4 MAY 1839, Page 9

Last nights' Gazette announces that the Queen has conferred tho

diznity of a Baron of the United I+ iagdom of Great Britain and Ire- land on the following persons, and the heirs male of their bodies law- fully begot ien- " Richard Wosan Baron Talbst de' lw the name, style, and title of Baron Furilivsl, of Ila.ah th m

;de, in e comity oflliil

" Sir John Thomas Stanley, Bart.. by the name, style, and title of Baron Stanley, of Alderlcy, in the county palatine of Chester.

" The Right Honourable Henry Villiers Stuart, by the name, style, and title of Baron Stuart de Decks, of Dromaua, within the Decks, in thc coumy of Watesforil.

" Chandos Leigh, Esq., by the name, style, and title of Baron Leigh, of Stoneleish, in the county of Warwick.

" Pali. Beilby Thompson, Esq., by the name, style, and title of Baron Wen- lock, of Wenlock, in the county of Salop.

"The Right Honourable Charles Brownlow, by the name, style, and title of Baron Lurgam of Lurgan, in the county of Armagh.

" Nichtlas Wiliammm Eiiliey Collorne, Esq., by the name, style, and title of Baron Cella roe, of Westharling, in the county of Norfolk. "Arthur French, of French Park, in the county of Roscommon, Esq., by

the name, style, and title of Baron de Freyne, of Artagh, in the county of Roscommon."