our columns previous to their publication by him. —En. Spectator.]