4 MAY 1901, Page 1


TILE war news this week is happily of the same character as last. While we have had no set-back of any sort, there has been a perpetual wastage going on in all the Boer com- mandos. Almost every day captures of men, horses, and ammunition have been reported, which, though small in them- selves, make a big total for the week. On Friday the Times correspondent reported some interesting finds made by Pul- teney's column in the Roos Senekal district. Among these were a number of Boer archives in the shape of bank-notes printed at Pietersburg, the latest correspondence between Mr. Schalk Burger and Mr. Reitz, and letters from De Wet and Botha describing the raid into Cape Colony and the reasons why it was undertaken. No general forecast is, of course, of much good, but on the spot there seems to be a general feeling that things are going better, and Lord Kitchener's silence in regard to the greater part of the theatre of war is believed to indicate that we shall soon hear of new develop- ments.