4 MARCH 1972, Page 19

Animal welfare

Sir: It is just possible that "old trouts, give money for animal Welfare rather than for children because children are so frequently cruel to animals whereas animals are rarely cruel to children. On the Other hand I think it unlikely that Many "old trouts" are "hostile " even to the most unattractive infants: on balance elderly people are kindly disposed towards children as well as animals, thank God. I wonder if on refusing to help

horses you immediately Put your hand in your pocket to help °IIChildren or old people? I hope your , if only for your conscience's Sao. Pc3r. My own part (and I think

Most people's who support animal welfare) I like to give to children ricl animals for I believe we share in this world and should support one another.

The Pamela Pooley Grange, West Meon. etersfielci, Hampshire