4 MAY 1833, Page 1

The French Minister of Finance presented his .s.4 Chamber of

Deputies on Monday evening. It gc"

little sensation at the Bourse, and announced no reduction of expenditure.

The Republican party in France, which, though by no means Numerous, is composed of very active, intelligent, and unscru- pulous men, is endeavouring to form a connexion with some memo ber of the BONAPXRTE family. Having become disgusted with JOSEPH, who is a perfectly unmanageable person, they have ap- plied to LUCIEN to aid them in their designs of overthrowing the dynasty of Louis PHILIP. There seems, however, to be little or No prospect that the intrigues of these zealous plotters will be pro- ductive of much serious trouble to the established Government.

Reports are prevalent in Paris, that an army is to be sent to Constantinople, and that Roussix has had instructions to drive the Russian fleet out of the Bosphorus. Both are extremely im- probable.