4 MARCH 1905, Page 15


Mr. Bullen's letters in the Spectator of February 4th and 25th with great interest. I have two sons at present on the 'Conway,' and shall shortly have to look out for ships in which they will serve their three years' apprenticeship. This is a very anxious business for all parents. The training and education on board the 'Conway' are most excellent as far as they go, but there is a real need for sea-going "school ships," something like those of Messrs. Devitt and Moore. Commander Broadbent knows exactly what is required, and his suggestions are thoroughly sound. It seems a pity that the question whether such ships could be made to pay in the way of dividends should have to be considered in a rich country like ours, whose prosperity depends so much on her mercantile marine. I have men- tioned particularly the training of embryo " officers " as I am

personally interested therein; but, of course, the education of " boys " and the manning of our ships with British sailors is a matter of almost equal national importance. A great deal towards this is being done by the Navy League, but much still remains to be accomplished, and it is to be hoped that other similar bodies will follow the patriotio example lately set by the Surrey County Council, in founding scholar- ships for boys to be trained in the Navy League's home at Liscard. In conclusion, I should like to be permitted to endorse your remarks as to the necessity for, and paying value of, good food and good treatment for our sailors.—

I am, Sir, &c., E. S. MEREDITH, Major (late) R.E. Chester.