4 MAY 1850, Page 8

The Italian version of 3feyerbeer's Huguenots was reproduced at Covent

Garden on Thursday, with all the splendour of the previous seasons. The only change of any importance was the substitution of Formes for Marini in the character of Marcel. The new performer had the advantage of the old in one respect—certainty of intonation ; in which Marini was de- fective. But in every other—in appearance,- voice, earnestness, and, above all, the solemn pathos of the closing scenes—the superiority decidedly lay with Marini. In giving this, however,, as our opinion, we must add that, estimating his performance by the appla.use it received, nothing could be more successful. His " Piff-paff" song, which he soared with the lungs of a Stentor, was uproariously encored. Griai's Valentine was even more beautiful than we thought it last year ; and Mario's Itcroul puts all rivalry out of the question.