4 MAY 1867, Page 3

The advioes from the Continent in reference to the Luxemburg

question being considered favourable, the Consol Market was very firm in the early part of the week, and Consols for money touched 911, 1, and for the account, 91f, 1. Since then, how- ever, the purchases of Stock have fallen off, and prices have slightly declined. Yesterday, Consols for delivery closed at 91; ditto, for account, 91 to 911 ; Reduced and New Three per Cents., 891, ; India Bonds, 47s. to 52s. premium ; and Exche- quer Bills, 20a. to 25s. premium. Foreign Bonds have shown rather more firmness, but Railway Shares have been dropping in price. The demand for money has improved, and the lowest rate for the best short bills is 2, per cent.