4 MARCH 1972, Page 19

‘AqU ari11S'

Sir: May I beg the hospitality of Your columns to make an appeal to Your readers on behalf of 49aarius, a poetry magazine, rnany of your readers may ;.:.,ve heard of. Publishing such a `"egazine is notoriously thankless arid commercially unrewarding. It mIlY with the support of people interested in the arts that such a magazine as Aquarius can continue. They can help by becoming a subscriber, by giving a donation or perhaps by sending something for our jumble sale to be held later this year. Through a recent appeal I have managed to reduce the debt on the magazine from £220 to £100, and it is the last E100 I am very anxious to obtain for our patient and long suffering printer, Peter Wise. Eddie S. Linden. Aquarius, Flat 3, 116 Sutherland Avenue, London W9